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Last active January 21, 2020 02:01
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erc setup sequencing
;;; erc-frames-mode.el --- sequence erc setup -*- lexical-bindings:t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2019 Corwin Brust
;; Author: Corwin Brust <>
;; URL:
;; Version: 0.1-pre
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.0"))
;; Keywords: ERC IRC
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This started from some samples on EmacsWiki:
;; I was having trouble with `my-irc' multi-connect solution playing
;; nicely with autojoin, particularly when joining multiple channels
;; of the same name when making several connections at around the
;; same time. I also wanted to have my ERC start-up sequence
;; include my display setup, like frame creation and window sizing.
;; Emacs init sample:
;; (require 'erc-frames-mode)
;; (setq erc-connection-alist
;; '(label . (:frame (title . "ERC")
;; :use-tls
;; :open (:nick "sk33t3r"
;; :password "007"
;; :server
;; :port 6667
;; )
;; :join "#channel" ;; join
;; :split ;; 50% horizontal
;; :switch ;; switch window
;; :join "#another" ;; channels tiled
;; )))
;; (easy-menu-add-item nil '("tools")
;; ["IRC with ERC" efm-start t])
;; ;; uncomment to connect when Emacs starts
;; ;;(efm-start)
;;; Code:
(defgroup erc-frames-mode nil
"Sequence your ERC connections with other actions."
:group 'erc)
(defcustom erc-connection-alist '()
"Action sequences for `erc-frames-mode'.
Entries take the form of con cells:
Where CONNECTION-LABEL is a symbol available when using
`efm-start' interactively and CONFIG is a mixed list of keywords
and arguments to delegate functions mapped to these keywords.
Include sexp with :progn, e.g.
:progn (message \"Hello, Emacs Lisp!\")
See `efm-open' for additional information on how this variable is used.
See `efm-keyword-plist' for all of the keywords supported by default."
:type '(alist :key-type symbol)
:group 'erc-frames-mode)
(defcustom erc-frame-plist '((name . "Emacs IRC")
(minibuffer . t)
(fullscreen . fullboth))
"Plist providing default frame properties for `efm-make-frame'."
:type '(repeat (cons :format "%v"
(symbol :tag "Parameter")
(sexp :tag "Value")))
:group 'erc-frames-mode)
;;; eekmacs --- Emacs ERC Keyword MACroS
(defcustom efm-keyword-plist
'(:erc ( ;;:push (:once-on erc-after-connect)
;; :wrap-rest (:once-on erc-after-connect)
:prep efm--erc-prep :delegate erc)
:open (:prep efm--erc-prep :delegate erc-open)
:join (:prep efm--once-on :prep-args (erc-join-hook)
:delegate erc-join-channel)
:use-tls (:prep efm--with :prep-args (erc-connect-function erc-open-ssl-stream))
:no-tls (:prep efm--with :prep-args (erc-connect-function open-network-stream))
:frame efm-make-frame
:switch (:prep efm--maybe-unset-defaults
:delegate other-window
:args (1))
:split (:delegate split-window :args (nil))
:with (:prep efm--with)
:once-on (:prep efm--once-on)
:inhibit (:prep efm--inhibit)
;;stop (:prep efm--inhibit)
:message message
:progn progn)
"Map of KEYWORD to DESIGN for `erc-frames-mode'.
Keywords on the cons side will be available for use in sequences
processed by `efm-start' (and `efm-prep'). In the simplest case,
DESIGN is a function to be executed each time KEYWORD is
encountered. In more complex cases a plist may be specified including
:delegate, function: same as above
:args, list: preprended to any args to :delegate from the sequence
:prep, function: called when KEYWORD is encounted during parsing
:prep-args, list: prepended to any remaing sequence when applying :prep
Unlike other keywords, :frame accepts arguments as a plist which
is merged with any properties supplied within the sequence. To
modify default :frame properties customize `erc-frame-plist'.
The following keywords are supported by default:
:erc, open an ERC connection, arguments per `erc'.
:open, open an ERC connection, arguments per `erc-open'.
:join, join a channel, arguments per `erc-join-channel'.
:use-tls, setup ERC to open for TLS connection (args ignored)
:use-tls, setup ERC to open a non-TLS connection (args ignored)
:frame, create a display frame when running under a window manager
:switch, change the currently selected window (args per `other-window'),
:split, split the currently selected window (args per
`split-window' omitted the first which would otherwise allow
selection of a context window other than the current).
:message, format args for output to the Minibuffer and *Messages*.
:with, lexically bind a variable for the remainder of the
sequence (arg is the variable to declare).
:once-on, Arg is an hook on which remainder of sequence will be
run (at most) once.
:inhibit, arguments and any remaining sequence will be ignored.
:progn, argument is an sexp to evaulate at this point in the sequence."
