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Created October 5, 2016 20:02
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Adds an open / closed indicator to the request history template in helpspot
//Set page title
include $this->loadTemplate('header.tpl.php');
include $this->loadTemplate('navigation.tpl.php');
<h1><?php echo lg_portal_requesthistory ?></h1>
<?php include $this->loadTemplate('loginbar.tpl.php'); ?>
<?php /* Check that the customer is logged in */ ?>
<?php if($this->splugin('Request_Check','isLoggedIn')): ?>
<table width="100%">
<!-- optional header
<th>Opened On</th>
/* Loop over all the history data and output a simple row for each. You can add
additional columns of information if you like, the $row variable holds all the same data as the HS_Request table.
$this->hd_portalLoginSearchType is the variable set in Admin->Settings->Portal->Show Request History Based On:
this setting determines if the requests returned are only those belonging to this email account or to any customer ID every associated with this email account.
*/ ?>
<?php if($this->splugin('Request_Check','requestHistoryDataCount',$this->hd_portalLoginSearchType) > 0): ?>
<?php foreach($this->splugin('Request_Check','requestHistoryData',$this->hd_portalLoginSearchType) AS $row): ?>
<tr class="<?php echo $this->helper->altrow('rowOn','rowOff') ?>">
<td><a href="index.php?pg=request.check&id=<?php echo $row['accesskey'] ?>"><?php echo $row['xRequest'] ?></a></td>
<?php //Show the name of the requester if we're returning all results for a customer ID rather than only for this customers email ?>
<?php if($this->hd_portalLoginSearchType == 2): ?>
<td style="white-space:nowrap;padding-right:3px;"><?php echo $row['sFirstName'] ?> <?php echo $row['sLastName'] ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<td><div class="request_summary"><?php echo $row['tNote'] ?></div></td>
<td width="100"><?php echo $this->helper->shortDateFormat($row['dtGMTOpened']) ?></td>
<td width="100"><?php if($row['fOpen'] ==1) {echo 'open';} else {echo 'closed';}?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<td><?php echo lg_portal_norequesthistory ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php /* Closing if for login check */ ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php include $this->loadTemplate('footer.tpl.php'); ?>
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