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Created February 9, 2012 20:30
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;; # Try 1 - No refreshing
(run* [q]
(fresh [f f* f** α T1 T2]
;; Say we have a polymorphic function f of type ∀α.α → α
;; (in Haskell, this would be a -> a).
(== f [α :-> α])
;; Apply it on T1, an Int.
;; The type of f in that context is Int → Int.
(== f f*)
(== [T1 :-> T1] f*)
(== T1 :Int)
;; Apply it on T2, a Bool.
;; The type of f in that context is Bool → Bool.
(== f f**)
(== [T2 :-> T2] f**)
(== T2 :Bool)
(== [f f* f**] q)))
=> ()
;; No results, as expected because α, T1 and T2 are the same lvar, so
;; it can't be :Int and :Bool at the same time.
;; # Try 2 - With refreshing
(run* [q]
(fresh [f f* f** α T1 T2]
;; Say we have a polymorphic function f of type ∀α.α → α
;; (in Haskell, this would be a -> a).
(== f [α :-> α])
;; Apply it on T1, an Int.
;; The type of f in that context is Int → Int.
(refresh f f*) ; CHANGED
(== [T1 :-> T1] f*)
(== T1 :Int)
;; Apply it on T2, a Bool.
;; The type of f in that context is Bool → Bool.
(refresh f f**) ; CHANGED
(== [T2 :-> T2] f**)
(== T2 :Bool)
(== [f f* f**] q)))
=> ([[_.0 :-> _.0] [:Int :-> :Int] [:Bool :-> :Bool]])
;; Success! The `refresh` relation replaces all unbound lvars with
;; fresh ones, so α, T1 and T2 are three different lvars. See the
;; bottom of this file for the source of `refresh`.
;; # Try 3 - Too much freshness
(run* [q]
(fresh [f f* f** α T1 T2]
;; Say we have a polymorphic function f of type ∀α.α → Int
;; (in Haskell, this would be a -> Int).
(== f [α :-> :Int]) ; CHANGED
;; Apply it on T1, an Int.
;; The type of f in that context is Int → Int.
(refresh f f*)
(== [T1 :-> T1] f*)
(== T1 :Int)
;; Apply it on T2, a Bool.
;; The type of f in that context should be Bool → Bool, but
;; the return type of f is already Int, so this should fail.
(refresh f f**)
(== [T2 :-> T2] f**)
(== T2 :Bool)
(== [f f* f**] q)))
=> ([[_.0 :-> :Int] [:Int :-> :Int] [:Bool :-> :Bool]])
;; It unexpectedly succeeds. We defined f to be [α :-> :Int] so
;; [:Int :-> :Int] is fine, but [:Bool :-> :Bool] should have failed.
;; It appears that the `refresh` function refreshes all lvars
;; (or even the whole expression?)
;; T2 is T1 but with all unground lvars replaced by fresh ones.
;; Example: (fresh [_.0 :-> :Int] [_.1 :-> :Int])
(defn refresh [T1 T2]
;; If it's an unground lvar, refresh it.
[(lvaro T1) (fresh [T*] (== T* T2))]
[(matcha [T1] ; I think we never even reach this point!
;; Empty list
([[]] (== T2 []))
;; Walk the car and the cdr
([[x . xs]]
(fresh [x* xs*]
(refresh x x*)
(refresh xs xs*)
(conso x* xs* T2)))
;; Just a single constant, not an lvar
([x] (== T2 x)))]))
;; While writing this example, I realized another problem:
;; after (fresh [_.0 :-> _.0] T2), T2 should be [_.1 :-> _.1]
;; If `refresh` would do what it currently should do, T2 would be:
;; [_.1 :-> _.2]
;; Short description of the correct implementation refresh
;; (non-relational approach):
;; * Collect a list of all unbound lvars in T1
;; * Zipmap that list with a list of fresh vars
;; * Apply the zipped map as substitutions to T1 to get T2
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