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Created October 13, 2010 08:44
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Save mraaroncruz/623701 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Part of this borrowed from a jekyll deploy script from the jekyll author.
# This assumes sprockets and juicer which will combine your js modules and yui compress them respectively
BASE = File.dirname(__FILE__)
SRC = "#{BASE}/src"
SITE = "#{BASE}/site"
JSFILE = "javascript.js"
task :default => [:js,:build]
desc "Build the site including all dependencies"
task :build do
sh 'staticmatic build .'
desc "Combine and compress javascript files"
task :js, :arg1 do |t,args|
puts args.arg1
commands = [ "sprocketize #{SRC}/javascripts/default.js > #{SITE}/javascripts/#{JSFILE}"]
if args.arg1 != 'false'
commands.push "juicer merge -i #{SITE}/javascripts/#{JSFILE} -o #{SITE}/javascripts/temp.js"
commands.push "mv #{SITE}/javascripts/temp.js #{SITE}/javascripts/#{JSFILE}"
c = commands.join(' && ')
sh c
desc "Git Push to Origin"
task :push do
require 'rubygems'
require 'highline/import'
msg = ask("Commit Message: ") { |q| q.echo = true }
commands = [
"git add .",
"git commit -a -m \"#{msg}\"",
"git push origin master"
].join(' && ')
sh commands
desc "Deploy and launch on remote server"
task :deploy => [:push] do
require 'rubygems'
require 'highline/import'
require 'net/ssh'
user = ask("Username: ") { |q| q.echo = true }
home = "/home/#{user}"
repo = "#{home}/git/#{user}_static.git"
tmp = "#{home}/tmp/staticmatic"
deploy = "#{home}/#{user}.com/dev/staticmatic"
Net::SSH.start("#{user}.com",user) do |ssh|
commands = [
"git clone #{repo} #{tmp}",
"rm -rf #{deploy}",
"mv #{tmp} #{deploy}",
"cd #{deploy}",
"mkdir site/javascripts",
].join(' && ')
ssh.exec commands
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