:type '(plist :key-type (symbol :tag "Keyword")
:value-type (choice :tag "Design" symbol plist))
;; (set (group (const :prep) symbol)
;; (group (const :prep-args) plist)
;; (group (const :delegate) symbol)
;; (group (const :args) plist))
:group 'erc-frames-mode)
;; (setq cust-foo '(x (a 1 b 2 z "zz")))
;; (defcustom cust-foo nil "Testing custom types."
;; :group 'erc-frames-mode
;; :type '(plist :value-type ;;plist))
;; (choice (group (const a) integer)
;; (group (const b) integer)
;; (group (const z) string))))
(defvar efm-rest nil
"Remaining configuration forms while `efm-prep' is running.")
(defvar efm-args nil
"Arguments to the next delegate while `efm-prep' is running.")
(defvar efm-keyword nil "Keyword being processed when `efm-prep' is running.")
(defvar efm-default-args nil
"Default arguments to the next deligate while `efm-prep' is running.")
;; nicked from Troy Pracy's list utils -
(defun efm-compress-alists (&rest alists)
"Dedeuplicate and merge ALISTS.
Take the first value for each property from the last list defining it. This
function essencially inlines `asoc-merge' with `assoc---uniq' from Troy Pracy's
assoc.el whence it was unabashedly nicked. This is currently used only to merge
frame properties supplied with a sequence with package defaults and may be
removed in the future if it is not then more heavly required.
(let (result
(rest (apply #'append (nreverse alists))))
(while rest
(let* ((pair (car rest))
(key (car pair)))
(unless (equal key result)
(push pair result))
(setq rest (cdr rest))))
(nreverse result)))
;;(efm-compress-alists'((a . 1) (b . 2) (b . 4)) '((a . 5) (c . 5) (c . 6)))
(defun efm--erc-prep (&rest forms)
"Preprocess :erc and :erc-open.
Wrap FORMS in a single use `erc-after-connect' function."
(when (eq efm-keyword ':erc)
(efm--args-car-args forms))
(setq efm-rest (append '(:once-on erc-after-connect) efm-rest))
(defun efm-make-frame (&optional frame-props)
"First `make-frame' then `select-frame'.
FRAME-PROPS are properties each of which replace any overlapping
default supplied by `erc-frame-plist'."
(message "props:%s, display-graphics-p:%s" frame-props (display-graphic-p))
(when (display-graphic-p)
(select-frame (make-frame (efm-compress-alists
(or erc-frame-plist '())
(or frame-props '()))))))
;;(efm-make-frame '((name . "new name")))
;; this is cute but seems slow and without benifit pending better hook support
;; (defun efm-stop ()
;; "Stop `efm-prep' by adding a stop directive to the head of the seqeunece."
;; (interactive)
;; (when (boundp 'efm-rest)
;; (push 'stop efm-rest)))
(defun efm-truncate ()
"Stop `efm-prep' by removing the remainig configuration sequence forms."
(when (boundp 'efm-rest)
(setq efm-rest nil)))
(defun efm--args-car-args (&rest forms)
"Unwrap delegate args given as a list.
Set `efm-args' to its `car' when it is a list. Neitherprocess nor
alter FORMS. Return nil.
:k1 (:k2 \"value\")
(fn :k2 \"value\")
Given `efm-keyword-map' contains something like:
(:k1 (:delegate fn :prep efm--unpack-keyword-args))."
(declare (indent 0))
(when (and efm-args
(listp efm-args))
(setq efm-args (car efm-args)))
(defun efm--maybe-unset-defaults (&rest forms)
"Clear default delegate args when sequence provides any.
Sets `efm-default-args' to nil when efm-args is a non-zero length
list. Neitherprocess nor alter FORMS. Return nil."
(declare (indent 0))
(when (and efm-args
(< 0 (length efm-args)))
(setq efm-default-args nil))
(defun efm--inhibit (&rest forms)
"Supress processing of any remaining configuration sequence FORMS."
(declare (indent 0))
(defun efm--with (var val &rest forms)
"Wrap FORMS with let form binding VAR to VAL."
(declare (indent 2))
`(let ((,var ,val)) ,@(apply 'efm-prep forms)))
;; (progn (let ((x "y"))
;; (efm--with 'x "z" (message "during: x=%s" x))
;; (message "after: x=%s" x)))
;;(eval (efm--with 'x "z" (message "x=%s" x)))
(defun efm--once-on (hook &rest forms)
"Execute FORMS exactly once, when HOOK is run."
(declare (indent 1))
;;; (message "[efm-1ce] starting for %s => %s" hook forms)
(let ((hook-func (make-symbol (concat "efm--once-on-"
(symbol-name hook)))))
`(let ((,hook-func (lambda (&rest ignored)
(remove-hook ',hook ',hook-func)
,@(apply 'efm-prep forms))))
;;(message "[efm-1ce] hook:%s func:%s forms:%s" hook hook-func forms)
(add-hook ',hook ,hook-func))))
;;(progn (setq my-hook nil) (efm--once-on 'my-hook '(message "hello")) (run-hooks my-hook))
;; (let ((x nil)
;; (my-hook nil))
;; (eval (efm-start
;; '(foo . ((message "hi")
;; :with x 1 :split
;; :test ?a :test ?b
;; :once-on my-hook
;; :message "x=%s :)" x))
;; '(bar . (:progn (run-hooks 'my-hook)
;; :progn (message "my-hook:%s" my-hook)
;; :test-2 ?c :test ?d)))))
;; TODO: maybe rewrite for index based parsing?
;; (defun efm-preprocessor (&rest forms)
;; "Docstring involving FORMS."
;; (declare (indent 0))
;; (let ((first-keyword-index (gensym))
;; (first-argument-index (gensym)))
;; ))
(defsubst not-keywordp (object)
"Return t when keywordp would return nil given OBJECT."
(not (keywordp object)))
;; this one pretty much works. need to change how raw sexp is
;; plucked from seq head but other than that HUGE BUG...
(defun efm-prep (&rest efm-sequence)
"Preprocess and expand EFM-SEQUENCE.
Collect and return forms -if any- in reverse the order emitted during keyword
expansion, e.g. keyword delegate invication or from preprocessor functions.
(declare (indent 0))
(let (efm-prep-return-forms)
(while (when-let ((efm-keyword (car efm-sequence)))
(let (;;(efm-sexp (seq-take-while 'not-keywordp
;; efm-sequence))
(efm-args (seq-take-while 'not-keywordp
(cdr efm-sequence)))
(efm-rest (seq-drop-while 'not-keywordp
(cdr efm-sequence))))
(message "[efmp] start %s args:%s sexp: %s (rest:%s)" efm-keyword efm-args nil efm-rest)
(when-let ((efm-delegate ;; right side of map entry
(and (keywordp efm-keyword)
(cadr (memq efm-keyword
;;;(message "[efmp] delegate for %s: %s" efm-keyword efm-delegate)
(let* ((efm-prep-args
(plist-get efm-delegate ':prep-args))
(efm-prep (plist-get efm-delegate ':prep))
(plist-get efm-delegate ':args))
(if (symbolp efm-delegate)
(plist-get efm-delegate ':delegate)))
(and efm-prep
(symbolp efm-prep)
(apply efm-prep
(append efm-prep-args
(and efm-delegate
(symbolp efm-delegate)
`(,efm-delegate ,@(append efm-default-args
(when efm-prep-forms (push efm-prep-forms efm-prep-return-forms))
(when efm-delegate-form (push efm-delegate-form efm-prep-return-forms))
;;(when efm-sexp (push `efm-sexp efm-prep-return-forms))
;;;(message "[efmp] end %s (rest: %s)" efm-keyword efm-rest)
(setq efm-sequence efm-rest))))
;;;(message "final-prep-forms:\n%s" (pp efm-prep-return-forms))
(reverse (delete nil efm-prep-return-forms))))
(defun efm-start (&rest config)
"Execute a sequence of actions based on CONFIG.
When called interactivly CONFIG is a symbol matching car of an
`erc-connection-alist' entry. When called with no arguments,
process all forms from all entries. Otherwise CONFIG is the list
of forms to process and execute.
This module started out as a *not* drop in replacement for
`erc-autojoin-mode'. They almost certianly should not be used
together. Specificly, behavior is unpredicatble when
`erc-autojoin' and `erc-frames-mode' are both used to join
channels. Both make use of `erc-after-comment' where Emacs does
not garuntee the execution order of conformant hooks. As a work
around, if erc-frames-mode is used only to handle the initial
connection but you would like erc-autojoin handle to reconnect:
:progn (erc-after-connect-mode t)
TODO: interactive auto-completion from `erc-commention-alist' cars."
(interactive "S")
(declare (indent 0))
(if (called-interactively-p 'any)
(setq config (assoc config erc-connection-alist))
(unless config
(setq config erc-connection-alist)))
(let (efm-forms)
(when-let* ((efm-config-rest config))
(while (when-let* ((efm-config (car efm-config-rest))
(efm-label (car efm-config))
(efm-sequence (cdr efm-config)))
;;;(message "label:%s, seq:%s, config:%s" efm-label efm-sequence efm-config)
;; (push (append (seq-take-while 'not-keywordp efm-sequence)
;; (apply 'efm-prep efm-sequence))
;; efm-forms)
(setq efm-forms
(append efm-forms
;; disable prefix sexp support, for now
;;(seq-take-while 'not-keywordp efm-sequence)
(reverse (apply 'efm-prep efm-sequence))))
;;;(message "[emfs] final-forms:\n%s" (pp efm-forms))
(setq efm-config-rest (cdr efm-config-rest)))))
(insert (concat "\n" (pp (append '(progn) (reverse efm-forms))))))
;; )
(provide 'erc-frames-mode)
;;; erc-frames-mode.el ends here
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Hey -- don't let my propr comment fool you. This is NOT working property and likely has huge bugs I don't even know about. Thanks.

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