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Last active February 19, 2023 03:47
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Parallel Batch Extracter
@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
mkdir images
set count=1
xcopy /Q /Y #TOOLS#\pdfimages.exe . >NUL
xcopy /Q /Y #TOOLS#\rush.exe . >NUL
echo Extracting PPM formatted images from supplied PDFs
dir /b *.pdf | .\rush --eta -j 8 -T b ".\pdfimages \"{}\" images\{#}" -q
del pdfimages.exe 2>NUL
del rush.exe 2>NUL
if exist pdfimages.exe goto del1
if exist rush.exe goto del1
cd images
echo Converting images from PPM to PNG...
xcopy /Q /Y ..\#TOOLS#\mogrify.exe . >NUL
xcopy /Q /Y ..\#TOOLS#\rush.exe . >NUL
xcopy /Q /Y ..\#TOOLS#\*.dll . >NUL
dir /b *.ppm | .\rush --eta -j 8 ".\mogrify -format png {}" >NUL
del mogrify.exe 2>NUL
del rush.exe 2>NUL
if exist mogrify.exe goto del2
if exist rush.exe goto del2
del *.dll 2>NUL
echo Removing old images...
del *.ppm 2>NUL
echo Purging small images...
xcopy /Q /Y ..\#TOOLS#\purgesmallimages.exe . >NUL
.\purgesmallimages 200
del purgesmallimages.exe 2>NUL
if exist purgesmallimages.exe goto del3
echo Now manually delete all unneeded images and press enter. Before you press enter the images directory should contain an even amount of images, and they should be in the order image, mask, image, mask, image, mask...
xcopy /Q /Y ..\#TOOLS#\masker.exe . >NUL
xcopy /Q /Y ..\#TOOLS#\convert.exe . >NUL
xcopy /Q /Y ..\#TOOLS#\*.dll . >NUL
del masker.exe 2>NUL
del convert.exe 2>NUL
del *.dll 2>NUL
if exist masker.exe goto del4
if exist convert.exe goto del4
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