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Last active March 23, 2022 01:05
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Simple fully customized grid table using TailwindCss in Vue 3 (Composition API)
<script setup>
import {computed, onMounted, ref} from "vue";
const props = defineProps({
items: {
type: Object,
default: {
headers: {},
data: []
required: true
// Actually is items' columns count
const gridSpan = computed(() => ? _.keys([0]).length : 0)
// Inserts after each loop cycle, acts like a new line
const gridSpanClass = computed(() => `col-span-${gridSpan.value}`)
// In case of asynchronous
const ready = ref(false)
// In case tailwind didn't include classes, so we add em manually
const gridClasses = ref([
'col-span-1', 'col-span-2', 'col-span-3', 'col-span-4', 'col-span-5', 'col-span-6',
'col-span-7', 'col-span-8', 'col-span-9', 'col-span-10', 'col-span-11', 'col-span-12'
// Can be deleted; for testing & proofing purposes
onMounted(() => {
ready.value = true
<perfect-scrollbar class="overflow-x-auto pb-2 text-lg" v-if="ready">
<div class="grid">
<div v-for="(heading, index, i) in items.headers"
:key="index + 100"
class="whitespace-nowrap bg-muted-2 py-3.5 px-5"
:class="{ 'rounded-l-xl': i === 0, 'rounded-r-xl': i === (gridSpan - 1) }"
<div class="mb-2" :class="gridSpanClass"></div>
<template v-for="(item, index) in" :key="">
<div v-for="(data, key, i) in item"
class="whitespace-nowrap bg-muted-1 py-3 px-5"
'rounded-tl-xl': (index === 0 && i === 0),
'rounded-tr-xl': (i === (gridSpan - 1) && index === 0),
'rounded-bl-xl': (index === (gridSpan - 1) && i === 0),
'rounded-br-xl': (index === (gridSpan - 1) && i === (gridSpan - 1))
<slot :name="key" :[key]="data" :row="item">
<div v-html="data"></div>
<div class="bg-muted-1" v-if="index !== (gridSpan - 1)" :class="gridSpanClass">
<div class="border-t-2 border-muted-3 mx-12 my-1"></div>
<style scoped></style>
import UiTable from "@/Components/Table";
const table = {
headers: {
id: 'ID',
date: 'Date',
due_date: 'Due Date',
full_payment_fee: 'Full Payment Fee (IRR)',
operation: ''
data: [
{ id: 1, date: '2022/03/22', due_date: '2022/04/30', full_payment_fee: 'IRR 58,500,000', checked: false },
{ id: 2, date: '2022/03/22', due_date: '2022/04/30', full_payment_fee: 'IRR 58,550,000', checked: false },
{ id: 3, date: '2022/03/22', due_date: '2022/04/30', full_payment_fee: 'IRR 58,560,000', checked: false },
{ id: 4, date: '2022/03/22', due_date: '2022/04/30', full_payment_fee: 'IRR 58,500,000', checked: true },
{ id: 5, date: '2022/03/22', due_date: '2022/04/30', full_payment_fee: 'IRR 58,500,000', checked: true },
const form = ref({
installments: []
<ui-table :items="table">
<!-- { ..., row } is an array element which is in loop (an item of items array) -->
<!-- Note #checked is same name for it's column name and destructed -->
<template #checked="{ checked, row }">
<span class="fi fi-rr-check leading-none mt-0.5 text-xl text-success-solid" v-if="checked"></span>
<ui-checkbox v-else v-model="form.installments" :value="row.full_payment_fee" />
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