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Last active December 17, 2024 11:26
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Get the Telegram channel ID

To get the channel id

  1. Create your bot with botfather
  2. Make you bot an admin of your channel

Simplest way (via @anhtuank7c)

Go to Telegram web and open a channel, get the ID from -[channel id] from hash in the path

-9999999999999 is the channel ID.

Link to suggestion

(DEPRECATED) New improved next steps

  1. Go to
  2. Click on your channel
  3. Look at the URL and find the part that looks like c12112121212_17878787878787878
  4. Remove the underscore and after c12112121212
  5. Remove the prefixed letter 12112121212
  6. Prefix with a -100 so -10012112121212
  7. That's your channel id.

Old yucky next steps

  1. Make your channel public
  2. Create a public link
  3. Send a message from console to @[your_public_link_text]
  4. Copy chat id from response in console as the channel id
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much easier way .. forward a message from that channel to this @JsonDumpBot bot image can voila there's your ID


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@crystalbit I found an alternative way in the meantime.

1. Go to

2. Click on your channel

3. Look at the URL and find the part that looks like `c12112121212_17878787878787878`

4. Remove the underscore and after `c12112121212`

5. Remove the prefixed letter `12112121212`

6. Prefix with a `-100` so `-10012112121212`

7. That's your channel id.

Soooo stupid, but it is very quick and it works.

I just need to go to Telegram web and open a channel, id from -number

-9999999999999 is the channel id.

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Cool, looks like they updated their webapp. I'll update the original. Thanks for an actually useful new way @anhtuank7c

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kiarashjv commented Mar 19, 2024

The solution I used is to forward a message from my channel to @get_id_bot and it returns the id. Beside that, you could set a log in your bot and forward a message from private channel to it and in terminal you could see the id. The web telegram solution worked too but I think @get_id_bot is easier and the log method is safer if you want to keep your chat id private for any reason.

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@kiarashjv I agreed with you about use @get_id_bot is convenient but I don't think web telegram expose your channel id so it still safe.

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while @get_id_bot exposes the channel ID to a random bot

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@mraaroncruz you got the point 😎

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kiarashjv commented Mar 20, 2024

@mraaroncruz yeah, as I said it depends on you want to keep your ID private or not 😅

in total I think forwarding a message to your own bot is better because as I understand the method of extracting ID from web might change.

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