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nickfarrow /
Last active May 13, 2024 05:03
Modifying FROST Threshold and Signers

Modifying FROST Signers and Threshold

FROST's distributed key generation involves N parties each creating a secret polynomial, and sharing evaluations of this polynomial with other parties to create a distributed FROST key.

The final FROST key is described by a joint polynomial, where the x=0 intercept is the jointly shared secret s=f(0). Each participant controls a single point on this polynomial at their participant index.

The degree T-1 of the polynomials determines the threshold T of the multisignature - as this sets the number of points required to interpolate the joint polynomial and compute evaluations under the joint secret.

T parties can interact in order to interpolate evaluations using the secret f[0] without ever actually reconstructing this secret in isolation (unlike Shamir Secret Sharing where you have to reconstruct the secret).

RubenSomsen /
Last active May 24, 2024 09:06
Silent Payments – Receive private payments from anyone on a single static address without requiring any interaction or extra on-chain overhead

Silent Payments

Receive private payments from anyone on a single static address without requiring any interaction or extra on-chain overhead.

Update: This now has a BIP and WIP implementation


The recipient generates a so-called silent payment address and makes it publicly known. The sender then takes a public key from one of their chosen inputs for the payment, and uses it to derive a shared secret that is then used to tweak the silent payment address. The recipient detects the payment by scanning every transaction in the blockchain.

Install Debian on a PC Engines APU2

This documentation assumes you have some experience installing Debian, that you will work from a Debian machine to perform this install, and that you have purchased and correctly assembled your PC Engines APU2.

Credits: This gist came from this guide and this guide.

Caution: This process will write over existing data on your APU2. Make sure to do any necessary backups of your data.

Download Debian Non-Free

I believe that the APU requires non-free firmware. As of this writing, that means downloading firmware-11.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso.