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Created October 7, 2018 22:09
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Save mplewis/fbff4306cbe2d78cc61842a744783af6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* @license
REI-Gearmail 0.1.0 2013-06-03 14:10 */
'use strict';
if ("undefined" == typeof console) {
window.console = {
log : function() {
error : function() {
var BrowserDetect = {
init : function() {
this.browser = this.searchString(this.dataBrowser) || "An unknown browser";
this.version = this.searchVersion(navigator.userAgent) || this.searchVersion(navigator.appVersion) || "an unknown version";
this.OS = this.searchString(this.dataOS) || "an unknown OS";
searchString : function(a) {
/** @type {number} */
var i = 0;
for (; a.length > i; i++) {
var dataString = a[i].string;
var allProps = a[i].prop;
if (this.versionSearchString = a[i].versionSearch || a[i].identity, dataString) {
if (-1 != dataString.indexOf(a[i].subString)) {
return a[i].identity;
} else {
if (allProps) {
return a[i].identity;
searchVersion : function(a) {
var index = a.indexOf(this.versionSearchString);
if (-1 != index) {
return parseFloat(a.substring(index + this.versionSearchString.length + 1));
dataBrowser : [{
string : navigator.userAgent,
subString : "Chrome",
identity : "Chrome"
}, {
string : navigator.userAgent,
subString : "OmniWeb",
versionSearch : "OmniWeb/",
identity : "OmniWeb"
}, {
string : navigator.vendor,
subString : "Apple",
identity : "Safari",
versionSearch : "Version"
}, {
prop : window.opera,
identity : "Opera",
versionSearch : "Version"
}, {
string : navigator.vendor,
subString : "iCab",
identity : "iCab"
}, {
string : navigator.vendor,
subString : "KDE",
identity : "Konqueror"
}, {
string : navigator.userAgent,
subString : "Firefox",
identity : "Firefox"
}, {
string : navigator.vendor,
subString : "Camino",
identity : "Camino"
}, {
string : navigator.userAgent,
subString : "Netscape",
identity : "Netscape"
}, {
string : navigator.userAgent,
subString : "MSIE",
identity : "Explorer",
versionSearch : "MSIE"
}, {
string : navigator.userAgent,
subString : "Gecko",
identity : "Mozilla",
versionSearch : "rv"
}, {
string : navigator.userAgent,
subString : "Mozilla",
identity : "Netscape",
versionSearch : "Mozilla"
dataOS : [{
string : navigator.platform,
subString : "Win",
identity : "Windows"
}, {
string : navigator.platform,
subString : "Mac",
identity : "Mac"
}, {
string : navigator.userAgent,
subString : "iPhone",
identity : "iPhone/iPod"
}, {
string : navigator.platform,
subString : "Linux",
identity : "Linux"
if (BrowserDetect.init(), window.normalizeScroll = function() {
var doc = window.document;
if (!location.hash && window.addEventListener) {
window.scrollTo(0, 1);
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* @return {?}
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return window.pageYOffset || "CSS1Compat" === doc.compatMode && doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop || 0;
/** @type {number} */
var chat_retry = setInterval(function() {
if (doc.body) {
dimensions = getViewport();
window.scrollTo(0, 1 === dimensions ? 0 : 1);
}, 15);
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (20 > getViewport()) {
window.scrollTo(0, 1 === dimensions ? 0 : 1);
}, 0);
}, false);
}, function(w) {
* @return {undefined}
function restoreZoom() {
content.setAttribute("content", c);
/** @type {boolean} */
m = true;
* @return {undefined}
function disableZoom() {
content.setAttribute("content", length);
/** @type {boolean} */
m = false;
* @param {?} e
* @return {undefined}
function checkTilt(e) {
aig = e.accelerationIncludingGravity;
/** @type {number} */
n = Math.abs(aig.x);
/** @type {number} */
videoBottom = Math.abs(aig.y);
/** @type {number} */
videoTop = Math.abs(aig.z);
if (w.orientation && 180 !== w.orientation || !(n > 7 || (videoTop > 6 && 8 > videoBottom || 8 > videoTop && videoBottom > 6) && n > 5)) {
if (!m) {
} else {
if (m) {
/** @type {string} */
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
