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Created October 19, 2016 00:36
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# This is a startup script for IPython. It adds a "line magic" helper that
# makes it very easy to run a Twisted reactor in a separate thread.
# This script has been tested in Python 2 and Python 3.
# Author: Mike Pontillo <>
# ============
# Place this file in: ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup/
# =====
# To get a running reactor, assign it to %reactor. When you exit IPython, the
# reactor will be stopped automatically. For example:
# In [1]: reactor = %reactor
# Starting reactor...
# In [2]: from twisted.names.client import getResolver
# In [3]: resolver = getResolver()
# In [4]: from pprint import pprint
# In [5]: resolver.lookupAddress("").addBoth(lambda data: pprint([rr.payload for rr in data[0]]))
# Out[5]: <Deferred at 0x7f190e0997f0 waiting on Deferred at 0x7f190e0b4278>
# [<A address= ttl=351>, <A address= ttl=351>]
# In [6]: ^D
# Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)? y
# Reactor stopped.
from IPython.core.magic import (
class ReactorMagic(Magics):
def __init__(self, shell=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(ReactorMagic, self).__init__(shell=shell, *args, **kwargs)
self.reactor = None
# Note: I couldn't figure out how to both use atexit.register() here
# and allow the reactor to cleanly shut down, so we're using this
# deprecated hook.
shell.set_hook('shutdown_hook', self.shutdown, _warn_deprecated=False)
def shutdown(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.reactor is not None:
def reactor(self, line):
if self.reactor is None:
import sys
import twisted.internet.reactor
self.reactor = twisted.internet.reactor
"after", "shutdown", sys.stderr.write, "Reactor stopped.\n")
"before", "startup", sys.stderr.write, "Starting reactor...\n")
from threading import Thread
t = Thread(, args=(False,))
t.daemon = True
return self.reactor
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