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Created May 11, 2017 21:12
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Check if reg key exists to see if dotnet is installed (C/C++)
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
//set up our variables and buffers.
DWORD dwType = 0;
wchar_t szVersion[1024] = {0};
DWORD dwDataSize = 1024;
HKEY hkeyDotNetVer = NULL;
long lResult = 0;
// open the key for reading.
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v2.0.50727", 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyDotNetVer);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult)
// read the version value
lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDotNetVer, L"Version", NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)szVersion, &dwDataSize);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult)
//memcpy(szVersion, lpByteData, dwDataSize);
std::wcout << "Dot net Version = " << szVersion << std::endl;
return 0;
std::wcout<<"unable to read registry Error Code : "<<GetLastError();
return -1;
std::wcout<<"unable to read registry Error Code : "<<GetLastError();
return -1;
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