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Created December 11, 2016 18:15
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Haskell simple linked-list loop detection
module Lib
( someFunc
) where
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
len :: List a -> Int
len Nil = 0
len (Cons _ xs) = 1 + len xs
insert :: a -> List a -> List a
insert x xs = Cons x xs
initList :: (Num a) => List a
initList = insert 40
$ insert 30
$ insert 20
$ insert 10 Nil
initLoopList :: (Num a) => List a
initLoopList =
let list = insert 0 list1
list1 = insert 1 list2
list2 = insert 2 list3
list3 = insert 3 list4
list4 = insert 4 list5
list5 = insert 5 list6
list6 = insert 6 list7
list7 = insert 7 list8
list8 = insert 8 list9
list9 = insert 9 list10
list10 = insert 10 list4
in list
listNext :: List a -> List a
listNext Nil = Nil
listNext (Cons _ xs) = xs
loopDetecting' :: (Eq a) => List a -> List a -> Bool
loopDetecting' current next
| current == Nil || next1 == Nil || next2 == Nil = False
| current == next1 || current == next2 = True
| otherwise = loopDetecting' (listNext current) next2
next1 = listNext next
next2 | next1 == Nil = Nil
| otherwise = listNext next1
loopDetecting :: (Eq a) => List a -> Bool
loopDetecting Nil = False
loopDetecting (Cons _ xs) = loopDetecting' xs xs
someFunc :: IO ()
someFunc =
list1 = initList
list2 = initList
isEq = list1 == list2
currentList = "Current list: " ++ show list2 ++ "\n"
listEqual = "Equal list: " ++ show isEq ++ "\n"
listLength = "List length: " ++ (show $ len list1) ++ "\n"
| True == loopDetecting initLoopList = "Loop list: linked list loopd detected\n"
| otherwise = "Loop list: " ++ show initLoopList ++ "\n"
in putStrLn $ currentList ++ listLength ++ listEqual ++ loopList
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