if (/iPhone|iPad|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) && /OS [1-5]_[0-9_]* like Mac OS X/i.test(ua) && ua.indexOf("AppleWebKit") > -1) {
/** @type {!HTMLDocument} */
var doc = w.document;
if (doc.querySelector) {
var n;
var videoBottom;
var videoTop;
var aig;
/** @type {(Element|null)} */
var content = doc.querySelector("meta[name=viewport]");
/** @type {(null|string)} */
var index = content && content.getAttribute("content");
/** @type {string} */
var length = index + ",maximum-scale=1";
/** @type {string} */
var c = index + ",maximum-scale=10";
/** @type {boolean} */
var m = true;
if (content) {
w.addEventListener("orientationchange", restoreZoom, false);
w.addEventListener("devicemotion", checkTilt, false);
}(this), window.PRIS !== void 0) {
throw 'Global variable "PRIS" already in use.';
window.PRIS = function() {
* @return {undefined}
function remove() {
var i;
/** @type {string} */
var destination = "/";
for (i in data) {
/** @type {string} */
destination = destination + (i + "/" + data[i] + "/");
/** @type {string} */
location.hash = destination;
* @return {undefined}
function set() {
if (location.hash.length) {
var i;
var length;
/** @type {string} */
var a = window.location.hash;
if ("/" === a[a.length - 1]) {
/** @type {string} */
a = a.slice(0, -1);
/** @type {!Array<string>} */
a = a.split("/");
/** @type {!Array<string>} */
a = a.slice(1);
data = {};
/** @type {number} */
i = 0;
/** @type {number} */
length = a.length;
for (; length > i; i = i + 2) {
/** @type {(boolean|number|string)} */
data[a[i]] = isNaN(parseInt(a[i + 1], 10)) ? "true" === a[i + 1] || "false" === a[i + 1] ? "true" === a[i + 1] ? true : false : a[i + 1] : parseInt(a[i + 1], 10);
* @param {?} k
* @param {?} r
* @return {undefined}
function r(k, r) {
data[k] = r;
* @param {string} property
* @return {?}
function commonGetHandler(property) {
return data[property];
* @param {?} action
* @return {undefined}
function cb(action) {
delete data[action];
* @param {!Object} handle
* @param {string} store
* @return {undefined}
function bind(handle, store) {
callback : handle,
scope : store
* @return {undefined}
function unbindAll() {
/** @type {!Array} */
callbacks = [];
* @return {undefined}
function breakpointComplete() {
var i;
var l;
if (callbacks.length) {
/** @type {number} */
i = 0;
l = callbacks.length;
for (; l > i; i++) {
callbacks[i][i].scope, data);
* @return {undefined}
function options() {
/** @type {string} */
location.hash = "";
data = {};
var num_to_grab;
var data = {};
/** @type {!Array} */
var callbacks = [];
/** @type {string} */
var hash = window.location.hash;
return num_to_grab = {
databaseUpdated : function() {
}, set(), "object" == typeof window.onhashchange && "function" == typeof window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("hashchange", function() {
}) : setInterval(function() {
if (hash !== window.location.hash) {
/** @type {string} */
hash = window.location.hash;
}, 100), {
set : r,
get : commonGetHandler,
remove : cb,
bind : bind,
unbindAll : unbindAll,
empty : options,
serializeHash : set
REI = window.REI || {}, REI.Form = function(settings) {
var defaultOptions;
var self = this; = self;
self.callbacks = {};
defaultOptions = {};
$.extend(defaultOptions, settings);
self.options = defaultOptions;
self.$component = $(REI.templates.form());
self.inputs = {};
self.inputs.$firstName = self.$component.find(".id-first");
self.inputs.$lastName = self.$component.find(".id-last");
self.inputs.$email = self.$component.find(".id-email");
self.inputs.$phone = self.$component.find(".id-phone");
self.inputs.$memberNumber = self.$component.find(".id-member");
self.$submit = self.$component.find("button");
self.$feedback = self.$component.filter(".feedback");
self.$spinner = self.$component.find(".spinner");
self.formValues = {};
/** @type {boolean} */
self.feedbackVisible = false;
if (!Modernizr.input.placeholder) {
self.$submit.on("click", function() {
self.inputs.$memberNumber.on("keypress", function(event) {
if (13 === event.charCode) {
} else {
