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Forked from abravalheri/
Last active June 9, 2018 11:47
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RFC: Git Commit Message Guidelines

Commit Message Guidelines


  • allow generating by script
  • allow ignoring commits by git bisect (not important commits like formatting)
  • provide better information when browsing the history


Commit Message Format

<type>: <subject> <meta>

Any line of the commit message cannot be longer 100 characters! This allows the message to be easier to read on github as well as in various git tools.

Subject line may be prefixed for continuous integration purposes. For example, JIRA requires ticket in the beggining of commit message message: "[LHJ-16] fix(compile): add unit tests for windows"

Allowed <type>

  • feat: A new feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • perf: A code change that improves performance
  • test: Adding missing tests
  • chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation

<subject> text

Subject line should contains succinct description of the change.

  • use imperative, present tense: “change” not “changed” nor “changes”
  • don't capitalize first letter
  • no dot (.) at the end

Allowed <meta>

Additionally, the end of subject-line may contain twitter-inspired markup to facilitate changelog generation and bissecting.

  • #wip - indicate for contributors the feature being implemented is not complete yet. Should not be included in changelogs (just the last commit for a feature goes to the changelog).
  • #irrelevant - the commit does not add useful information. Used when fixing typos, etc... Should not be included in changelogs.

Message body

  • just as in <subject> use imperative, present tense: “change” not “changed” nor “changes”
  • includes motivation for the change and contrasts with previous behavior

Message footer

Referencing issues

Closed bugs should be listed on a separate line in the footer prefixed with "Closes" keyword like this:

Closes #indie-234

or in case of multiple issues:

Closes #indie-123, #indie-245, #indie-992


If the commit reverts a previous commit, it should begin with revert:, followed by the header of the reverted commit. In the body it should say: This reverts commit ., where the hash is the SHA of the commit being reverted.


feat: add onUrlChange event (popstate/hashchange/polling)

New $browser event:
- forward popstate event if available
- forward hashchange event if popstate not available
- do polling when neither popstate nor hashchange available

Breaks $browser.onHashChange, which was removed (use onUrlChange instead)
fix($compile): add unit tests for IE9

Older IEs serialize html uppercased, but IE9 does not...
Would be better to expect case insensitive, unfortunately jasmine does
not allow to user regexps for throw expectations.

Closes #392
Breaks api, foo.baz should be used instead
feat(directive): add directives disabled/checked/multiple/readonly/selected

New directives for proper binding these attributes in older browsers (IE).
Added coresponding description, live examples and e2e tests.

Closes #351
style($location): add couple of missing semi colons
docs(guide): update fixed docs from Google Docs

Couple of typos fixed:
- indentation
- batchLogbatchLog -> batchLog
- start periodic checking
- missing brace
feat($compile): simplify isolate scope bindings

Change the isolate scope binding options to:
  - @attr - attribute binding (including interpolation)
  - =model - by-directional model binding
  - &expr - expression execution binding

This change simplifies the terminology as well as
number of choices available to the developer. It
also supports local name aliasing from the parent.

BREAKING CHANGE: isolate scope bindings definition has changed and
the inject option for the directive controller injection was removed.

To migrate the code follow the example below:


scope: {
  myAttr: 'attribute',
  myBind: 'bind',
  myExpression: 'expression',
  myEval: 'evaluate',
  myAccessor: 'accessor'


scope: {
  myAttr: '@',
  myBind: '@',
  myExpression: '&',
  // myEval - usually not useful, but in cases where the expression is assignable, you can use '='
  myAccessor: '=' // in directive's template change myAccessor() to myAccessor

The removed `inject` wasn't generaly useful for directives so there should be no code using it.


Changleogs may contain three sections: new features, bug fixes, breaking changes. This list could be generated by script when doing a release, along with links to related commits. Of course you can edit this change log before actual release, but it could generate the skeleton.

List of all subjects (first lines in commit message) since last release:

git log <last tag> HEAD --pretty=format:%s

New features in this release

git log <last release> HEAD --grep feat

Thanks to @stephenparish for the original text

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