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Created July 15, 2024 10:43
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  • Save mpickering/1d6ef71b91d6785629a22af9c2c7b464 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mpickering/1d6ef71b91d6785629a22af9c2c7b464 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Read the interface file T16875.hi
loadHiBootInterface T16875
Reading [boot] interface for main:T16875;
reason: Need the hi-boot interface for T16875 to compare against the Real Thing
readIFace T16875.hi-boot
Considering whether to load Prelude
Reading interface for base:Prelude;
reason: Prelude is implicitly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Control.Applicative
Reading interface for base:Control.Applicative;
reason: Control.Applicative is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/base-
lookup_orig Control.Applicative N:WrappedArrow
lookup_orig Control.Applicative WrapArrow
lookup_orig Control.Applicative WrapArrow
lookup_orig Control.Applicative N:WrappedMonad
lookup_orig Control.Applicative WrapMonad
lookup_orig Control.Applicative WrapMonad
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Control.Monad
Reading interface for base:Control.Monad;
reason: Control.Monad is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Data.Kind
Reading interface for base:Data.Kind;
reason: Data.Kind is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Data.List
Reading interface for base:Data.List;
reason: Data.List is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Data.Maybe
Reading interface for base:Data.Maybe;
reason: Data.Maybe is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Data.String
Reading interface for base:Data.String;
reason: Data.String is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Exts
Reading interface for base:GHC.Exts;
reason: GHC.Exts is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Types;
reason: GHC.Types is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/ghc-prim-0.11.0-inplace/GHC/Types.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Types N:IO
lookup_orig GHC.Types IO
lookup_orig GHC.Types IO
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTyConApp
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTyConApp
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepVar
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepVar
lookup_orig GHC.Types $WKindRepVar
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepApp
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepApp
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepFun
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepFun
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTYPE
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTYPE
lookup_orig GHC.Types $WKindRepTYPE
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitS
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitS
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitD
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitD
lookup_orig GHC.Types Module
lookup_orig GHC.Types Module
lookup_orig GHC.Types LT
lookup_orig GHC.Types LT
lookup_orig GHC.Types EQ
lookup_orig GHC.Types EQ
lookup_orig GHC.Types GT
lookup_orig GHC.Types GT
lookup_orig GHC.Types SPEC
lookup_orig GHC.Types SPEC
lookup_orig GHC.Types SPEC2
lookup_orig GHC.Types SPEC2
lookup_orig GHC.Types TrNameS
lookup_orig GHC.Types TrNameS
lookup_orig GHC.Types TrNameD
lookup_orig GHC.Types TrNameD
lookup_orig GHC.Types TyCon
lookup_orig GHC.Types TyCon
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitSymbol
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitSymbol
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitNat
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitNat
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitChar
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitChar
updating EPS
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Base {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.Base;
reason: Loading orphan modules (GHC.Internal.Base)
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/Base.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Alternative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Alternative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p1Alternative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base empty
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base <|>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base some
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base many
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Applicative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Applicative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p1Applicative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base pure
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base <*>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base liftA2
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base *>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base <*
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Functor
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Functor
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base fmap
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base <$
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Monad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Monad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p1Monad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base >>=
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base >>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base return
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:MonadPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:MonadPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p1MonadPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p2MonadPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base mzero
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base mplus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Monoid
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Monoid
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p1Monoid
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base mempty
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base mappend
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base mconcat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base :|
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base :|
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base O
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base O
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Semigroup
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Semigroup
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base <>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base sconcat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base stimes
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Float {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.Float;
reason: Loading orphan modules (GHC.Internal.Float)
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/Float.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFExponent
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFExponent
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFFixed
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFFixed
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFGeneric
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFGeneric
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float C:Floating
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float C:Floating
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float $p1Floating
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float pi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float exp
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float log
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float sqrt
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float **
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float logBase
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float sin
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float cos
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float tan
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float asin
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float acos
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float atan
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float sinh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float cosh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float tanh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float asinh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float acosh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float atanh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float log1p
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float expm1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float log1pexp
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float log1mexp
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float C:RealFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float C:RealFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float $p1RealFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float $p2RealFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float floatRadix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float floatDigits
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float floatRange
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float decodeFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float encodeFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float exponent
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float significand
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float scaleFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float isNaN
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float isInfinite
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float isDenormalized
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float isNegativeZero
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float isIEEE
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float atan2
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Prim.Ext {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.Ext;
reason: Loading orphan modules (GHC.Prim.Ext)
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/ghc-prim-0.11.0-inplace/GHC/Prim/Ext.hi
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.IsList {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.IsList;
reason: GHC.Internal.IsList is a family-instance module
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/IsList.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList C:IsList
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList C:IsList
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList Item
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList fromList
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList fromListN
