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Last active July 7, 2016 04:57
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Reverse a string
String reversal Algorithm
Technically we would do 'something'[::-1] to reverse a string but
as an excercise I did it myself without using additional memory.
This is technically a lie since strings are immutable in python but
it gives you the idea...
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import math
if __name__ == "__main__":
# string = u'mañana'
string = 'superstar'
string_chars = list(string)
num_chars = len(string_chars)
middle_char = (num_chars - 1) / 2.0
num_swaps = int(math.ceil(num_chars / 2.0))
start_left = int(math.floor(middle_char))
start_right = int(math.ceil(middle_char))
for swap in range(0, num_swaps):
left = start_left - swap
right = start_right + swap
string_chars[left], string_chars[right] = string_chars[right], string_chars[left]
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