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Last active July 26, 2022 22:45
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  • Save mpilquist/77215fb88b12868bd3a7d3849c249df1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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//> using scala "3.1.2"
//> using lib "co.fs2::fs2-io:3.2.11"
//> using lib "co.fs2::fs2-protocols:3.2.11"
//> using lib "com.monovore::decline::2.2.0"
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
import cats.syntax.all.*
import com.monovore.decline.*
import fs2.{Chunk, Stream}
import{Files, Path}
import{Datagram, Network}
object UdpReplay extends IOApp:
def run(args: List[String]) =
val command = Command(
name = "udp-replay",
header = "Replays UDP packets from a pcap file"
) {
val file = Opts.argument[String](metavar = "file")
val timescale = Opts.option[Double](
short = "t",
metavar = "factor",
help = "Speed at which replay occurs. 1.0 for replay at recorded rate, 2.0 for double speed, etc."
val destination = Opts.option[String](
short = "d",
metavar = "host",
help = "Destination host to send replayed packets to."
).withDefault("").mapValidated(h => Host.fromString(h).toValid(NonEmptyList.of(s"\"$h\" not a valid host")))
val portMappings = Opts.options[String](
short = "p",
metavar = "port-or-port-mapping",
help = """When specified, datagrams that match the specified port(s) are replayed - if a mapping is specified, the destination port is modified before being replayed. For example, "-p 5555" replays any datagrams with destination port 5555 whereas "-p 5555:4444" changes the destination port to 4444. If not specified, then all datagrams in the input are replayed."""
).mapValidated { strings =>
strings.traverse { s =>
Port.fromString(s).map(p => (p, p)).orElse {
s.split(":", 2) match
case Array(from, to) =>
(Port.fromString(from), Port.fromString(to)).tupled
}.toValid(NonEmptyList.of(s"\"$s\" not a port or a port mapping"))
} { portMappings => Port) => Some(p))
(file, timescale, destination, portMappings).tupled
command.parse(args) match
case Left(help) => IO(System.err.println(help)).as(ExitCode(-1))
case Right((file, timescale, destination, portMapping)) =>
replay(Path(file), timescale, destination, portMapping)
case class CapturedPacket(
source: SocketAddress[IpAddress],
destination: SocketAddress[IpAddress],
payload: Chunk[Byte])
def replay(file: Path, timescale: Double, destination: Host, portMap: Port => Option[Port]): Stream[IO, Nothing] =
datagramsInPcapFile(file, timescale).through(sendAll(destination, portMap))
def datagramsInPcapFile(file: Path, timescale: Double): Stream[IO, CapturedPacket] =
import fs2.interop.scodec.StreamDecoder
import fs2.timeseries.TimeStamped
import fs2.protocols.*
import fs2.protocols.pcap.{CaptureFile, LinkType}
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
val decoder: StreamDecoder[TimeStamped[CapturedPacket]] = CaptureFile.payloadStreamDecoderPF {
case LinkType.Ethernet =>
ethernetHeader <- ethernet.EthernetFrameHeader.sdecoder
ipHeader <- ip.Ipv4Header.sdecoder(ethernetHeader)
udpDatagram <- ip.udp.DatagramHeader.sdecoder(ipHeader.protocol)
payload <- StreamDecoder.once(scodec.codecs.bytes)
yield CapturedPacket(
SocketAddress(ipHeader.sourceIp, udpDatagram.sourcePort),
SocketAddress(ipHeader.destinationIp, udpDatagram.destinationPort),
.through(TimeStamped.throttle(timescale, 1.second))
def sendAll(destination: Host, portMap: Port => Option[Port])(datagrams: Stream[IO, CapturedPacket]): Stream[IO, Nothing] =
Stream.eval(destination.resolve[IO]).flatMap { destinationIp =>
Stream.resource(Network[IO].openDatagramSocket()).flatMap { socket =>
datagrams.flatMap(packet =>
portMap(packet.destination.port) match
case Some(destPort) =>
Stream(Datagram(SocketAddress(destinationIp, destPort), packet.payload))
case None => Stream.empty
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