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Created October 28, 2023 16:36
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`lvim` is the global options object
-- vim options
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 2
vim.opt.tabstop = 2
vim.opt.relativenumber = true
-- general
lvim.log.level = "info"
lvim.format_on_save = {
enabled = true,
pattern = "*.lua",
timeout = 1000,
-- to disable icons and use a minimalist setup, uncomment the following
-- lvim.use_icons = false
-- keymappings <>
lvim.leader = "space"
-- add your own keymapping
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-s>"] = ":w<cr>"
-- lvim.keys.normal_mode["<S-l>"] = ":BufferLineCycleNext<CR>"
-- lvim.keys.normal_mode["<S-h>"] = ":BufferLineCyclePrev<CR>"
-- -- Use which-key to add extra bindings with the leader-key prefix
-- lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["W"] = { "<cmd>noautocmd w<cr>", "Save without formatting" }
-- lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["P"] = { "<cmd>Telescope projects<CR>", "Projects" }
-- -- Change theme settings
-- lvim.colorscheme = "lunar" = true
lvim.builtin.alpha.mode = "dashboard" = true
lvim.builtin.nvimtree.setup.view.side = "left" = false
-- Automatically install missing parsers when entering buffer
lvim.builtin.treesitter.auto_install = true
-- lvim.builtin.treesitter.ignore_install = { "haskell" }
-- -- always installed on startup, useful for parsers without a strict filetype
-- lvim.builtin.treesitter.ensure_installed = { "comment", "markdown_inline", "regex" }
-- -- generic LSP settings <>
-- --- disable automatic installation of servers
-- lvim.lsp.installer.setup.automatic_installation = false
-- ---configure a server manually. IMPORTANT: Requires `:LvimCacheReset` to take effect
-- ---see the full default list `:lua =lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers`
-- vim.list_extend(lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers, { "pyright" })
-- local opts = {} -- check the lspconfig documentation for a list of all possible options
-- require("lvim.lsp.manager").setup("pyright", opts)
-- ---remove a server from the skipped list, e.g. eslint, or emmet_ls. IMPORTANT: Requires `:LvimCacheReset` to take effect
-- ---`:LvimInfo` lists which server(s) are skipped for the current filetype
-- lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers = vim.tbl_filter(function(server)
-- return server ~= "emmet_ls"
-- end, lvim.lsp.automatic_configuration.skipped_servers)
-- -- you can set a custom on_attach function that will be used for all the language servers
-- -- See <>
-- lvim.lsp.on_attach_callback = function(client, bufnr)
-- local function buf_set_option(...)
-- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, ...)
-- end
-- --Enable completion triggered by <c-x><c-o>
-- buf_set_option("omnifunc", "v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc")
-- end
-- -- linters, formatters and code actions <>
-- local formatters = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters"
-- formatters.setup {
-- { command = "stylua" },
-- {
-- command = "prettier",
-- extra_args = { "--print-width", "100" },
-- filetypes = { "typescript", "typescriptreact" },
-- },
-- }
-- local linters = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.linters"
-- linters.setup {
-- { command = "flake8", filetypes = { "python" } },
-- {
-- command = "shellcheck",
-- args = { "--severity", "warning" },
-- },
-- }
-- local code_actions = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.code_actions"
-- code_actions.setup {
-- {
-- exe = "eslint",
-- filetypes = { "typescript", "typescriptreact" },
-- },
-- }
-- -- Additional Plugins <>
-- lvim.plugins = {
-- {
-- "folke/trouble.nvim",
-- cmd = "TroubleToggle",
-- },
-- }
-- -- Autocommands (`:help autocmd`) <>
-- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
-- pattern = "zsh",
-- callback = function()
-- -- let treesitter use bash highlight for zsh files as well
-- require("nvim-treesitter.highlight").attach(0, "bash")
-- end,
-- })
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