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Last active October 31, 2020 18:18
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Little Python gotchas

Little Python gotchas

The last n elements

Suppose you want to get the last n elements of a sequence for several values of n:

>>> for n in (1, 5, 2, 0):
...     print('ABCDEFGH'[-n:])

The last iteration may have not printed out what we expected. The reason is quite obvious: sequence[-0:] is the same as sequence[0:], which means such a slice will produce a copy of the whole sequence.

Membership in iterables of characters

Suppose you have a simple function to restrict user input to certain permitted values:

def get_answer_from_options(message, options):
    while True:
        answer = input(message)
        if answer in options:
            return answer

As a container for the options, you can use e.g. a tuple:

>>> get_answer_from_options('yes or no: ', ('y', 'n'))
yes or no: boo
yes or no: n
>>> get_answer_from_options('yes or no: ', ('y', 'n'))
yes or no:
yes or no: y

When your options are just a few single-char answers like the above, you may decide to use a string as the options container:

>>> get_answer_from_options('yes or no: ', 'yn')
yes or no: boo
yes or no: n
>>> get_answer_from_options('yes or no: ', 'yn')
yes or no:

Not exactly the same behavior when the user enters an empty string. The reason is that char in ('y', 'n') and char in 'yn' are not entirely equivalent:

>>> '' in ('y', 'n')
>>> '' in 'yn'

Multiple assignment

Suppose you have the following list, and you want to swap two values, e.g. put bar where foo is, and vice versa. But you don't know their exact position in the list, so you use the index method.

>>> a = ['', '', 'foo', '', 'bar', '']

>>> a[a.index('foo')], a[a.index('bar')] = 'bar', 'foo'
>>> a
['', '', 'foo', '', 'bar', '']

Why didn't that work? The reason is that the two assignments are in fact executed separately, from left to right:

>>> a = ['', '', 'foo', '', 'bar', '']

>>> a[a.index('foo')] = 'bar'
>>> a
['', '', 'bar', '', 'bar', '']

>>> a[a.index('bar')] = 'foo'
>>> a
['', '', 'foo', '', 'bar', '']

Fun fact: should the order of elements in the original list be different, the multiple assignment would actually swap the values:

>>> a = ['', '', 'bar', '', 'foo', '']

>>> a[a.index('foo')], a[a.index('bar')] = 'bar', 'foo'
>>> a
['', '', 'foo', '', 'bar', '']

I think this makes this gotcha even more sneaky.

The in operator

The in operator checks for equality, not identity:

>>> a, b, c, d = [1], [2], [3], [1]

>>> for list_ in (a, b, c, d): print(id(list_))
>>> a == d

>>> list_of_lists = [b, c, d]
>>> a in list_of_lists

>>> any(sublist is a for sublist in list_of_lists)
>>> id(a) in (id(sublist) for sublist in list_of_lists)

Similar example with custom objects:

>>> class A:
...     def __init__(self, a, b):
...         self.a = a
...         self.b = b
...     def __eq__(self, other):
...         return self.a == other.a and self.b == other.b
>>> a, b, c, d = A(1, 2), A(3, 4), A(1, 2), A(5, 6)

>>> for obj in (a, b, c, d): print(id(obj))
>>> a == c

>>> list_of_objects = [b, c, d]
>>> a in list_of_objects

>>> any(obj is a for obj in list_of_objects)
>>> id(a) in (id(obj) for obj in list_of_objects)

extend versus +=

Suppose you have a list called main in the global scope, and you need to add to it elements from another sequence. You write two functions that, at first glance, do the same thing:

>>> main = [1, 2, 3]

>>> def extend_main(sequence):
...     main.extend(sequence)
>>> def add_to_main(sequence):
...     main += sequence

The first function works as expected, while the other throws an error.

>>> extend_main([4, 5, 6])
>>> main
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

>>> add_to_main([7, 8, 9])
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'main' referenced before assignment

Expressions in f-strings

>>> print(f'spam{" " * 4}eggs')
spam    eggs
>>> print(f'spam{"\n" * 4}eggs')
SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash
>>> newline = '\n'
>>> print(f'spam{newline * 4}eggs')

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