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Created May 4, 2024 14:52
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#include "libvcad/tree/leaf/point_map.h"
#include <fstream>
#include "libvcad/utils/math_utils.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace glm;
using namespace MathUtils;
PointMap::PointMap(const string& tet_mesh_path, const string& displacement_field_path,
vector<string> functions, vector<uint8_t> materials, bool prob_mode) :
m_tet_mesh_path(tet_mesh_path), m_displacement_field_path(displacement_field_path),
m_function_strings(functions), m_materials(materials), m_prob_mode(prob_mode)
shared_ptr<Node> PointMap::clone()
auto clone = make_shared<PointMap>();
clone->m_tet_mesh_path = m_tet_mesh_path;
clone->m_displacement_field_path = m_displacement_field_path;
clone->m_function_strings = m_function_strings;
clone->m_materials = m_materials;
clone->m_prob_mode = m_prob_mode;
// Shallow copy the AABB tree
// This is okay because the AABB tree is not modified, only read after being prepared
clone->m_aabb_tree = m_aabb_tree;
// Build new evaluators based on the new class members
return clone;
void PointMap::prepare()
// Prepare the evaluators
// Create the AABB tree
m_aabb_tree = make_shared<AABBTree>();
// Load the tetrahedrons and displacement field from the files
LoadTetrahedronsFromFile(m_tet_mesh_path, m_displacement_field_path);
void PointMap::prepare_evaluators()
m_evaluators.clear(); // Delete the old evaluators
// {"x", "y", "z", "rho", "phic", "r", "theta", "phis", "dx", "dy", "dz", "len"}
const std::unordered_map<std::string, double*> variable_map =
{ "x", &m_x }, { "y", &m_y }, { "z", &m_z },
{ "rho", &m_rho }, { "phic", &m_phic },
{ "r", &m_r }, { "theta", &m_theta }, { "phis", &m_phis },
{ "dx", &m_dx }, { "dy", &m_dy }, { "dz", &m_dz },
{ "len", &m_len }
// For each function, compile the evaluator
for (int i = 0; i < m_function_strings.size(); ++i)
auto evaluator = make_shared<ExpressionEvaluator>();
evaluator->compile(m_function_strings[i], variable_map);
m_evaluators[i] = evaluator;
double PointMap::evaluate(double x, double y, double z)
SC_Point query_point(x, y, z);
std::vector<TetrahedronPrimitive<glm::vec3>::Id> intersected_tets_ids;
m_aabb_tree->all_intersected_primitives(query_point, std::back_inserter(intersected_tets_ids));
for (auto& tetrahedron : intersected_tets_ids)
if(tetrahedron->is_point_inside(vec3(x, y, z)))
return -1.0; // Point is inside the tetrahedrons
return 1.0; // Point is outside the tetrahedrons
vec3 PointMap::compute_displacement(double x, double y, double z)
SC_Point query_point(x, y, z);
std::vector<TetrahedronPrimitive<glm::vec3>::Id> intersected_tets_ids;
// Determine what tetrahedrons the point *might* intersect
m_aabb_tree->all_intersected_primitives(query_point, std::back_inserter(intersected_tets_ids));
// Iterate over the potential intersected tetrahedrons and check if the point is inside
for (auto& tetrahedron : intersected_tets_ids)
if(tetrahedron->is_point_inside(vec3(x, y, z)))
return tetrahedron->sample(vec3(x, y, z)); // Interpolate the displacement at the point within the tetrahedron
return vec3(0.0f); // Point is outside the tetrahedrons
uint8_t PointMap::material(double x, double y, double z)
auto distribution = this->distribution(x, y, z);
return compute_new_material(distribution, m_prob_mode);
vector<uint8_t> PointMap::material_list()
return m_materials;
unordered_map<uint8_t, float> PointMap::distribution(double x, double y, double z)
if(evaluate(x, y, z) > 0.0)
return {};
// Compute the interpolated displacement of the point
auto displacement = compute_displacement(x, y, z);
auto length = glm::length(displacement);
// Cartesian (x, y, z))
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
m_z = z;
// Cylindrical (rho, phi, z)
m_rho = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
m_phic = atan2(y, x);
// Spherical (r, theta, phi)