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList toList
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Control.Applicative {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Axiom Rep_WrappedMonad
} ending fork Axiom Rep_WrappedMonad
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep_WrappedMonad
Loading decl for Rep_WrappedMonad
updating EPS
Need decl for Rep
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Generics {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.Generics;
reason: Need decl for Rep
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/Generics.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics :*:
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics :*:
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics L1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics L1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics R1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics R1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N::.:
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Comp1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Comp1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics LeftAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics LeftAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics RightAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics RightAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NotAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NotAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Constructor
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Constructor
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics conName
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics conFixity
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics conIsRecord
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Datatype
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Datatype
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics datatypeName
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics moduleName
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics packageName
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics isNewtype
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Prefix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Prefix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Infix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Infix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics PrefixI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics PrefixI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics InfixI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics InfixI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Rep
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics from
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics to
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Rep1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics from1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics to1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:Generically
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Generically
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Generically
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:Generically1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Generically1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Generically1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:K1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics K1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics K1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:M1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics M1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics M1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaData
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaData
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaCons
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaCons
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaSel
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaSel
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:Par1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Par1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Par1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SLeftAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SLeftAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSLeftAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SRightAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SRightAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSRightAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNotAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNotAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSNotAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics STrue
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics STrue
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSTrue
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SFalse
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SFalse
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSFalse
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSDecidedLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSDecidedStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSDecidedUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SPrefix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SPrefix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSPrefix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SInfix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SInfix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSInfix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNothing
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNothing
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSNothing
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SJust
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SJust
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSJust
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNoSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNoSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSNoSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSSourceLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSSourceStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNoSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNoSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSNoSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceNoUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceNoUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSSourceNoUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSSourceUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSym
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSym
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSSym
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UChar
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UChar
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUChar
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UDouble
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UDouble
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUDouble
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UInt
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UInt
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUInt
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UAddr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UAddr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUAddr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UWord
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UWord
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUWord
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:Rec1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Rec1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Rec1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Selector
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Selector
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics selName
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics selSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics selSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics selDecidedStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:SingI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:SingI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:SingI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics sing
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:SingKind
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:SingKind
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:SingKind
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DemoteRep
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics fromSing
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NoSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NoSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NoSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NoSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceNoUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceNoUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics U1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics U1
updating EPS
Starting fork { Declaration for Generic
Loading decl for Generic
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
tc-iface-class1 Generic
tc-iface-class2 Generic
tc-iface-class3 Generic
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics from
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics to
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
tc-iface-class4 Generic
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tcGeneric <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'C:Generic <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WC:Generic <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 C:Generic
buildDataCon 2 C:Generic
buildClass Generic
} ending fork Declaration for Generic
} ending fork Declaration for Rep_WrappedMonad
Starting fork { Type synonym Rep
} ending fork Type synonym Rep
Starting fork { Axiom Rep_WrappedArrow
} ending fork Axiom Rep_WrappedArrow
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep_WrappedArrow
Loading decl for Rep_WrappedArrow
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for Rep_WrappedArrow
Starting fork { Axiom Rep1_WrappedMonad
} ending fork Axiom Rep1_WrappedMonad
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep1_WrappedMonad
Loading decl for Rep1_WrappedMonad
updating EPS
Starting fork { Declaration for Generic1
Loading decl for Generic1
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
tc-iface-class1 Generic1
tc-iface-class2 Generic1
tc-iface-class3 Generic1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics from1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics to1
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
tc-iface-class4 Generic1