if (0 === event.charCode) {
if (!(event.charCode >= 48 && 58 >= event.charCode)) {
self.$component.find("input").on("blur", function() {
if ($(this).val()) {
}, REI.Form.prototype = {
events : {
validated : function(callback) {
var self = this.parent;
self.runCallbacks("validated", callback);
validationFail : function(objectType) {
var self = this.parent;
self.showFeedback("We're not getting a match. Double check the info you provided.");
self.runCallbacks("validationFail", objectType);
submitForm : function() {
var i;
var $scope = this;
if ($scope.validateFilled()) {
if ($scope.feedbackVisible) {
for (i in $scope.inputs) {
} else {
$scope.showFeedback("Make sure the required fields have been filled out");
for (i in $scope.inputs) {
if ($scope.inputs[i].val()) {
} else {
showFeedback : function(num) {
var that = this;
/** @type {boolean} */
that.feedbackVisible = true;
hideFeedback : function() {
var that = this;
/** @type {boolean} */
that.feedbackVisible = false;
validateFilled : function() {
var name;
var object;
var blipnode = this;
/** @type {boolean} */
var r = true;
object = {
firstName : blipnode.inputs.$firstName,
lastName : blipnode.inputs.$lastName
for (name in object) {
if (!object[name].val()) {
/** @type {boolean} */
r = false;
return blipnode.inputs.$email.val() || blipnode.inputs.$memberNumber.val() || (r = false), blipnode.inputs.$phone.val() || blipnode.inputs.$memberNumber.val() || (r = false), r;
getInputValues : function() {
var name;
var current = this;
for (name in current.inputs) {
current.formValues[name.slice(1)] = current.inputs[name].val().trim();
validateWithService : function() {
var portalSelfUrl;
var self = this;
if ( {
/** @type {string} */
portalSelfUrl = "";
/** @type {string} */
portalSelfUrl = portalSelfUrl + ("firstName=" + encodeURIComponent(self.formValues.firstName));
/** @type {string} */
portalSelfUrl = portalSelfUrl + ("&lastName=" + encodeURIComponent(self.formValues.lastName));
/** @type {string} */
portalSelfUrl = portalSelfUrl + ("&email=" + encodeURIComponent(;
/** @type {string} */
portalSelfUrl = portalSelfUrl + ("&phone=" +;
} else {
/** @type {string} */
portalSelfUrl = "";
/** @type {string} */
portalSelfUrl = portalSelfUrl + ("firstName=" + encodeURIComponent(self.formValues.firstName));
/** @type {string} */
portalSelfUrl = portalSelfUrl + ("&lastName=" + encodeURIComponent(self.formValues.lastName));
/** @type {string} */
portalSelfUrl = portalSelfUrl + ("&memberNumber=" + self.formValues.memberNumber);
url : "",
type : "GET",
dataType : "jsonp",
data : {
url : portalSelfUrl
complete : function() {
success : function(e) {
if (e.success) {{
memberName : (self.formValues.firstName + "+" + self.formValues.lastName).toLowerCase(),
memberNumber : e.memberNumber
} else {{});
error : function(e, a, f) {
console.log("error", e, a, f);
getPass : function(name, cb) {
/** @type {string} */
var url = "";
/** @type {string} */
url = url + ("?rei_member_name=" + encodeURI(name) + "&rei_member_number=" + cb);
polyfillPlaceholders : function() {
var model = this;
model.$component.find("input").each(function() {
var $search = $(this);
var placeholder = $search.attr("placeholder");
$search.on("focus", function() {
if ($search.val() === placeholder) {
$search.on("blur", function() {
if ("" === $search.val()) {
bind : function(eventName, callback, method) {
var Event = this;
if (Event.callbacks[eventName] === void 0) {
/** @type {!Array} */
Event.callbacks[eventName] = [];
callback : callback,
scope : method
unbind : function(key) {
var angular = this;
/** @type {!Array} */
angular.callbacks[key] = [];
runCallbacks : function(type, options) {
var i;
var countRep;
var t = this;
if (t.callbacks[type] !== void 0) {
/** @type {number} */
i = 0;
countRep = t.callbacks[type].length;
for (; countRep > i; i++) {
t.callbacks[type][i][type][i].scope || t, options);
}, REI = window.REI || {}, REI.main = {
debug : {
debugOn : false,
noBlacklist : true
config : {
iosApps : {
platform : "ios",
appURL : "",
snowReportURL : ""
androidApps : {
