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Created September 26, 2014 16:55
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Save mpj/58ee72609030adca7020 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WebSocket = require 'ws'
_ = require 'highland'
isNumber = require 'mout/lang/isNumber'
listen = (account) ->
stream = _()
ws = new WebSocket('ws://');
ws.on 'open', ->
payload = JSON.stringify
"command" : "subscribe"
"streams" : [ "transactions" ]
#"accounts" : [ 'gDSSa75HPagWcvQmwH7D51dT5DPmvsKL4q' ]
ws.send payload, (error) ->
stream.emit('error', error) if error
ws.on 'message', (messageString) ->
messageObject = JSON.parse messageString
#console.log("messageObject", messageObject)
if messageObject.status is 'error'
stream.emit('error', messageObject)
stream.write messageObject
ws.on 'error', (error) ->
stream.emit('error', error)
.filter( (obj) -> obj.transaction and obj.transaction.Amount )
.map( _.get 'transaction' )
.each (tran) ->
console.log 'From:', tran.Account
console.log 'To:', tran.Destination
isStellar = not isNaN(parseInt(tran.Amount))
if isStellar
console.log 'Currency: Stellar'
console.log 'Amount:', tran.Amount/1000000
console.log 'Currency:', tran.Amount.currency
console.log 'Issuer:', tran.Amount.issuer
console.log 'Amount:', tran.Amount.value
console.log ''
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