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Last active May 16, 2017 12:24
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xAPI Party 2017 - Google Form > xAPI
# Google Form > xAPI
## xAPI Party 2017 (Maker Space Project)
### General purpose form to capture various activity types into a Learning Record Store (LRS)
See live example here:
The file `` is a Google Apps Script ( It's essentially JavaScript with some Google-specific API methods.
It, and the form, are connected to a Google Sheet.
### To create a new form for your own use:
* Create a new Google Sheet
* Go to **Tools > Create a form**
* Follow the structure and field names from
* Or, create your own - however, you'll need to make sure to update the code in the script to match
* Go to **Tools > Script editor...**
* Create a new script file (any name is fine)
* Copy/paste the code from ``
* Edit the fields as necessary, particularly LRS credentials at the top
After everything is created and saved, upon the next open (or reload) of the Sheet, the script functions will be attached.
When the form is submitted, it will be added to the spreadsheet (default action) as well as send the xAPI statement.
### If you don't see any statements come through:
You can check logs in the Script Editor: **View > Execution transcript**
// make sure the endpoint ends with "/statements" - we're sending directly using the Statement API
var endpoint = '[YOUR_ENDPOINT_HERE]';
var username = '[YOUR_USERNAME_HERE]';
var password = '[YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE]';
// if this list is edited, make sure to update the form accordingly
var verbList = {
experienced: '',
attended: '',
completed: '',
answered: '',
attempted: '',
shared: '',
watched: '',
visited: '',
arrived: '',
played: '',
mentored: '',
joined: '',
'checked in': '',
listened: '',
presented: '',
read: '',
started: '',
interviewed: '',
earned: '',
function getVerbID(verb) {
return verbList[verb] || '';
function buildStatement(data) {
var verbField = data['Verb'][0];
var tagArray = data['Tags'][0].split(',');
var trimmedTags = [];
tagArray.forEach(function(tag) {
var dateNow = new Date().toISOString();
var stmt = {
actor: {
name: data.Name[0],
mbox: 'mailto:' + data.Email[0]
verb: {
id: getVerbID(verbField),
display: {
"en-US": verbField
object: {
id: data['Activity URL'][0],
definition: {
name: {
"en-US": data['Activity Name'][0]
description: {
"en-US": data['Activity Description'][0]
context: {
extensions: {
"": {
date: data['Activity Date'][0] || dateNow,
tags: trimmedTags,
notes: data['Notes'][0]
timestamp: dateNow
function sendStatement(stmt) {
var options = {
'method' : 'post',
'contentType': 'application/json',
'payload' : JSON.stringify(stmt),
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Utilities.base64Encode(username + ':' + password),
'X-Experience-API-Version': '1.0.0',
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(endpoint, options);
Logger.log('LRS response: ' + response);
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var data = e.namedValues;
Logger.log('form data' + data);
function onOpen() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
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