platform : "android",
appURL : "",
snowReportURL : ""
init : function() {
var opts = this;
if (PRIS.get("debug") === true) {
/** @type {boolean} */
opts.debug.debugOn = true;
REI.controllers = {
form : new REI.Form
REI.views = {
form : {
$view : REI.controllers.form.$component,
title : "REI - Membership Confirmation"
thankYou : {
$view : $(REI.templates.thankyou(opts.config.iosApps)),
title : "REI - All Done"
sorryAndroid : {
$view : $(REI.templates["sorry-android"](opts.config.androidApps)),
title : "REI - Sorry"
sorryIOS : {
$view : $(REI.templates["sorry-ios5"](opts.config.iosApps)),
title : "REI - Sorry"
sorryOSX : {
$view : $(REI.templates["sorry-osx"](opts.config.iosApps)),
title : "REI - Sorry"
sorryWP : {
$view : $(REI.templates["sorry-wp"]()),
title : "REI - Sorry"
REI.controllers.form.bind("validated", function(expression) {
REI.controllers.form.getPass(expression.memberName, expression.memberNumber);
}, opts);
filterClients : function() {
* @return {?}
function iOSversion() {
/** @type {(Array<string>|null)} */
var sArrDayId = navigator.appVersion.match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/);
return [parseInt(sArrDayId[1], 10), parseInt(sArrDayId[2], 10), parseInt(sArrDayId[3] || 0, 10)];
var wait;
var node = this;
if (node.debug.debugOn && node.debug.noBlacklist) {
} else {
if (navigator.userAgent.match("iPhone") || navigator.userAgent.match("iPad")) {
if (iOSversion()[0] >= 6 && navigator.userAgent.match("iPhone")) {
} else {
node.logVisitorInfo("iOS5 or iPad");
} else {
if (navigator.userAgent.match("Macintosh")) {
/** @type {number} */
wait = parseInt(navigator.userAgent.match(/OS X 10.[0-9]/)[0].slice(-1), 10);
if (wait >= 8) {
} else {
node.logVisitorInfo("OSX 10." + wait);
} else {
if (navigator.userAgent.match("Android")) {
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1E4);
showView : function(name) {
if (REI.views[name]) {
$("body").attr("class", name);
} else {
console.error("Undefined view.");
logVisitorInfo : function(name) {
url : "",
type : "GET",
dataType : "jsonp",
data : {
operating_system : name,
email : PRIS.get("email") || "Missing"
complete : function() {
success : function() {
error : function() {
}, $(document).ready(function() {
}), function() {
* @param {?} val
* @return {?}
function nulls(val) {
return null != val;
var jade = {};
if (!Array.isArray) {
* @param {*} arr
* @return {boolean}
Array.isArray = function(arr) {
return "[object Array]" ==;
if (!Object.keys) {
* @param {!Object} object
* @return {!Array<string>}
Object.keys = function(object) {
/** @type {!Array} */
var objKeys = [];
var i;
for (i in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
return objKeys;
* @param {!Object} a
* @param {!Object} b
* @return {?}
jade.merge = function merge(a, b) {
var ac = a["class"];
var bc = b["class"];
if (ac || bc) {
ac = ac || [];
bc = bc || [];
if (!Array.isArray(ac)) {
/** @type {!Array} */
ac = [ac];
if (!Array.isArray(bc)) {
/** @type {!Array} */
bc = [bc];
ac = ac.filter(nulls);
bc = bc.filter(nulls);
a["class"] = ac.concat(bc).join(" ");
var prop;
for (prop in b) {
if ("class" != prop) {
a[prop] = b[prop];
return a;
* @param {!Object} obj
* @param {string} state
* @return {?}
jade.attrs = function attrs(obj, state) {
/** @type {!Array} */
var a = [];
var terse = obj.terse;
delete obj.terse;
/** @type {!Array<string>} */
var element = Object.keys(obj);
/** @type {number} */
var length = element.length;
if (length) {
/** @type {number} */
var i = 0;
for (; length > i; ++i) {
/** @type {string} */
var key = element[i];
var val = obj[key];
if ("boolean" == typeof val || null == val) {
if (val) {
if (terse) {
} else {
a.push(key + '="' + key + '"');
} else {
if (0 == key.indexOf("data") && "string" != typeof val) {
a.push(key + "='" + JSON.stringify(val) + "'");
} else {
if ("class" == key && Array.isArray(val)) {
a.push(key + '="' + jade.escape(val.join(" ")) + '"');
} else {
if (state && state[key]) {
a.push(key + '="' + jade.escape(val) + '"');
} else {
a.push(key + '="' + val + '"');
return a.join(" ");
