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Created September 7, 2020 07:47
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Solution Script for stratum challenge from InterkosenCTF 2020
# The main algo for encryption can be depicted as :
==== flag.enc ====
636d 6668 6e66 676a 636c 676a 666d 6a68 ____
2f3e 2670 6659 6e06 0902 6d24 250d 380e ----\-------------
6e6d 6b73 6b6c 6d6b 6c66 6d68 6b76 7a6d _____\ \
3314 566d 2704 5234 442e 3e02 180c 153e ------\------------XORED
6468 6b6d 6868 666a 6876 6d66 7a62 676d ______/__SHUFFLED /
003f 6756 2337 2176 6071 0f74 4c4b 2161 -----/------------/
736e 686b 6468 666b 7361 6e68 6278 6161 ____/ /
793e 3137 2f12 1514 494a 6534 527b 7665 -----------------
SHUFFLED = pshufb( inp, 'asdfghjklzxcvbnm' )
XORED = (inp ^ (lzcnt|popcnt))
def popcnt(n):
cnt = 0
while (n):
cnt += n & 1
n >>= 1
return cnt
def lzcnt(ax):
bits = bin(ax)[2:].zfill(16)
bits = [int(x) for x in bits]
#print bits
j = 0
for i in range(16):
if bits[i] == 0:
return j
def shuffle(inp):
seed = [ord(x) for x in "asdfghjklzxcvbnm"]
shuffled = [0]*16
for i in range(16):
if (inp[i] < 0):
shuffled[i] = 0
shuffled[i] = seed[inp[i] % 16]
return shuffled
def xor_elem(inp):
xored = []
for i in range(len(inp)):
elem = inp[i]
x = popcnt(elem) << 4
y = lzcnt(elem << 8)
j = (i+16) % len(inp)
xored.append((x|y) ^ inp[j])
return xored
# possible characters generator
def gen_possible_chars(possible_chars_dict,j):
for a in possible_chars_dict[j]:
for b in possible_chars_dict[16+j]:
for c in possible_chars_dict[ (48+j) % 64 ]:
yield a,b,c
Flag format and the charset is disclosed by the author :
if [[ "$FLAG" =~ ^KosenCTF\{[-a-zA-Z0-9_!?]+\}$ ]]; then
echo $FLAG | ./chall > flag.enc
import string
charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "{_!?}" + "\n\x00"
if __name__ == '__main__':
shuff_org, xor_org = '',''
with open("flag.enc", "rb") as f:
for i in range(4):
shuff_org +=
xor_org +=
possible_chars_dict = {}
for i in range(0x1,0x41):
possible = []
for d in charset:
#dummy input
inp = 'x'*64
inp = [ord(x) for x in inp]
inp[i-1] = ord(d)
#dividing input into chunks of 16 elements for shuffling using pshufb
chunks = [inp[x:x+16] for x in xrange(0, len(inp), 16)]
gotshuffled = ''
for tmparr in chunks:
shuffled_res = shuffle(tmparr)
gotshuffled += ''.join(map(chr,shuffled_res))
if gotshuffled[i-1] == shuff_org[i-1]:
possible_chars_dict[i-1] = possible
# remove false positives using flag format
flg_fmt = "KosenCTF{"
for i in range(len(flg_fmt)):
possible_chars_dict[i] = [flg_fmt[i]]
# minimized key space for bruteforcing using first algo ie. shuffling (pshufb)
for item in possible_chars_dict:
print "Possible for :",item, possible_chars_dict[item]
filtered_chars_dict = {}
for j in range(32):
print "Find for :" , hex(ord(xor_org[j])), hex(ord(xor_org[(48+j) % 64]))
for a,b,c in gen_possible_chars(possible_chars_dict, j):
#dummy input
inp = 'x'*64
inp = [ord(x) for x in inp]
#setting possible chars at appropriate indices
inp[j] = ord(a)
inp[16+j] = ord(b)
inp[(48+j) % 64] = ord(c)
#print "Trying : ", a, b, c
xored_res = xor_elem(inp)
gotxored = ''.join(map(chr, xored_res))
#print hex(ord(gotxored[j])), hex(ord(gotxored[(48+j) % 63]))
if gotxored[j] == xor_org[j] and gotxored[(48+j) % 64] == xor_org[(48+j) % 64]:
print "Candidate :", a,b,c
# checking if a candidate already exists for an index
if j in filtered_chars_dict and (16+j) in filtered_chars_dict and ((48+j) % 64) in filtered_chars_dict:
filtered_chars_dict[(48+j) % 64].append(c)
filtered_chars_dict[j] = [a]
filtered_chars_dict[16+j] = [b]
filtered_chars_dict[(48+j) % 64] = [c]
# used second algo for further reducing key space (popcnt, lzcnt)
for item in filtered_chars_dict:
print "Possible (filtered) for : ", item, ":", filtered_chars_dict[item ]
# some false positives still remain...
from itertools import product
for lol in product(*filtered_chars_dict.values()):
flag = ''.join(lol)
flag = flag.replace('\n\x00\x00','')
print flag
# but we can easily recognize our flag as :
# Flag : KosenCTF{h4v3_fUn_w17h_7h3_ugly_bu7_u53ful_SIMD_1n57ruc710n5}
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