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Created February 8, 2023 10:20
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -dumpdir dumps/9.4 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -dumpdir dumps/9.6 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl -ddump-verbose-inlinings -ddump-to-file -dsuppress-all -ddump-stg-final #-}
module BenchShort (benchShort) where
import Control.DeepSeq (force)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import Test.Tasty.Bench
import Prelude hiding (words, head, tail)
import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as S
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra (byteStringCopy,
import Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal (ensureFree)
import Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim (BoundedPrim, FixedPrim,
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim as P
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim.Internal as PI
import Foreign
import System.Random
import Control.DeepSeq
--import FindIndex
-- Benchmark
-- benchmark wrappers
-- Helpers
find_index s = S.findIndex (== nl) s
-- ASCII \n to ensure no typos
nl :: Word8
nl = 0xa
{-# INLINE nl #-}
-- non-inlined equality test
nilEq :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Bool
{-# NOINLINE nilEq #-}
nilEq = (==)
-- lines of 200 letters from a to e, followed by repeated letter f
absurdlong :: S.ShortByteString
absurdlong = S.replicate 200 0x61 <> S.singleton nl
<> S.replicate 200 0x62 <> S.singleton nl
<> S.replicate 200 0x63 <> S.singleton nl
<> S.replicate 200 0x64 <> S.singleton nl
<> S.replicate 200 0x65 <> S.singleton nl
<> S.replicate 999999 0x66
-- benchmarks
benchShort :: Benchmark
benchShort = bgroup "ShortByteString"
[ bgroup "ShortByteString strict first index" $ [ bench "FindIndices" $ nf (listToMaybe . S.findIndices (== nl)) absurdlong
, bench "FindIndex" $ nf (S.findIndex (== nl)) absurdlong
, bench "ElemIndex" $ nf (S.elemIndex nl) absurdlong
, bgroup "ShortByteString index equality inlining" $
[ bench "FindIndices/inlined" $ nf (S.findIndices (== nl)) absurdlong
, bench "FindIndices/non-inlined" $ nf (S.findIndices (nilEq nl)) absurdlong
, bench "FindIndex/inlined" $ nf find_index absurdlong
, bench "FindIndex/non-inlined" $ nf (S.findIndex (nilEq nl)) absurdlong
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