* @param {string} s
* @return {?}
jade.escape = function escape(s) {
return (s + "").replace(/&(?!(\w+|#\d+);)/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
* @param {!Object} err
* @param {string} filename
* @param {string} lineno
* @return {undefined}
jade.rethrow = function rethrow(err, filename, lineno) {
if (!filename) {
throw err;
/** @type {number} */
var context = 3;
var csvdata = require("fs").readFileSync(filename, "utf8");
var buffer = csvdata.split("\n");
/** @type {number} */
var index = Math.max(lineno - context, 0);
/** @type {number} */
var num = Math.min(buffer.length, lineno + context);
context = buffer.slice(index, num).map(function(canCreateDiscussions, basemapLayerId) {
var curr = basemapLayerId + index + 1;
return (curr == lineno ? " > " : " ") + curr + "| " + canCreateDiscussions;
throw err.path = filename, err.message = (filename || "Jade") + ":" + lineno + "\n" + context + "\n\n" + err.message, err;
this.REI = this.REI || {};
this.REI.templates = this.REI.templates || {};
* @param {?} locals
* @param {!Function} attrs
* @param {!Function} escape
* @param {!Function} rethrow
* @param {number} merge
* @return {?}
this.REI.templates.form = function anonymous(locals, attrs, escape, rethrow, merge) {
attrs = attrs || jade.attrs;
escape = escape || jade.escape;
rethrow = rethrow || jade.rethrow;
merge = merge || jade.merge;
/** @type {!Array} */
var outChance = [];
with(locals || {}) {
outChance.push('<div class="feedback"><p>Feedback Message</p></div><div class="header"><img src="_fe/img/make-sure.png"/></div><ul class="inputList"><li><input placeholder="first" autocorrect="off" class="id-first"/></li><li><input placeholder="last" autocorrect="off" class="id-last"/></li><li><input placeholder="email" type="email" autocorrect="off" class="id-email"/></li></ul><ul class="inputList"><li><input placeholder="phone" type="tel" autocorrect="off" class="id-phone"/><p>OR</p></li><li><input placeholder="member number" type="number" autocorrect="off" class="id-member"/></li></ul><div class="formFooter"><button class="confirm">Confirm</button><div class="spinner"></div></div><div class="help"><p>Having trouble?</p><p>REI Member Support can help.</p><p><a href="tel:8004264840">(800) 426-4840</a></p></div>');
return outChance.join("");
* @param {?} locals
* @param {!Function} attrs
* @param {!Function} escape
* @param {!Function} rethrow
* @param {number} merge
* @return {?}
this.REI.templates["sorry-android"] = function anonymous(locals, attrs, escape, rethrow, merge) {
attrs = attrs || jade.attrs;
escape = escape || jade.escape;
rethrow = rethrow || jade.rethrow;
merge = merge || jade.merge;
/** @type {!Array} */
var buf = [];
with(locals || {}) {
buf.push('<header><h1>Sorry.</h1><p class="subheader">Passbook only works with iPhones.</p></header><div');
"class" : "apps " + platform
}, {
"class" : true
buf.push('><h2>Download these great apps from REI.</h2><ul><li><div class="wrapper"><div class="icon"><img src="_fe/img/app1.png"/></div><div class="meta"><h3>REI</h3><p>Recreational Equipment Inc.</p><div class="stars"><img src="_fe/img/stars.png"/><p>(418)</p></div><p>Free</p></div><a');
href : "" + appURL,
"class" : "button"
}, {
href : true
buf.push('>Install</a></div></li><li><div class="wrapper"><div class="icon"><img src="_fe/img/app2.png"/></div><div class="meta"><h3>REI Snow Report</h3><p>Recreational Equipment Inc.</p><div class="stars"><img src="_fe/img/stars.png"/><p>(1512)</p></div><p>Free</p></div><a');
href : "" + snowReportURL,
"class" : "button"
}, {
href : true
return buf.join("");
* @param {?} locals
* @param {!Function} attrs
* @param {!Function} escape
* @param {!Function} rethrow
* @param {number} merge
* @return {?}
this.REI.templates["sorry-ios5"] = function anonymous(locals, attrs, escape, rethrow, merge) {
attrs = attrs || jade.attrs;
escape = escape || jade.escape;
rethrow = rethrow || jade.rethrow;
merge = merge || jade.merge;
/** @type {!Array} */
var buf = [];
with(locals || {}) {
