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Created September 21, 2023 09:20
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Kitty highlighter
from kitty.clipboard import set_clipboard_string, set_primary_selection
import re
def mark(text, args, Mark, extra_cli_args, *a):
# This function is responsible for finding all
# matching text. extra_cli_args are any extra arguments
# passed on the command line when invoking the kitten.
# We mark all individual word for potential selection
for idx, m in enumerate(re.finditer(r'[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)', text)):
start, end = m.span()
mark_text = text[start:end].replace('\n', '').replace('\0', '')
# The empty dictionary below will be available as groupdicts
# in handle_result() and can contain arbitrary data.
yield Mark(idx, start, end, mark_text, {})
def handle_result(args, data, target_window_id, boss, extra_cli_args, *a):
# This function is responsible for performing some
# action on the selected text.
# matches is a list of the selected entries and groupdicts contains
# the arbitrary data associated with each entry in mark() above
matches, groupdicts = [], []
for m, g in zip(data['match'], data['groupdicts']):
if m:
matches.append(m), groupdicts.append(g)
for word, match_data in zip(matches, groupdicts):
# Lookup the word in a dictionary, the open_url function
# will open the provided url in the system browser
# boss.copy_to_buffer('clipboard')
map f1 kitten hints --customize-processing
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