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Last active August 5, 2017 03:22
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# Builders
def build_PlainSpeech(body):
speech = {}
speech['type'] = 'PlainText'
speech['text'] = body
return speech
def build_response(message, session_attributes={}):
response = {}
response['version'] = '1.0'
response['sessionAttributes'] = session_attributes
response['response'] = message
return response
def build_SimpleCard(title, body):
card = {}
card['type'] = 'Simple'
card['title'] = title
card['content'] = body
return card
# Responses
def conversation(title, body, session_attributes):
speechlet = {}
speechlet['outputSpeech'] = build_PlainSpeech(body)
speechlet['card'] = build_SimpleCard(title, body)
speechlet['shouldEndSession'] = False
return build_response(speechlet, session_attributes=session_attributes)
def statement(title, body):
speechlet = {}
speechlet['outputSpeech'] = build_PlainSpeech(body)
speechlet['card'] = build_SimpleCard(title, body)
speechlet['shouldEndSession'] = True
return build_response(speechlet)
def continue_dialog():
message = {}
message['shouldEndSession'] = False
message['directives'] = [{'type': 'Dialog.Delegate'}]
return build_response(message)
# Custom Intents
def nonstop_intent(event, context):
if "Monkey" in event['session']['attributes']:
event['session']['attributes']['Shit'] = "Lots of it"
event['session']['attributes']['Monkey'] = "bobo"
return conversation("This never ends", "This is nonstop",
#return statement("Nonstao", "You Nonstao to count something")
def plan_my_trip(event, context):
dialog_state = event['request']['dialogState']
if dialog_state in ("STARTED", "IN_PROGRESS"):
return continue_dialog()
elif dialog_state == "COMPLETED":
return statement("plan_my_trip", "Plan complete. Good Job")
return statement("plan_my_trip", "No dialog")
def count_intent():
return statement("CountIntent", "You want to count something")
# Required Intents
def cancel_intent():
return statement("CancelIntent", "You want to cancel")
def help_intent():
return statement("CancelIntent", "You want help")
def stop_intent():
return statement("StopIntent", "You want to stop")
# On Launch
def on_launch(event, context):
return statement("title", "body")
# Routing
def intent_router(event, context):
intent = event['request']['intent']['name']
# Custom Intents
if intent == "NonStopIntent":
return nonstop_intent(event, context)
if intent == "PlanMyTrip":
return plan_my_trip(event, context)
if intent == "CountIntent":
return count_intent()
if intent == "PickANumberIntent":
return count_intent()
# Required Intents
if intent == "AMAZON.CancelIntent":
return cancel_intent()
if intent == "AMAZON.HelpIntent":
return help_intent()
if intent == "AMAZON.StopIntent":
return stop_intent()
# Program Entry
def lambda_handler(event, context):
if event['request']['type'] == "LaunchRequest":
return on_launch(event, context)
elif event['request']['type'] == "IntentRequest":
return intent_router(event, context)
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