buf.push('<header><h1>Sorry.</h1><p class="subheader">Passbook requires an iPhone with iOS 6 or higher.</p></header><div');
"class" : "apps " + platform
}, {
"class" : true
buf.push('><h2>Download these great apps from REI.</h2><ul><li><div class="wrapper"><div class="icon"><img src="_fe/img/app1.png"/></div><div class="meta"><h3>REI</h3><p>Recreational Equipment Inc.</p><div class="stars"><img src="_fe/img/stars.png"/><p>(418)</p></div><p>Free</p></div><a');
href : "" + appURL,
"class" : "button"
}, {
href : true
buf.push('>Install</a></div></li><li><div class="wrapper"><div class="icon"><img src="_fe/img/app2.png"/></div><div class="meta"><h3>REI Snow Report</h3><p>Recreational Equipment Inc.</p><div class="stars"><img src="_fe/img/stars.png"/><p>(1512)</p></div><p>Free</p></div><a');
href : "" + snowReportURL,
"class" : "button"
}, {
href : true
return buf.join("");
* @param {?} locals
* @param {!Function} attrs
* @param {!Function} escape
* @param {!Function} rethrow
* @param {!Object} merge
* @return {?}
this.REI.templates["sorry-osx"] = function anonymous(locals, attrs, escape, rethrow, merge) {
attrs = attrs || jade.attrs;
escape = escape || jade.escape;
rethrow = rethrow || jade.rethrow;
merge = merge || jade.merge;
/** @type {!Array} */
var buf = [];
with(locals || {}) {
buf.push('<header><h1>Sorry.</h1><p class="subheader">Passbook requires OSX 10.8 or higher.</p></header><div');
"class" : "apps " + platform
}, {
"class" : true
buf.push('><h2>Download these great apps from REI.</h2><ul><li><div class="wrapper"><div class="icon"><img src="_fe/img/app1.png"/></div><div class="meta"><h3>REI</h3><p>Recreational Equipment Inc.</p><div class="stars"><img src="_fe/img/stars.png"/><p>(418)</p></div><p>Free</p></div><a');
href : "" + appURL,
"class" : "button"
}, {
href : true
buf.push('>Install</a></div></li><li><div class="wrapper"><div class="icon"><img src="_fe/img/app2.png"/></div><div class="meta"><h3>REI Snow Report</h3><p>Recreational Equipment Inc.</p><div class="stars"><img src="_fe/img/stars.png"/><p>(1512)</p></div><p>Free</p></div><a');
href : "" + snowReportURL,
"class" : "button"
}, {
href : true
return buf.join("");
* @param {?} locals
* @param {!Function} attrs
* @param {!Function} escape
* @param {!Function} rethrow
* @param {number} merge
* @return {?}
this.REI.templates["sorry-wp"] = function anonymous(locals, attrs, escape, rethrow, merge) {
attrs = attrs || jade.attrs;
escape = escape || jade.escape;
rethrow = rethrow || jade.rethrow;
merge = merge || jade.merge;
/** @type {!Array} */
var outChance = [];
with(locals || {}) {
outChance.push('<header><h1>Sorry.</h1><p class="subheader">Passbook only works with iPhones.</p></header>');
return outChance.join("");
* @param {?} locals
* @param {!Function} attrs
* @param {!Function} escape
* @param {!Function} rethrow
* @param {!Function} merge
* @return {?}
this.REI.templates.thankyou = function anonymous(locals, attrs, escape, rethrow, merge) {
attrs = attrs || jade.attrs;
escape = escape || jade.escape;
rethrow = rethrow || jade.rethrow;
merge = merge || jade.merge;
/** @type {!Array} */
var buf = [];
with(locals || {}) {
buf.push('<header><h1>All Done.</h1><p class="subheader">Your membership card has been added to Passbook.</p></header><div');
"class" : "apps " + platform
}, {
"class" : true
buf.push('><h2>Download these great apps from REI.</h2><ul><li><div class="wrapper"><div class="icon"><img src="_fe/img/app1.png"/></div><div class="meta"><h3>REI</h3><p>Recreational Equipment Inc.</p><div class="stars"><img src="_fe/img/stars.png"/><p>(418)</p></div><p>Free</p></div><a');
href : "" + appURL,
"class" : "button"
}, {
href : true
buf.push('>Install</a></div></li><li><div class="wrapper"><div class="icon"><img src="_fe/img/app2.png"/></div><div class="meta"><h3>REI Snow Report</h3><p>Recreational Equipment Inc.</p><div class="stars"><img src="_fe/img/stars.png"/><p>(1512)</p></div><p>Free</p></div><a');
href : "" + snowReportURL,
"class" : "button"
}, {
href : true
return buf.join("");
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