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic1 <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tcGeneric1 <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'C:Generic1 <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WC:Generic1 <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic1 <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 C:Generic1
buildDataCon 2 C:Generic1
buildClass Generic1
} ending fork Declaration for Generic1
} ending fork Declaration for Rep1_WrappedMonad
Starting fork { Type synonym Rep1
} ending fork Type synonym Rep1
Starting fork { Axiom Rep1_WrappedArrow
} ending fork Axiom Rep1_WrappedArrow
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep1_WrappedArrow
Loading decl for Rep1_WrappedArrow
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for Rep1_WrappedArrow
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.IsList {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow;
reason: GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow is a family-instance module
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/Control/Arrow.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:Arrow
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:Arrow
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1Arrow
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow arr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow first
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow second
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow ***
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow &&&
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowApply
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowApply
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1ArrowApply
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow app
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowChoice
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowChoice
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1ArrowChoice
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow left
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow right
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow +++
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow |||
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowLoop
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowLoop
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1ArrowLoop
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow loop
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow N:ArrowMonad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow ArrowMonad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow ArrowMonad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1ArrowPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow <+>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowZero
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowZero
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1ArrowZero
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow zeroArrow
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow N:Kleisli
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow Kleisli
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow Kleisli
updating EPS
Starting fork { Axiom Rep_Kleisli
} ending fork Axiom Rep_Kleisli
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep_Kleisli
Loading decl for Rep_Kleisli
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for Rep_Kleisli
Starting fork { Axiom Rep1_Kleisli
} ending fork Axiom Rep1_Kleisli
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep1_Kleisli
Loading decl for Rep1_Kleisli
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for Rep1_Kleisli
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags;
reason: GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags is a family-instance module
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/RTS/Flags.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CCFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CCFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags ConcFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags ConcFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags DebugFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags DebugFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CostCentresNone
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CostCentresNone
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CostCentresSummary
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CostCentresSummary
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CostCentresVerbose
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CostCentresVerbose
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CostCentresAll
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CostCentresAll
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CostCentresJSON
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CostCentresJSON
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags NoHeapProfiling
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags NoHeapProfiling
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByCCS
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByCCS
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByMod
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByMod
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByDescr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByDescr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByType
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByType
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByRetainer
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByRetainer
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByLDV
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByLDV
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByClosureType
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByClosureType
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByInfoTable
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByInfoTable
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByEra
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HeapByEra
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags TraceNone
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags TraceNone
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags TraceEventLog
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags TraceEventLog
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags TraceStderr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags TraceStderr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags GCFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags GCFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags NoGCStats
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags NoGCStats
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CollectGCStats
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags CollectGCStats
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags OneLineGCStats
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags OneLineGCStats
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags SummaryGCStats
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags SummaryGCStats
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags VerboseGCStats
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags VerboseGCStats
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HpcFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags HpcFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags IoManagerFlagAuto
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags IoManagerFlagAuto
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags IoManagerFlagSelect
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags IoManagerFlagSelect
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags IoManagerFlagMIO
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags IoManagerFlagMIO
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags IoManagerFlagWinIO
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags IoManagerFlagWinIO
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags IoManagerFlagWin32Legacy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags IoManagerFlagWin32Legacy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags MiscFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags MiscFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags ParFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags ParFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags ProfFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags ProfFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags RTSFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags RTSFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags TickyFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags TickyFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags TraceFlags
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags TraceFlags
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Control.Applicative {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Axiom branches Rep_WrappedMonad
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Declaration for WrappedMonad
Loading decl for WrappedMonad
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
newGlobalBinder Control.Applicative $tcWrappedMonad <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl WrapMonad
newGlobalBinder Control.Applicative $tc'WrapMonad <no location info>
newGlobalBinder Control.Applicative $WWrapMonad <no location info>
newGlobalBinder Control.Applicative WrapMonad <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 WrapMonad
buildDataCon 2 WrapMonad
Done interface-file tc_con_decl WrapMonad
newGlobalBinder Control.Applicative N:WrappedMonad <no location info>
mkNewTyConRhs N:WrappedMonad
tcIfaceDecl4 WrappedMonad
} ending fork Declaration for WrappedMonad
Starting fork { Declaration for D1
Loading decl for D1
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Declaration for Meta
Loading decl for Meta
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tcMeta <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl MetaData
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'MetaData <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WMetaData <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics MetaData <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 MetaData
buildDataCon 2 MetaData
Done interface-file tc_con_decl MetaData
Start interface-file tc_con_decl MetaCons
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'MetaCons <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WMetaCons <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics MetaCons <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 MetaCons
buildDataCon 2 MetaCons
Done interface-file tc_con_decl MetaCons
Start interface-file tc_con_decl MetaSel
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'MetaSel <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WMetaSel <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics MetaSel <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 MetaSel
buildDataCon 2 MetaSel
Done interface-file tc_con_decl MetaSel
tcIfaceDecl4 Meta
} ending fork Declaration for Meta
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for D1
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Constructor MetaData
} ending fork Constructor MetaData
Starting fork { Constructor MetaCons
} ending fork Constructor MetaCons
Starting fork { Constructor MetaSel
} ending fork Constructor MetaSel
Starting fork { Declaration for C1
Loading decl for C1
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for C1
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Declaration for FixityI
Loading decl for FixityI
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tcFixityI <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl PrefixI
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'PrefixI <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WPrefixI <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics PrefixI <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 PrefixI
buildDataCon 2 PrefixI
Done interface-file tc_con_decl PrefixI
Start interface-file tc_con_decl InfixI
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'InfixI <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WInfixI <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics InfixI <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 InfixI
buildDataCon 2 InfixI
Done interface-file tc_con_decl InfixI
tcIfaceDecl4 FixityI
} ending fork Declaration for FixityI
Starting fork { Constructor PrefixI
} ending fork Constructor PrefixI
Starting fork { Constructor InfixI
} ending fork Constructor InfixI
Starting fork { Declaration for S1
Loading decl for S1
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for S1
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Declaration for SourceUnpackedness
Loading decl for SourceUnpackedness
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tcSourceUnpackedness <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl NoSourceUnpackedness
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'NoSourceUnpackedness <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WNoSourceUnpackedness <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics NoSourceUnpackedness <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 NoSourceUnpackedness
buildDataCon 2 NoSourceUnpackedness
Done interface-file tc_con_decl NoSourceUnpackedness
Start interface-file tc_con_decl SourceNoUnpack
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'SourceNoUnpack <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WSourceNoUnpack <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics SourceNoUnpack <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 SourceNoUnpack
buildDataCon 2 SourceNoUnpack
Done interface-file tc_con_decl SourceNoUnpack
Start interface-file tc_con_decl SourceUnpack
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'SourceUnpack <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WSourceUnpack <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics SourceUnpack <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 SourceUnpack
buildDataCon 2 SourceUnpack
Done interface-file tc_con_decl SourceUnpack
tcIfaceDecl4 SourceUnpackedness
} ending fork Declaration for SourceUnpackedness
Starting fork { Constructor NoSourceUnpackedness
} ending fork Constructor NoSourceUnpackedness
Starting fork { Constructor SourceNoUnpack
} ending fork Constructor SourceNoUnpack
Starting fork { Constructor SourceUnpack
} ending fork Constructor SourceUnpack
Starting fork { Declaration for SourceStrictness
Loading decl for SourceStrictness
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tcSourceStrictness <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl NoSourceStrictness
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'NoSourceStrictness <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WNoSourceStrictness <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics NoSourceStrictness <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 NoSourceStrictness
buildDataCon 2 NoSourceStrictness
Done interface-file tc_con_decl NoSourceStrictness
Start interface-file tc_con_decl SourceLazy
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'SourceLazy <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WSourceLazy <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics SourceLazy <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 SourceLazy
buildDataCon 2 SourceLazy
Done interface-file tc_con_decl SourceLazy
Start interface-file tc_con_decl SourceStrict
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'SourceStrict <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WSourceStrict <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics SourceStrict <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 SourceStrict
buildDataCon 2 SourceStrict
Done interface-file tc_con_decl SourceStrict
tcIfaceDecl4 SourceStrictness
} ending fork Declaration for SourceStrictness
Starting fork { Constructor NoSourceStrictness
} ending fork Constructor NoSourceStrictness
Starting fork { Constructor SourceLazy
} ending fork Constructor SourceLazy
Starting fork { Constructor SourceStrict
} ending fork Constructor SourceStrict
Starting fork { Declaration for DecidedStrictness
Loading decl for DecidedStrictness
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tcDecidedStrictness <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl DecidedLazy
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'DecidedLazy <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WDecidedLazy <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedLazy <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 DecidedLazy
buildDataCon 2 DecidedLazy
Done interface-file tc_con_decl DecidedLazy
Start interface-file tc_con_decl DecidedStrict
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'DecidedStrict <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WDecidedStrict <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedStrict <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 DecidedStrict
buildDataCon 2 DecidedStrict
Done interface-file tc_con_decl DecidedStrict
Start interface-file tc_con_decl DecidedUnpack
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'DecidedUnpack <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WDecidedUnpack <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedUnpack <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 DecidedUnpack
buildDataCon 2 DecidedUnpack
Done interface-file tc_con_decl DecidedUnpack
tcIfaceDecl4 DecidedStrictness
} ending fork Declaration for DecidedStrictness
Starting fork { Constructor DecidedLazy
} ending fork Constructor DecidedLazy
Starting fork { Constructor DecidedStrict
} ending fork Constructor DecidedStrict
Starting fork { Constructor DecidedUnpack
} ending fork Constructor DecidedUnpack
Starting fork { Declaration for Rec0
Loading decl for Rec0
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Declaration for Rec0
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Axiom branches Rep_WrappedMonad
Starting fork { Axiom branches Rep_WrappedArrow
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Declaration for WrappedArrow
Loading decl for WrappedArrow
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
newGlobalBinder Control.Applicative $tcWrappedArrow <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl WrapArrow
newGlobalBinder Control.Applicative $tc'WrapArrow <no location info>
newGlobalBinder Control.Applicative $WWrapArrow <no location info>
newGlobalBinder Control.Applicative WrapArrow <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 WrapArrow
buildDataCon 2 WrapArrow
Done interface-file tc_con_decl WrapArrow
newGlobalBinder Control.Applicative N:WrappedArrow <no location info>
mkNewTyConRhs N:WrappedArrow
tcIfaceDecl4 WrappedArrow
} ending fork Declaration for WrappedArrow
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Axiom branches Rep_WrappedArrow
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.RTS.Flags {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Axiom branches Rep_Kleisli
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Declaration for Kleisli
Loading decl for Kleisli
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $tcKleisli <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl Kleisli
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $tc'Kleisli <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $WKleisli <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow Kleisli <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 Kleisli
buildDataCon 2 Kleisli
Done interface-file tc_con_decl Kleisli
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow N:Kleisli <no location info>
mkNewTyConRhs N:Kleisli
tcIfaceDecl4 Kleisli
} ending fork Declaration for Kleisli
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
} ending fork Axiom branches Rep_Kleisli
newGlobalBinder T16875 a T16875.hs:13:1
Considering whether to load GHC.Num.Integer {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-bignum:GHC.Num.Integer;
reason: Need home interface for wired-in thing Integer
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240715/ghc-bignum-1.3-inplace/GHC/Num/Integer.hi
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
checkWiredInTyCon Double
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
newGlobalBinder T16875 $trModule T16875.hs:1:1
Starting fork { Declaration for Module
Loading decl for Module
updating EPS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tcModule <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl Module
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'Module <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WModule <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types Module <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 Module
buildDataCon 2 Module
Done interface-file tc_con_decl Module
tcIfaceDecl4 Module
} ending fork Declaration for Module
Starting fork { Constructor Module
} ending fork Constructor Module
Starting fork { Declaration for TrName
Loading decl for TrName
updating EPS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tcTrName <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TrNameS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TrNameS <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTrNameS <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TrNameS <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TrNameS
buildDataCon 2 TrNameS
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TrNameS
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TrNameD
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TrNameD <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTrNameD <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TrNameD <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TrNameD
buildDataCon 2 TrNameD
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TrNameD
tcIfaceDecl4 TrName
} ending fork Declaration for TrName
Starting fork { Constructor TrNameS
} ending fork Constructor TrNameS
