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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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// F3 - Add TFR Radios Function
// Credits: Please see the F3 online manual (
// ====================================================================================
private["_unit", "_typeOfUnit", "_longRange","_radio1","_radio2","_radio3", "_backpackItems", "_sl_groups", "_sl_unit_group_index", "_ft_groups", "_ft_unit_group_index", "_unit_group", "_freq"];
_unit = player;
_typeOfUnit = _unit getVariable ["f_var_assignGear", "NIL"];
switch ((side player)) do { //longrange, shortrange, rifradio
case (west): {
_radio1 = TF_defaultWestBackpack;
_radio2 = TF_defaultWestPersonalRadio;
_radio3 = TF_defaultWestRiflemanRadio;};
case (east): {
_radio1 = TF_defaultEastBackpack;
_radio2 = TF_defaultEastPersonalRadio;
_radio3 = TF_defaultEastRiflemanRadio;};
default {
_radio1 = TF_defaultGuerBackpack;
_radio2 = TF_defaultGuerPersonalRadio;
_radio3 = TF_defaultGuerRiflemanRadio;};
// ====================================================================================
// Depending on the loadout used in the assignGear component, each unit is assigned
// a set of radios.
if(_typeOfUnit != "NIL") then {
// If radios are enabled in the settings
if(!f_radios_settings_tfr_disableRadios) then {
// Set the list of units that get a rifleman's radio
_rifradio = ["ar","aar","rat","samag","mmgag","hmgag","matag","hatag","mtrag","sp","r","car","smg","gren"];
// Set the list of units that get a shortrange radio
_shortrange = ["co", "dc", "ftl", "m", "samg", "mmgg", "matg", "sn", "mtrg"];
// Give out respective radios
if (_typeOfUnit in _rifradio) then {
_unit linkItem _radio3;
} else {
if (_typeOfUnit in _shortrange) then {
_unit linkItem _radio2;
// Special cases
_specialist = ["vc", "pp", "eng", "engm", "div","uav"];
// If unit is leader of group and in the above list, give SR. Else, give them
// a rifleman's radio.
if (_typeOfUnit in _specialist) then {
if (_unit == (leader (group _unit))) then {
_unit linkItem _radio2;
} else {
_unit linkItem _radio3;
// Give out LR backpacks according to f\radios\tfr_settings.sqf.
if(f_radios_settings_tfr_defaultLRBackpacks) then {
if (_unit == (leader (group _unit))) then {
_backpackItems = backpackItems player;
removeBackpack _unit;
_unit addBackpack _radio1;
{player addItemToBackpack _x;} forEach _backpackItems;
} else {
// If unit is in the list of units that receive a long-range radio, do so.
if(_typeOfUnit in f_radios_settings_tfr_backpackRadios) then {
_backpackItems = backpackItems player;
removeBackpack _unit;
_unit addBackpack _radio1;
{player addItemToBackpack _x;} forEach _backpackItems;
// Map SL group variables to frequencies
_sl_groups = [GrpNATO_1_1_SL, 101, GrpNATO_1_2_SL, 102, GrpNATO_1_3_SL, 103, GrpNATO_1_4_SL, 104,
GrpFIA_1_1_SL, 101, GrpFIA_1_2_SL, 102, GrpFIA_1_3_SL, 103, GrpFIA_1_4_SL, 104,
GrpCSAT_1_1_SL, 101, GrpCSAT_1_2_SL, 102, GrpCSAT_1_3_SL, 103, GrpCSAT_1_4_SL, 104,
GrpAAF_1_1_SL, 101, GrpAAF_1_2_SL, 102, GrpAAF_1_3_SL, 103, GrpAAF_1_4_SL, 104
// Map FT group variables to frequencies
_ft_groups = [GrpNATO_1_1_1, 101.1, GrpNATO_1_1_2, 101.2, GrpNATO_1_2_1, 102.1, GrpNATO_1_2_2, 102.2,
GrpNATO_1_3_1, 103.1, GrpNATO_1_3_2, 103.2, GrpNATO_1_4_1, 104.1, GrpNATO_1_4_2, 104.2,
GrpFIA_1_1_1, 101.1, GrpFIA_1_1_2, 101.2, GrpFIA_1_2_1, 102.1, GrpFIA_1_2_2, 102.2,
GrpFIA_1_3_1, 103.1, GrpFIA_1_3_2, 103.2, GrpFIA_1_4_1, 104.1, GrpFIA_1_4_2, 104.2,
GrpCSAT_1_1_1, 101.1, GrpCSAT_1_1_2, 101.2, GrpCSAT_1_2_1, 102.1, GrpCSAT_1_2_2, 102.2,
GrpCSAT_1_3_1, 103.1, GrpCSAT_1_3_2, 103.2, GrpCSAT_1_4_1, 104.1, GrpCSAT_1_4_2, 104.2,
GrpAAF_1_1_1, 101.1, GrpAAF_1_1_2, 101.2, GrpAAF_1_2_1, 102.1, GrpAAF_1_2_2, 102.2,
GrpAAF_1_3_1, 103.1, GrpAAF_1_3_2, 103.2, GrpAAF_1_4_1, 104.1, GrpAAF_1_4_2, 104.2
// Get unit group and locate group in group lists
_unit_group = group _unit;
_sl_unit_group_index = _sl_groups find _unit_group;
_ft_unit_group_index = _ft_groups find _unit_group;
if (! _sl_unit_group_index == -1) then {
// set primary channel frequency
_freq = _sl_groups select (_sl_unit_group_index + 1);
[(call TFAR_fnc_activeSwRadio), 0, _freq] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
// If unit is leader of group, set alternate radio channel to CO/DC channel
if (_unit == (leader (group _unit))) then {
[(call TFAR_fnc_activeSwRadio), 1, "100"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[(call TFAR_fnc_ActiveSWRadio), 1] call TFAR_fnc_setAdditionalSwStereo;
if (! _ft_unit_group_index == -1) then {
// set primary channel frequency
_freq = _ft_groups select (_ft_unit_group_index + 1);
[(call TFAR_fnc_activeSwRadio), 0, _freq] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
// If unit is leader of group, set alternate radio channel to SL channel
if (_unit == (leader (group _unit))) then {
[(call TFAR_fnc_activeSwRadio), 1, (round _freq)] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[(call TFAR_fnc_ActiveSWRadio), 1] call TFAR_fnc_setAdditionalSwStereo;
} else {
// Do not assign any radios
// ====================================================================================
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