m_r = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
m_theta = atan2(y, x);
m_phis = acos(z / m_r);
// Displacement
m_dx = displacement.x;
m_dy = displacement.y;
m_dz = displacement.z;
// Length
m_len = length;
// Evaluate the functions
unordered_map<uint8_t, float> probabilities;
for (int i = 0; i < m_function_strings.size(); ++i)
auto value = m_evaluators[i]->evaluate();
probabilities[m_materials[i]] = value;
// Normalize the probabilities
float sum = 0.0;
for(auto& [material, probability] : probabilities) sum += probability;
for(auto& [material, probability] : probabilities) probability /= sum;
return probabilities;
std::vector<std::string> PointMap::Split(const string &s, char delimiter)
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
std::string token;
std::istringstream tokenStream(s);
while (std::getline(tokenStream, token, delimiter))
return tokens;
void PointMap::LoadTetrahedronsFromFile(const std::string& inp_filename, const std::string& point_map_filename)
std::vector<ValuedPoint> points;
// Open the inp file
ifstream inp_file(inp_filename);
if(!inp_file.is_open()) { throw runtime_error("Could not open inp file: " + inp_filename); }
string inp_file_line;
// Open the point map file
ifstream point_map_file(point_map_filename);
if(!point_map_file.is_open()) { throw runtime_error("Could not open point map file: " + point_map_filename); }
string point_map_file_line;
// Skip lines in the inp file until we reach the *NODE section
while(getline(inp_file, inp_file_line)) { if(inp_file_line.find("*NODE") != string::npos) { break; }}
// Read the nodes until we "**"
while(getline(inp_file, inp_file_line))
if(inp_file_line.find("**") != string::npos) { break; }
// Split the inp_file_line into tokens
vector<string> tokens = Split(inp_file_line, ',');
// Parse the tokens
if(tokens.size() != 4) { throw runtime_error("Invalid line in inp file: " + inp_filename); }
// Convert the tokens to doubles
double x = stod(tokens[1]);
double y = stod(tokens[2]);
double z = stod(tokens[3]);
// Add the point to the list of points
points.push_back(ValuedPoint{vec3(x, y, z), vec3(0.0f)});
// Now we read the point map file and populate the displacement values
size_t point_index = 0;
while(getline(point_map_file, point_map_file_line))
// Split the line into tokens
vector<string> tokens = Split(point_map_file_line, ',');
// Parse the tokens
if(tokens.size() != 6) { throw runtime_error("Invalid line in displacement file: " + point_map_filename); }
// Convert the tokens to doubles (0-2 are XYZ)
double dx = stod(tokens[3]);
double dy = stod(tokens[4]);
double dz = stod(tokens[5]);
// Update the displacement field
points[point_index].displacement = vec3(dx, dy, dz);
// Going back the INP file, skip lines in the inp_file until we reach the *ELEMENT section
while(getline(inp_file, inp_file_line)) { if(inp_file_line.find("*ELEMENT") != string::npos) { break; } }
// Read the tetrahedrons until we reach the end of the inp_file
while(getline(inp_file, inp_file_line))
// Split the inp_file_line into tokens
vector<string> tokens = Split(inp_file_line, ',');
// Parse the tokens
if(tokens.size() != 5) { throw runtime_error("Invalid line in inp file: " + inp_filename); }
// Convert the tokens to integers
size_t a_idx = stoul(tokens[1]) - 1;
size_t b_idx = stoul(tokens[2]) - 1;
size_t c_idx = stoul(tokens[3]) - 1;
size_t d_idx = stoul(tokens[4]) - 1;
// Get the vertices of the tetrahedron
const vec3& a = points[a_idx].coords;
const vec3& b = points[b_idx].coords;
const vec3& c = points[c_idx].coords;
const vec3& d = points[d_idx].coords;
const vec3& a_disp = points[a_idx].displacement;
const vec3& b_disp = points[b_idx].displacement;
const vec3& c_disp = points[c_idx].displacement;
const vec3& d_disp = points[d_idx].displacement;
// Add to the AABB tree
m_aabb_tree->insert(new Tetrahedron<glm::vec3>(a, b, c, d, a_disp, b_disp, c_disp, d_disp));
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