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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Unity editor script which compiles itself on command, including OS X when PATH doesn't include the target's folder.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
using System.IO;
public class CompileTest : ScriptableObject
[MenuItem ("Assets/Run compiler test")]
static void Test ()
CompileTest instance = CreateInstance<CompileTest> ();
string path = Application.dataPath + AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (MonoScript.FromScriptableObject (instance)).Substring ("Assets".Length);
DestroyImmediate (instance);
string arguments = "-target:library ";
arguments += path;
arguments += " -r:\"" + Path.Combine (UnityAssemblyPath, "UnityEngine.dll") + "\"";
arguments += " -r:\"" + Path.Combine (UnityAssemblyPath, "UnityEditor.dll") + "\"";
Process process = null;
process = Process.Start (CreateCompilerStartInfo (arguments));
process.WaitForExit ();
catch (System.Exception e)
string errorMessage = e.GetType ().Name + ": ";
if (e is System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)
errorMessage += "Win32 error code " + ((System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)e).NativeErrorCode + ": ";
errorMessage += e.Message;
Debug.LogError ("Process exception (" + e.GetType ().Name + "): " + errorMessage);
if (!process.StandardError.EndOfStream)
string error = process.StandardError.ReadToEnd ();
Debug.LogError ("Process error: " + error);
Debug.Log ("Success");
AssetDatabase.Refresh ();
public static bool OsIsX
// Assuming we are never executing on non-OS X Unix
int p = (int)System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
return (p == 4 || p == 6 || p == 128);
public static string CompilerPath
return EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath +
(OsIsX ? "/Frameworks/Mono/bin/gmcs" : "/Mono/bin/gmcs.bat");
public static string UnityAssemblyPath
return (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) ?
Path.Combine (
Path.Combine (
Path.Combine (
static string ProperPath (string path)
return path.Replace (Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
public static ProcessStartInfo CreateCompilerStartInfo (string arguments)
ProcessStartInfo startInfo;
if (OsIsX)
startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo ()
WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName (CompilerPath),
FileName = Path.GetFileName (CompilerPath)
string currentPath = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
if(currentPath == null || !currentPath.Contains(Path.GetDirectoryName (CompilerPath))) {
System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", (currentPath != null ? currentPath+":" : "")+Path.GetDirectoryName (CompilerPath));
startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo ()
FileName = ProperPath (CompilerPath)
startInfo.Arguments = arguments;
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
return startInfo;
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