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Forked from fabiojose/Jenkinsfile
Created May 24, 2023 14:19
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Sample Jenkinsfile to build, test and deploy Platform-as-Code in Openshift
pipeline {
/* run in any agent (a.k.a. node executor) */
agent any
stages {
stage('Setup') {
steps {
script {
/* Check the GIT_BRANCH to compute the target environment */
if (env.GIT_BRANCH == 'origin/develop' || env.GIT_BRANCH ==~ /(.+)feature-(.+)/) {
target = 'dev'
} else if (env.GIT_BRANCH ==~ /(.+)release-(.+)/) {
target = 'pre'
} else if (env.GIT_BRANCH == 'origin/master') {
target = 'pro'
} else {
error "Unknown branch type: ${env.GIT_BRANCH}"
/* Get the version from version manifest: src/ */
oversion = sh(script: "jq -r '.variable.iac_version.default' src/", returnStdout: true).trim()
/* Create the real version with Jenkins BUILD_NUMBER */
version = oversion.take(10) + '-' + env.BUILD_NUMBER
oversion = oversion.take(10)
iacname = env.JOB_NAME
/* Your Project or Organization name */
prjname = 'oss-opensource'
/* Create the package name with the real version */
packname = iacname + '-v' + version + '.tar.gz'
/* Create the URL used to publish the package to Sonatype Nexus */
publish_url = env.NEXUS_URL + '/repository/raw-terraform/' + prjname + '/' + packname
steps {
/* Inject the Build metadata in the src/ */
sh "sed -i 's/iac-provider/terraform/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-artifact/${packname}/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-scm-commit/${env.GIT_COMMIT}/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's|iac-scm-branch|${env.GIT_BRANCH}|g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-build-by/jenkins/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-build-name/${env.JOB_NAME}/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-build-id/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/g' src/"
sh "sed -i 's/iac-build-date/${currentBuild.startTimeInMillis}/g' src/"
/* Inject the real version, overwriting the original */
sh "sed -i 's/${oversion}/${version}/g' src/"
/* Create the package using a tar call */
sh "tar --exclude='./.git' --exclude='./Jenkinsfile' --exclude='*.tar.gz' -czv ./src -f " + packname
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'nexus-credential', passwordVariable: 'NEXUS_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'NEXUS_USERNAME')]) {
/* Publish to Sonatype Nexus using curl */
sh 'curl -u $NEXUS_USERNAME:$NEXUS_PASSWORD --upload-file ' + packname + ' ' + publish_url
stage('DEV Deploy'){
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'rundeck-credential', passwordVariable: 'RUNDECK_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'RUNDECK_USERNAME')]) {
* Using a custom script to trigger and follow the rundeck job execution.
* Get this script here:
* The custom script is saved in Jenkins using the Managed Script Plugin.
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'rundeck-follow', variable: 'FOLLOW')]) {
/* job param package url rundeck job id */
sh 'bash $FOLLOW "artifact" "' + publish_url + '" "29cd3a68-e101-4176-907c-6fdf5bde13e7"'
stage('PRE Deploy'){
/* Just execute this stage when the targets are 'pre' or 'pro' */
when {
expression { return target == 'pre' || target == 'pro' }
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'rundeck-credential', passwordVariable: 'RUNDECK_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'RUNDECK_USERNAME')]) {
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'rundeck-follow', variable: 'FOLLOW')]) {
sh 'bash $FOLLOW "artifact" "' + publish_url + '" "ec0393b9-f0eb-4341-8812-eae241ef6544"'
stage('Acceptance Test') {
/* Just execute this stage when the target is 'pro' */
when {
expression { target == 'pro' }
/* Run the integrated tests in another agent */
agent {
label 'openshift_cli'
/* Use cucumber.js to perform the integrated tests */
steps {
sh 'cd test && npm install'
sh 'cd test && npm test'
/* Parse the report and generate the html reports */
cucumber 'test/cucumber-report.json'
stage('Approval') {
when {
expression { target == 'pro' }
steps {
/* Wait 30 minutes to the user input, after this the pipeline will be aborted */
timeout(time:30, unit:'MINUTES') {
input message: "Deploy to Production?", id: "approval"
stage('PRO Deploy'){
when {
expression { return target == 'pro' }
steps {
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'rundeck-credential', passwordVariable: 'RUNDECK_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'RUNDECK_USERNAME')]) {
configFileProvider([configFile(fileId: 'rundeck-follow', variable: 'FOLLOW')]) {
sh 'bash $FOLLOW "artifact" "' + publish_url + '" "f31fb4bb-4f55-4f23-9c03-784008acb5c4"'
/* Post pipeline execution, conditioned to the its status */
post {
success {
/* Sends notification to Rocket.Chat */
rocketSend attachments: [
audioUrl: '',
authorIcon: '',
authorName: '',
color: 'green',
imageUrl: '',
messageLink: '',
text: 'Success',
thumbUrl: '',
title: "${version}@${env.GIT_BRANCH}",
titleLink: '',
titleLinkDownload: '',
videoUrl: ''
avatar: "${env.WEBSERVER_URL}/static/jenkins.png",
channel: 'oss-opensource',
message: "Platform Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} finished - ${env.JOB_NAME} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)",
rawMessage: true
failure {
rocketSend attachments: [
audioUrl: '',
authorIcon: '',
authorName: '',
color: 'red',
imageUrl: '',
messageLink: '',
text: 'Failure',
thumbUrl: '',
title: "${version}@${env.GIT_BRANCH}",
titleLink: '',
titleLinkDownload: '',
videoUrl: ''
avatar: "${env.WEBSERVER_URL}/static/jenkins.png",
channel: 'oss-opensource',
message: "Platform Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} finished - ${env.JOB_NAME} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)",
rawMessage: true
unstable {
rocketSend attachments: [
audioUrl: '',
authorIcon: '',
authorName: '',
color: 'yellow',
imageUrl: '',
messageLink: '',
text: 'Unstable',
thumbUrl: '',
title: "${version}@${env.GIT_BRANCH}",
titleLink: '',
titleLinkDownload: '',
videoUrl: ''
avatar: "${env.WEBSERVER_URL}/static/jenkins.png",
channel: 'oss-opensource',
message: "Platform Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} finished - ${env.JOB_NAME} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)",
rawMessage: true
aborted {
rocketSend attachments: [
audioUrl: '',
authorIcon: '',
authorName: '',
color: 'gray',
imageUrl: '',
messageLink: '',
text: 'Aborted',
thumbUrl: '',
title: "${version}@${env.GIT_BRANCH}",
titleLink: '',
titleLinkDownload: '',
videoUrl: ''
avatar: "${env.WEBSERVER_URL}/static/jenkins.png",
channel: 'oss-opensource',
message: "Platform Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} finished - ${env.JOB_NAME} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)",
rawMessage: true
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