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Created May 4, 2024 14:56
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// GLM
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <CGAL/AABB_tree.h>
#include <CGAL/AABB_traits.h>
#include <CGAL/Bbox_3.h>
// Local
#include "libvcad/utils/math_utils.h"
#include "libvcad/geometry/primitives.h"
//! \class Tetrahedron
//! \brief A class that represents a tetrahedron in 3D space
//! \details This class is used to represent a tetrahedron in 3D space. The tetrahedron is defined by four points in 3D space.
//! The class also stores a value (template) associated with each point in the tetrahedron. Methods are provided to interpolate given
//! a point in space within the tetrahedron.
template <typename T>
class Tetrahedron
//! \brief Constructor
Tetrahedron() = default;
//! \brief Constructor
//! \param a The first point of the tetrahedron
//! \param b The second point of the tetrahedron
//! \param c The third point of the tetrahedron
//! \param d The fourth point of the tetrahedron
//! \param a_val The value associated with the first point
//! \param b_val The value associated with the second point
//! \param c_val The value associated with the third point
//! \param d_val The value associated with the fourth point
Tetrahedron(const glm::vec3& a, const glm::vec3& b, const glm::vec3& c, const glm::vec3& d,
const T& a_val, const T& b_val, const T& c_val, const T& d_val) :
m_a(a), m_b(b), m_c(c), m_d(d), m_a_val(a_val), m_b_val(b_val), m_c_val(c_val), m_d_val(d_val) {}
//! \brief Compute the volume of the tetrahedron
//! \return The volume of the tetrahedron in mm^3
double volume() const
return MathUtils::tet_volume(m_a, m_b, m_c, m_d);
//! \brief Interpolate a value at a point in space within the tetrahedron
//! \param point The point in space to interpolate the value at
//! \return The interpolated value at the point
T sample(const glm::vec3& point) const
glm::vec4 bary_coords = barycentric_coordinates(point);
return MathUtils::tet_interpolate(bary_coords, m_a_val, m_b_val, m_c_val, m_d_val);
//! \brief Compute the barycentric coordinates of a point in space within the tetrahedron
//! \param point The point in space to compute the barycentric coordinates for
//! \return The barycentric coordinates of the point
glm::vec4 barycentric_coordinates(const glm::vec3& point) const
float V1234 = MathUtils::tet_volume(m_a, m_b, m_c, m_d);
float lambda1 = MathUtils::tet_volume(point, m_b, m_c, m_d) / V1234;
float lambda2 = MathUtils::tet_volume(m_a, point, m_c, m_d) / V1234;
float lambda3 = MathUtils::tet_volume(m_a, m_b, point, m_d) / V1234;
float lambda4 = MathUtils::tet_volume(m_a, m_b, m_c, point) / V1234;
return {lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, lambda4};
//! \brief Check if a point is inside the tetrahedron
//! \note depends on barycentric_coordinates()
//! \param point The point to check
//! \return True if the point is inside the tetrahedron, false otherwise
bool is_point_inside(const glm::vec3& point) const
glm::vec4 bary_coords = barycentric_coordinates(point);
double sum = (bary_coords.x + bary_coords.y + bary_coords.z + bary_coords.w);
double epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() * 10;
auto inside = (bary_coords.x >= -epsilon
&& bary_coords.y >= -epsilon
&& bary_coords.z >= -epsilon
&& bary_coords.w >= -epsilon
&& glm::abs(sum - 1.0) <= epsilon);
return inside;
//! \brief Compute the minimum point of the tetrahedron
//! \return The minimum point of the tetrahedron
glm::vec3 min_point() const
return glm::vec3(
std::min({m_a.x, m_b.x, m_c.x, m_d.x}),
std::min({m_a.y, m_b.y, m_c.y, m_d.y}),
std::min({m_a.z, m_b.z, m_c.z, m_d.z})
//! \brief Compute the maximum point of the tetrahedron
//! \return The maximum point of the tetrahedron
glm::vec3 max_point() const
