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Created January 20, 2020 23:55
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Save mplscorwin/0fd23717d41e317825cd13b10c503a7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Can't ever remember where I stole this code. Sketchy.
;;; erc-countusers-mode.el --- display a count of channel users in the mode-string
;;; Commentary:
;; TODO: return empty string if parted/disconnected
;; TODO: add to emacswiki files
;;; Code:
(define-minor-mode ncm-mode "
Add this to your .emacs to see the number of opped/voiced/normal members of the
current channel in the modeline:" nil
(let ((ops 0)
(voices 0)
(members 0))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(when (erc-channel-user-op-p key)
(setq ops (1+ ops)))
(when (erc-channel-user-voice-p key)
(setq voices (1+ voices)))
(setq members (1+ members)))
(format " %S/%S/%S" ops voices members))))
(provide ncm-mode)
;;; erc-countusers-mode.el ends here
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Oh good. I did leave a URL in the source somewhere just took me a minute to find it:


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