Starting fork { Constructor TrNameD
} ending fork Constructor TrNameD
Starting fork { Declaration for TyCon
Loading decl for TyCon
updating EPS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tcTyCon <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TyCon
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TyCon <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTyCon <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TyCon <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TyCon
buildDataCon 2 TyCon
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TyCon
tcIfaceDecl4 TyCon
} ending fork Declaration for TyCon
Starting fork { Constructor TyCon
} ending fork Constructor TyCon
Starting fork { Declaration for KindRep
Loading decl for KindRep
updating EPS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tcKindRep <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTyConApp
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepTyConApp <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepTyConApp <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepTyConApp <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepTyConApp
buildDataCon 2 KindRepTyConApp
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTyConApp
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepVar
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepVar <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepVar <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepVar <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepVar
buildDataCon 2 KindRepVar
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepVar
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepApp
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepApp <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepApp <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepApp <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepApp
buildDataCon 2 KindRepApp
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepApp
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepFun
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepFun <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepFun <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepFun <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepFun
buildDataCon 2 KindRepFun
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepFun
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTYPE
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepTYPE <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepTYPE <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepTYPE <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepTYPE
buildDataCon 2 KindRepTYPE
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTYPE
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTypeLitS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepTypeLitS <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepTypeLitS <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitS <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepTypeLitS
buildDataCon 2 KindRepTypeLitS
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTypeLitS
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTypeLitD
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepTypeLitD <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepTypeLitD <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitD <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepTypeLitD
buildDataCon 2 KindRepTypeLitD
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTypeLitD
tcIfaceDecl4 KindRep
} ending fork Declaration for KindRep
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepTyConApp
} ending fork Constructor KindRepTyConApp
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepVar
} ending fork Constructor KindRepVar
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepVar arg_tys
Starting fork { Declaration for KindBndr
Loading decl for KindBndr
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for KindBndr
} ending fork Constructor KindRepVar arg_tys
Starting fork { Type synonym KindBndr
} ending fork Type synonym KindBndr
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepApp
} ending fork Constructor KindRepApp
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepFun
} ending fork Constructor KindRepFun
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepTYPE
} ending fork Constructor KindRepTYPE
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepTYPE arg_tys
} ending fork Constructor KindRepTYPE arg_tys
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepTypeLitS
} ending fork Constructor KindRepTypeLitS
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepTypeLitD
} ending fork Constructor KindRepTypeLitD
Starting fork { Declaration for TypeLitSort
Loading decl for TypeLitSort
updating EPS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tcTypeLitSort <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitSymbol
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TypeLitSymbol <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTypeLitSymbol <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TypeLitSymbol <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TypeLitSymbol
buildDataCon 2 TypeLitSymbol
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitSymbol
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitNat
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TypeLitNat <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTypeLitNat <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TypeLitNat <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TypeLitNat
buildDataCon 2 TypeLitNat
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitNat
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitChar
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TypeLitChar <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTypeLitChar <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TypeLitChar <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TypeLitChar
buildDataCon 2 TypeLitChar
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitChar
tcIfaceDecl4 TypeLitSort
} ending fork Declaration for TypeLitSort
Starting fork { Constructor TypeLitSymbol
} ending fork Constructor TypeLitSymbol
Starting fork { Constructor TypeLitNat
} ending fork Constructor TypeLitNat
Starting fork { Constructor TypeLitChar
} ending fork Constructor TypeLitChar
Starting fork { Declaration for krep$*
Loading decl for krep$*
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for krep$*
Starting fork { Declaration for krep$Constraint
Loading decl for krep$Constraint
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for krep$Constraint
Starting fork { Declaration for krep$*Arr*
Loading decl for krep$*Arr*
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for krep$*Arr*
Starting fork { Declaration for krep$*->*->*
Loading decl for krep$*->*->*
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for krep$*->*->*
Considering whether to load Control.Applicative {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load Control.Monad {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load Data.Kind {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load Data.List {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load Data.Maybe {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load Data.String {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Exts {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load Prelude {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
T16875.hs:13:5: warning: [GHC-88464] [-Wtyped-holes (in -Wdefault)]
• Found hole: _ :: p
Where: ‘p’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the inferred type of a :: p
at T16875.hs:13:1-5
• In an equation for ‘a’: a = _
• Relevant bindings include a :: p (bound at T16875.hs:13:1)
Valid hole fits include
a :: forall {p}. p
with a
(defined at T16875.hs:13:1)
Starting fork { Constructor Module arg_tys
} ending fork Constructor Module arg_tys
Starting fork { Constructor TrNameS arg_tys
Considering whether to load GHC.Prim {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Prim;
reason: Need home interface for wired-in thing Addr#
updating EPS
} ending fork Constructor TrNameS arg_tys
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Base {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Float {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Prim.Ext {- SYSTEM -}
Writing interface(s):
Kind: full
Hash change: False
DynamicToo state: DT_Dont
Read the interface file T16875.hi
loadHiBootInterface T16875
Reading [boot] interface for main:T16875;
reason: Need the hi-boot interface for T16875 to compare against the Real Thing
readIFace T16875.hi-boot
Considering whether to load Prelude
Reading interface for base:Prelude;
reason: Prelude is implicitly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Control.Applicative
Reading interface for base:Control.Applicative;
reason: Control.Applicative is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/base-
lookup_orig Control.Applicative N:WrappedArrow
lookup_orig Control.Applicative WrapArrow
lookup_orig Control.Applicative WrapArrow
lookup_orig Control.Applicative N:WrappedMonad
lookup_orig Control.Applicative WrapMonad
lookup_orig Control.Applicative WrapMonad
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Control.Monad
Reading interface for base:Control.Monad;
reason: Control.Monad is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Data.Kind
Reading interface for base:Data.Kind;
reason: Data.Kind is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Data.List
Reading interface for base:Data.List;
reason: Data.List is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Data.Maybe
Reading interface for base:Data.Maybe;
reason: Data.Maybe is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Data.String
Reading interface for base:Data.String;
reason: Data.String is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Exts
Reading interface for base:GHC.Exts;
reason: GHC.Exts is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/base-
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Types;
reason: GHC.Types is directly imported
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/ghc-prim-0.11.0-inplace/GHC/Types.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Types N:IO
lookup_orig GHC.Types IO
lookup_orig GHC.Types IO
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTyConApp
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTyConApp
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepVar
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepVar
lookup_orig GHC.Types $WKindRepVar
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepApp
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepApp
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepFun
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepFun
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTYPE
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTYPE
lookup_orig GHC.Types $WKindRepTYPE
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitS
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitS
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitD
lookup_orig GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitD
lookup_orig GHC.Types Module
lookup_orig GHC.Types Module
lookup_orig GHC.Types LT
lookup_orig GHC.Types LT
lookup_orig GHC.Types EQ
lookup_orig GHC.Types EQ
lookup_orig GHC.Types GT
lookup_orig GHC.Types GT
lookup_orig GHC.Types SPEC
lookup_orig GHC.Types SPEC
lookup_orig GHC.Types SPEC2
lookup_orig GHC.Types SPEC2
lookup_orig GHC.Types TrNameS
lookup_orig GHC.Types TrNameS
lookup_orig GHC.Types TrNameD
lookup_orig GHC.Types TrNameD
lookup_orig GHC.Types TyCon
lookup_orig GHC.Types TyCon
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitSymbol
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitSymbol
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitNat
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitNat
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitChar
lookup_orig GHC.Types TypeLitChar
updating EPS
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Base {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.Base;
reason: Loading orphan modules (GHC.Internal.Base)
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/Base.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Alternative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Alternative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p1Alternative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base empty
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base <|>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base some
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base many
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Applicative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Applicative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p1Applicative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base pure
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base <*>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base liftA2
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base *>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base <*
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Functor
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Functor
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base fmap
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base <$
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Monad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Monad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p1Monad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base >>=
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base >>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base return
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:MonadPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:MonadPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p1MonadPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p2MonadPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base mzero
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base mplus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Monoid
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Monoid
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base $p1Monoid
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base mempty
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base mappend
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base mconcat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base :|
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base :|
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base O
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base O
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Semigroup
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base C:Semigroup
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base <>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base sconcat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Base stimes
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Float {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.Float;
reason: Loading orphan modules (GHC.Internal.Float)
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/Float.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFExponent
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFExponent
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFFixed
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFFixed
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFGeneric
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float FFGeneric
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float C:Floating
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float C:Floating
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float $p1Floating
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float pi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float exp
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float log
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float sqrt
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float **
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float logBase
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float sin
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float cos
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float tan
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float asin
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float acos
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float atan
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float sinh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float cosh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float tanh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float asinh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float acosh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float atanh
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float log1p
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float expm1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float log1pexp
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float log1mexp
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float C:RealFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float C:RealFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float $p1RealFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float $p2RealFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float floatRadix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float floatDigits
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float floatRange
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float decodeFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float encodeFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float exponent
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float significand
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float scaleFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float isNaN
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float isInfinite
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float isDenormalized
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float isNegativeZero
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float isIEEE
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Float atan2
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Prim.Ext {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-prim:GHC.Prim.Ext;
reason: Loading orphan modules (GHC.Prim.Ext)
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/ghc-prim-0.11.0-inplace/GHC/Prim/Ext.hi
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.IsList {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.IsList;
reason: GHC.Internal.IsList is a family-instance module
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/IsList.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList C:IsList
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList C:IsList
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList Item
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList fromList
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList fromListN
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.IsList toList
updating EPS
Considering whether to load Control.Applicative {- SYSTEM -}
Starting fork { Axiom Rep_WrappedMonad
} ending fork Axiom Rep_WrappedMonad
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep_WrappedMonad
Loading decl for Rep_WrappedMonad
updating EPS
Need decl for Rep
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Generics {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.Generics;
reason: Need decl for Rep
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/Generics.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics :*:
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics :*:
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics L1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics L1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics R1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics R1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N::.:
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Comp1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Comp1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics LeftAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics LeftAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics RightAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics RightAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NotAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NotAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Constructor
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Constructor
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics conName
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics conFixity
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics conIsRecord
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Datatype
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Datatype
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics datatypeName
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics moduleName
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics packageName
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics isNewtype
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DecidedUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Prefix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Prefix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Infix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Infix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics PrefixI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics PrefixI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics InfixI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics InfixI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Rep