return glm::vec3(
std::max({m_a.x, m_b.x, m_c.x, m_d.x}),
std::max({m_a.y, m_b.y, m_c.y, m_d.y}),
std::max({m_a.z, m_b.z, m_c.z, m_d.z})
//! \brief Compute the bounding box of the tetrahedron
//! \return A pair of the minimum and maximum points of the bounding box
std::pair<glm::vec3, glm::vec3> bounding_box() const
return std::make_pair(min_point(), max_point());
//! \brief Get the first point of the tetrahedron
glm::vec3 a() const { return m_a; }
//! \brief Get the second point of the tetrahedron
glm::vec3 b() const { return m_b; }
//! \brief Get the third point of the tetrahedron
glm::vec3 c() const { return m_c; }
//! \brief Get the fourth point of the tetrahedron
glm::vec3 d() const { return m_d; }
//! \brief Set the first point of the tetrahedron
void set_a(const glm::vec3& a) { m_a = a; }
//! \brief Set the second point of the tetrahedron
void set_b(const glm::vec3& b) { m_b = b; }
//! \brief Set the third point of the tetrahedron
void set_c(const glm::vec3& c) { m_c = c; }
//! \brief Set the fourth point of the tetrahedron
void set_d(const glm::vec3& d) { m_d = d; }
//! \brief Get the value associated with the first point
T a_val() const { return m_a_val; }
//! \brief Get the value associated with the second point
T b_val() const { return m_b_val; }
//! \brief Get the value associated with the third point
T c_val() const { return m_c_val; }
//! \brief Get the value associated with the fourth point
T d_val() const { return m_d_val; }
//! \brief Set the value associated with the first point
void set_a_val(const T& val) { m_a_val = val; }
//! \brief Set the value associated with the second point
void set_b_val(const T& val) { m_b_val = val; }
//! \brief Set the value associated with the third point
void set_c_val(const T& val) { m_c_val = val; }
//! \brief Set the value associated with the fourth point
void set_d_val(const T& val) { m_d_val = val; }
//! \brief Compute the barycenter of the tetrahedron
//! \return The barycenter or center of mass of the tetrahedron
glm::vec3 barycenter() const
return (m_a + m_b + m_c + m_d) / 4.0f;
glm::vec3 m_a;
glm::vec3 m_b;
glm::vec3 m_c;
glm::vec3 m_d;
T m_a_val;
T m_b_val;
T m_c_val;
T m_d_val;
//! \class TetrahedronPrimitive
//! \brief A class that wraps a Tetrahedron object to be used in the AABB trees
template <typename T>
struct TetrahedronPrimitive
typedef const Tetrahedron<T>* Id;
typedef SC_Kernel::Iso_cuboid_3 Datum;
typedef SC_Point Point;
Tetrahedron<T>* m_ptr;
//! \brief Constructor that wraps a Tetrahedron object
//! \param tet The pointer to the Tetrahedron object
TetrahedronPrimitive(Tetrahedron<T>* tet) : m_ptr(tet) {}
//! \brief Get the ID of the Tetrahedron object. The ID is simply the pointer memory address
//! \note Required by CGAL AABBTraits
//! \return The ID of the Tetrahedron object
Id id() const { return m_ptr; }
//! \brief Get the bounding box of the Tetrahedron object
//! \note Required by CGAL AABBTraits
//! \return The bounding box of the Tetrahedron object
Datum datum() const
auto bbox_coords = m_ptr->bounding_box();
return Datum(Point(bbox_coords.first.x, bbox_coords.first.y, bbox_coords.first.z),
Point(bbox_coords.second.x, bbox_coords.second.y, bbox_coords.second.z));
//! \brief Get the reference point of the Tetrahedron object. This can be any point that represents the object,
//! in this case, the barycenter of the Tetrahedron object is used.
//! \note Required by CGAL AABBTraits
//! \return The reference point of the Tetrahedron object
Point reference_point() const
auto center_of_mass = m_ptr->barycenter();
return Point(center_of_mass.x, center_of_mass.y, center_of_mass.z);
//! \brief Define the AABB traits for the TetrahedronPrimitive
typedef CGAL::AABB_traits<SC_Kernel, TetrahedronPrimitive<glm::vec3>> AABB_tetrahedron_traits;
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