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Created May 26, 2020 16:18
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Generate New Hostname - vRO Workflow
// Set variables
var result = attNameFormat;
var hostnameIdx = attIndexFormat;
var nextNum = 0;
var digitCount = attNameFormat.match(/(#)/g).length;
// Create request object
var requestObj = JSON.parse(request.toLowerCase());
// Create translations object
var translationsObj = JSON.parse(attTranslations.getContentAsMimeAttachment().content.toLowerCase());
// Get request keys and run values through translations
var requestArr = Object.keys(requestObj);
for each (var key in requestArr) {
var requestVal = requestObj[key].toLowerCase();
System.debug("Processing request key '" + key + "' with value: " + requestVal);
if (requestVal in translationsObj.translations) {
requestVal = translationsObj.translations[requestVal];
result = result.replace("{{" + key + "}}",requestVal);
hostnameIdx = hostnameIdx.replace("{{" + key + "}}",requestVal);
// Remove leading / trailing special chars from hostname index
hostnameIdx = hostnameIdx.replace(/([-_]$)/g,"");
hostnameIdx = hostnameIdx.replace(/^([-_])/g,"");
System.debug("Hostname index: " + hostnameIdx);
// Lookup hostname index
try {
var attribute = attHostnames.getAttributeWithKey(hostnameIdx);
nextNum = attribute.value;
catch (e) {
System.warn("Hostname index '" + hostnameIdx + "' does not exist, it will be created");
finally {
// Convert humber to string and add leading zeroes
var hostnameNum = nextNum.toString();
var leadingZeroes = new Array(digitCount - hostnameNum.length + 1).join("0");
hostnameNum = leadingZeroes + hostnameNum;
result = result.replace(/(#+)/g,hostnameNum);
// Finally, return the new hostname
if (attOutputCase == "upper") {
hostname = result.toUpperCase();
else {
hostname = result.toLowerCase();
System.log("Returning hostname: " + hostname);
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