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Created March 31, 2018 11:37
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A WIP python client config for openapi-codegen
"name": "Python",
"type": "client",
"defaults": {
"asyncio": false,
"tornado": false,
"packageName": "swagger_client",
"package": "swagger_client",
"baseNamespace": "swagger_client",
"generatorPackage": "swagger_client",
"invokerPackage": "swagger_client",
"importPath": "swagger_client",
"apiPackage": "swagger_client.api",
"modelPackage": "swagger_client.model",
"clientPackage": "swagger_client.api_client",
"modelNaming": "PascalCase",
"modelPropertyNaming": "snake_case",
"imports": []
"directories": [
"partials": {
"partial_header": "partial_header.mustache"
"transformations": [
{ "input": "travis.mustache", "output": ".travis.yml" },
{ "input": "rest.mustache", "output": "swagger_client/" },
{ "input": "setup.mustache", "output": "" },
{ "input": "configuration.mustache", "output": "swagger_client/" },
{ "input": "api_client.mustache", "output": "swagger_client/" },
{ "input": "api_test.mustache", "output": "" },
{ "input": "README.mustache", "output": "" },
{ "input": "requirements.mustache", "output": "requirements.txt" },
{ "input": "test-requirements.mustache", "output": "test-requirements.txt" },
{ "input": "tox.mustache", "output": "tox.ini" },
{ "input": "", "output": "" },
{ "input": "gitignore.mustache", "output": ".gitignore" },
{ "input": "__init__api.mustache", "output": "swagger_client/api/" },
{ "input": "__init__test.mustache", "output": "test/" },
{ "input": "__init__model.mustache", "output": "swagger_client/models/" },
{ "input": "__init__package.mustache", "output": "swagger_client/" }
{ "input": "api_doc.mustache", "output": "docs/{{name}}" },
{ "input": "api.mustache", "output": "swagger_client/api/{{name}}" }
"perModel": [
{ "input": "model.mustache", "output": "swagger_client/models/{{#models}}{{#model}}{{name}}{{/model}}{{/models}}.py" },
{ "input": "model_test.mustache", "output": "test/test_{{#models}}{{#model}}{{name}}{{/model}}{{/models}}.py" },
{ "input": "model_doc.mustache", "output": "docs/{{#models}}{{#model}}{{name}}{{/model}}{{/models}}.md" }
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