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Last active December 9, 2016 07:55
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Save mpneuried/7579281 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Backbone collection extension to solve sub collections.The models withtin the (sub)collection-tree will be distributed within all involved collections under consideration of each filter.
parentColl = new Backbone.Collection.Extended()
# by Array
subCollA = parentColl.sub( [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
# or by Object
subCollO = parentColl.sub( { name: "Foo", age: 42 } )
# or by Number
subCollN = parentColl.sub( 13 )
# or by Function
subCollF = parentColl.sub( (( model )-> if model.get( "age" ) > 23 ) )
# subcollection of subcollection
subCollA_O = subCollA.sub( { name: "Foo", age: 42 } )
# update the filter of a subcollection. For this a `reset` will be fired on the subcollection
subCollA = subCollA.updateSubFilter( { name: "Bar", age: 42 } )
class Collection.Extended extends Collection
## sub
`collection.sub( filter )`
Generate a sub-collection by a filter.
The models will be distributed within all involved collections under consideration of the filter.
@param { Function|Array|String|Number|Object } filter The filter to reduce the current collection. Can be a function like underscore `_.filter` or an array of ids, a single id as string or number or a filter object containings key value filters.
@return { Collection } A Sub-Collection based on the filter
@api public
sub: ( filter )=>
@subColls or= []
fnFilter = @_generateSubFilter( filter )
# filter the collection
_models = @filter fnFilter
# create the subcollection
_sub = new @constructor( _models )
_sub._parentCol = @
_sub._fnFilter = fnFilter
# add event handlers to distribute the models through the sub collections tree
# recheck the model against the filter on change
@on "change", _.bind( ( _m )->
toAdd = @_fnFilter( _m )
added = @get( _m )?
if added and not toAdd
@remove( _m )
else if not added and toAdd
@add( _m )
, _sub )
# add model to base collection on add to sub
_sub.on "add", _.bind( ( _m )->
@add( _m )
, @)
# add model to sub collection on add to base if it matches the filter
@on "add", _.bind( ( _m )->
if @_fnFilter( _m )
@add( _m )
, _sub )
# remove model from base collection on remove of sub
_sub.on "remove", _.bind( ( _m )->
#@remove( _m )
, @)
# remove model from base collection on remove of sub
@on "remove", _.bind( ( _m )->
@remove( _m )
, _sub )
# remove model from base collection on remove of sub
@on "reset", _.bind( ( _m )->
, _sub )
# store the subcollection under the current collection
@subColls.push( _sub )
return _sub
## updateSubFilter
`collection.updateSubFilter( filter )`
Method to update the filter of a subcollection. Then all models will be resete by the new filter. So you have to listen to teh reset event
@param { Function|Array|String|Number|Object } filter The filter to reduce the current collection. Can be a function like underscore `_.filter` or an array of ids, a single id as string or number or a filter object containings key value filters.
@return { Self } itself
@api public
updateSubFilter: ( filter )=>
if @_parentCol?
# set the new filter method
@_fnFilter = @_generateSubFilter( filter ) if filter?
_models = @_parentCol.filter( @_fnFilter )
# reset the collection with the new models
@reset( _models )
return @
## _generateSubFilter
`collection._generateSubFilter( filter )`
Internal method th convert a filter argument to a filter function
@param { Function|Array|String|Number|Object } filter The filter to reduce the current collection. Can be a function like underscore `_.filter` or an array of ids, a single id as string or number or a filter object containings key value filters.
@return { Function } The generated filter function
@api private
_generateSubFilter: ( filter )=>
# construct the filter function
if _.isFunction( filter )
fnFilter = filter
else if _.isArray( filter )
fnFilter = ( _m )=> in filter
else if _.isString( filter ) or _.isNumber( filter )
fnFilter = ( _m )=> is filter
fnFilter = ( _m )=>
for _nm, _vl of filter
if _m.get( _nm ) isnt _vl
return false
return true
return fnFilter
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