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics from
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics to
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Rep1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics from1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics to1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:Generically
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Generically
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Generically
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:Generically1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Generically1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Generically1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:K1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics K1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics K1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:M1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics M1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics M1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaData
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaData
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaCons
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaCons
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaSel
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics MetaSel
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:Par1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Par1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Par1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SLeftAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SLeftAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSLeftAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SRightAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SRightAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSRightAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNotAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNotAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSNotAssociative
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics STrue
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics STrue
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSTrue
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SFalse
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SFalse
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSFalse
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSDecidedLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSDecidedStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SDecidedUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSDecidedUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SPrefix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SPrefix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSPrefix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SInfix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SInfix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSInfix
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNothing
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNothing
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSNothing
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SJust
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SJust
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSJust
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNoSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNoSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSNoSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSSourceLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSSourceStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNoSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SNoSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSNoSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceNoUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceNoUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSSourceNoUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSourceUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSSourceUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSym
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SSym
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WSSym
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UChar
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UChar
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUChar
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UDouble
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UDouble
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUDouble
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUFloat
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UInt
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UInt
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUInt
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UAddr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UAddr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUAddr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UWord
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics UWord
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics $WUWord
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:Rec1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Rec1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics Rec1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Selector
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:Selector
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics selName
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics selSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics selSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics selDecidedStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:SingI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:SingI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:SingI
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics sing
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics N:SingKind
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:SingKind
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics C:SingKind
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics DemoteRep
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics fromSing
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NoSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NoSourceStrictness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceLazy
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceStrict
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NoSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics NoSourceUnpackedness
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceNoUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceNoUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics SourceUnpack
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics U1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics U1
updating EPS
Starting fork { Declaration for Generic
Loading decl for Generic
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
tc-iface-class1 Generic
tc-iface-class2 Generic
tc-iface-class3 Generic
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics from
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics to
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
tc-iface-class4 Generic
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tcGeneric <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'C:Generic <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WC:Generic <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 C:Generic
buildDataCon 2 C:Generic
buildClass Generic
} ending fork Declaration for Generic
} ending fork Declaration for Rep_WrappedMonad
Starting fork { Type synonym Rep
} ending fork Type synonym Rep
Starting fork { Axiom Rep_WrappedArrow
} ending fork Axiom Rep_WrappedArrow
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep_WrappedArrow
Loading decl for Rep_WrappedArrow
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for Rep_WrappedArrow
Starting fork { Axiom Rep1_WrappedMonad
} ending fork Axiom Rep1_WrappedMonad
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep1_WrappedMonad
Loading decl for Rep1_WrappedMonad
updating EPS
Starting fork { Declaration for Generic1
Loading decl for Generic1
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
tc-iface-class1 Generic1
tc-iface-class2 Generic1
tc-iface-class3 Generic1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics from1
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Generics to1
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
tc-iface-class4 Generic1
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic1 <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tcGeneric1 <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $tc'C:Generic1 <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics $WC:Generic1 <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Internal.Generics C:Generic1 <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 C:Generic1
buildDataCon 2 C:Generic1
buildClass Generic1
} ending fork Declaration for Generic1
} ending fork Declaration for Rep1_WrappedMonad
Starting fork { Type synonym Rep1
} ending fork Type synonym Rep1
Starting fork { Axiom Rep1_WrappedArrow
} ending fork Axiom Rep1_WrappedArrow
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep1_WrappedArrow
Loading decl for Rep1_WrappedArrow
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for Rep1_WrappedArrow
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.IsList {- SYSTEM -}
Considering whether to load GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-internal:GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow;
reason: GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow is a family-instance module
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/ghc-internal-9.1001.0-inplace/GHC/Internal/Control/Arrow.hi
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:Arrow
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:Arrow
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1Arrow
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow arr
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow first
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow second
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow ***
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow &&&
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowApply
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowApply
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1ArrowApply
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow app
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowChoice
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowChoice
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1ArrowChoice
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow left
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow right
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow +++
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow |||
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowLoop
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowLoop
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1ArrowLoop
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow loop
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow N:ArrowMonad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow ArrowMonad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow ArrowMonad
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1ArrowPlus
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow <+>
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowZero
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow C:ArrowZero
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow $p1ArrowZero
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow zeroArrow
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow N:Kleisli
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow Kleisli
lookup_orig GHC.Internal.Control.Arrow Kleisli
updating EPS
Starting fork { Axiom Rep_Kleisli
} ending fork Axiom Rep_Kleisli
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep_Kleisli
Loading decl for Rep_Kleisli
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for Rep_Kleisli
Starting fork { Axiom Rep1_Kleisli
} ending fork Axiom Rep1_Kleisli
Starting fork { Declaration for Rep1_Kleisli
Loading decl for Rep1_Kleisli
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for Rep1_Kleisli
newGlobalBinder T16875 a T16875.hs:13:1
Considering whether to load GHC.Num.Integer {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for ghc-bignum:GHC.Num.Integer;
reason: Need home interface for wired-in thing Integer
readIFace /home/matt/ghc-ticky-new/_build/stage1/lib/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-9.11.20240713/ghc-bignum-1.3-inplace/GHC/Num/Integer.hi
updating EPS
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
checkWiredInTyCon Double
Considering whether to load GHC.Types {- SYSTEM -}
newGlobalBinder T16875 $trModule T16875.hs:1:1
Starting fork { Declaration for Module
Loading decl for Module
updating EPS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tcModule <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl Module
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'Module <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WModule <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types Module <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 Module
buildDataCon 2 Module
Done interface-file tc_con_decl Module
tcIfaceDecl4 Module
} ending fork Declaration for Module
Starting fork { Constructor Module
} ending fork Constructor Module
Starting fork { Declaration for TrName
Loading decl for TrName
updating EPS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tcTrName <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TrNameS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TrNameS <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTrNameS <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TrNameS <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TrNameS
buildDataCon 2 TrNameS
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TrNameS
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TrNameD
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TrNameD <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTrNameD <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TrNameD <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TrNameD
buildDataCon 2 TrNameD
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TrNameD
tcIfaceDecl4 TrName
} ending fork Declaration for TrName
Starting fork { Constructor TrNameS
} ending fork Constructor TrNameS
Starting fork { Constructor TrNameD
} ending fork Constructor TrNameD
Starting fork { Declaration for TyCon
Loading decl for TyCon
updating EPS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tcTyCon <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TyCon
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TyCon <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTyCon <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TyCon <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TyCon
buildDataCon 2 TyCon
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TyCon
tcIfaceDecl4 TyCon
} ending fork Declaration for TyCon
Starting fork { Constructor TyCon
} ending fork Constructor TyCon
Starting fork { Declaration for KindRep
Loading decl for KindRep
updating EPS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tcKindRep <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTyConApp
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepTyConApp <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepTyConApp <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepTyConApp <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepTyConApp
buildDataCon 2 KindRepTyConApp
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTyConApp
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepVar
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepVar <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepVar <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepVar <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepVar
buildDataCon 2 KindRepVar
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepVar
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepApp
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepApp <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepApp <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepApp <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepApp
buildDataCon 2 KindRepApp
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepApp
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepFun
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepFun <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepFun <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepFun <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepFun
buildDataCon 2 KindRepFun
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepFun
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTYPE
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepTYPE <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepTYPE <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepTYPE <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepTYPE
buildDataCon 2 KindRepTYPE
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTYPE
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTypeLitS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepTypeLitS <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepTypeLitS <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitS <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepTypeLitS
buildDataCon 2 KindRepTypeLitS
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTypeLitS
Start interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTypeLitD
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'KindRepTypeLitD <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WKindRepTypeLitD <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types KindRepTypeLitD <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 KindRepTypeLitD
buildDataCon 2 KindRepTypeLitD
Done interface-file tc_con_decl KindRepTypeLitD
tcIfaceDecl4 KindRep
} ending fork Declaration for KindRep
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepTyConApp
} ending fork Constructor KindRepTyConApp
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepVar
} ending fork Constructor KindRepVar
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepVar arg_tys
Starting fork { Declaration for KindBndr
Loading decl for KindBndr
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for KindBndr
} ending fork Constructor KindRepVar arg_tys
Starting fork { Type synonym KindBndr
} ending fork Type synonym KindBndr
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepApp
} ending fork Constructor KindRepApp
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepFun
} ending fork Constructor KindRepFun
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepTYPE
} ending fork Constructor KindRepTYPE
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepTYPE arg_tys
} ending fork Constructor KindRepTYPE arg_tys
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepTypeLitS
} ending fork Constructor KindRepTypeLitS
Starting fork { Constructor KindRepTypeLitD
} ending fork Constructor KindRepTypeLitD
Starting fork { Declaration for TypeLitSort
Loading decl for TypeLitSort
updating EPS
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tcTypeLitSort <no location info>
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitSymbol
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TypeLitSymbol <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTypeLitSymbol <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TypeLitSymbol <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TypeLitSymbol
buildDataCon 2 TypeLitSymbol
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitSymbol
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitNat
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TypeLitNat <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTypeLitNat <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TypeLitNat <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TypeLitNat
buildDataCon 2 TypeLitNat
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitNat
Start interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitChar
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $tc'TypeLitChar <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types $WTypeLitChar <no location info>
newGlobalBinder GHC.Types TypeLitChar <no location info>
buildDataCon 1 TypeLitChar
buildDataCon 2 TypeLitChar
Done interface-file tc_con_decl TypeLitChar
tcIfaceDecl4 TypeLitSort
} ending fork Declaration for TypeLitSort
Starting fork { Constructor TypeLitSymbol
} ending fork Constructor TypeLitSymbol
Starting fork { Constructor TypeLitNat
} ending fork Constructor TypeLitNat
Starting fork { Constructor TypeLitChar
} ending fork Constructor TypeLitChar
Starting fork { Declaration for krep$*
Loading decl for krep$*
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for krep$*
Starting fork { Declaration for krep$Constraint
Loading decl for krep$Constraint
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for krep$Constraint
Starting fork { Declaration for krep$*Arr*
Loading decl for krep$*Arr*
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for krep$*Arr*
Starting fork { Declaration for krep$*->*->*
Loading decl for krep$*->*->*
updating EPS
} ending fork Declaration for krep$*->*->*
T16875.hs:13:5: error: [GHC-88464]
• Found hole: _ :: p
Where: ‘p’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the inferred type of a :: p
at T16875.hs:13:1-5
• In an equation for ‘a’: a = _
• Relevant bindings include a :: p (bound at T16875.hs:13:1)
Valid hole fits include
a :: forall {p}. p
with a
(defined at T16875.hs:13:1)
13 | a = _
| ^
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