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Created March 27, 2023 07:52
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Running Your Company Like a Band: A Different Approach to Business

In today's business world, there's no shortage of advice on how to grow your company, delegate tasks, and maximize profits. But what if you want to run your business in a way that prioritizes your passions, creativity, and personal fulfillment? In this blog post, we'll discuss a unique approach to running a business: treating it like a band.

Band Metaphor: Embracing Your Inner Artist

The band metaphor is an interesting response to the traditional business advice that often doesn't resonate with creative, product-driven entrepreneurs. As a founder or CEO, it's important to recognize that you can still maintain creative control and make your business successful without necessarily following the conventional path.

One key takeaway from the band metaphor is to bring on a "band manager" to handle the operational side of the business. This frees up your time and energy to focus on the product and creative side of things. Having someone responsible for bookkeeping, customer support, legal matters, and other operational tasks allows you to continue doing what you love and provide the most value to your business.

Make Things for Your Fans, Not for Your Critics

In any creative endeavor, there will always be critics. Rather than trying to please everyone, focus on creating products and experiences that your fans love. This approach can help you stay true to your vision and maintain your passion for your work.

Always Pursue Your Passions

One of the most important aspects of running your company like a band is to always pursue your passions. This means continuing to work on the parts of your business that you find most enjoyable and fulfilling, even if they may not be the most profitable or efficient tasks.

It's also important to recognize that as long as your business is generating enough revenue, there is no need to compromise your happiness and creative fulfillment for the sake of growth. In fact, maintaining a focus on your passions can lead to a more sustainable and enjoyable business in the long run.

Embrace Your Role as the Band's Frontman

Having a personal connection with your customers and fans can be a powerful way to build loyalty and support for your business. By sharing behind-the-scenes content, engaging with your audience on social media, and making yourself accessible, you can create a strong bond with your fans and customers that can help fuel your business's success.

Keep Evolving and Staying Engaged

To keep your creative spark alive, it's important to continually evolve and try new things. This can involve learning new programming languages, experimenting with different marketing strategies, or exploring new product ideas. By staying engaged and pushing yourself to grow and innovate, you can ensure that both you and your business continue to thrive.


Running your company like a band may not be the conventional approach to business, but it can lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience for founders and CEOs who are passionate about their work. By embracing your role as the frontman, focusing on your fans, and always pursuing your passions, you can create a successful business that prioritizes your happiness and creative fulfillment.

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