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Aaron Cruz mraaroncruz

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mraaroncruz / gist:fc8ef7d8b47cc90b76fda9f7f622a058
Created March 24, 2017 12:48 — forked from ileitch/gist:1459987
Interruptible sleep in Ruby
module InterruptibleSleep
def interruptible_sleep(seconds)
@_sleep_check, @_sleep_interrupt = IO.pipe[@_sleep_check], nil, nil, seconds)
def interrupt_sleep
@_sleep_interrupt.close if @_sleep_interrupt
//set up pods::find parameters to limit to 5 items
$param = array(
'limit' => 5,
//create pods object
$pods = pods('pod_name', $params );
//check that total values (given limit) returned is greater than zero
if ( $pods->total() > 0 ) {
package main
* Script that scrapes google front page
* Usage: ./google [<query>]
* e.g. ./google hacker news
import (
mraaroncruz / generate_sequel_migration.rake
Created December 2, 2015 17:37 — forked from DevL/generate_sequel_migration.rake
Generate a timestamped, empty Sequel migration in the 'migrations' directory.
namespace :generate do
desc 'Generate a timestamped, empty Sequel migration.'
task :migration, :name do |_, args|
if args[:name].nil?
puts 'You must specify a migration name (e.g. rake generate:migration[create_events])!'
exit false
content = "Sequel.migration do\n up do\n \n end\n\n down do\n \n end\nend\n"
timestamp =
-- Add the new tsvector column
ALTER TABLE articles ADD COLUMN tsv tsvector;
-- Create a function that will generate a tsvector from text data found in both the
-- title and body columns, but give a higher relevancy rating 'A' to the title data
CREATE FUNCTION articles_generate_tsvector() RETURNS trigger AS $$
new.tsv :=
setweight(to_tsvector('pg_catalog.english', coalesce(new.title,'')), 'A') ||
setweight(to_tsvector('pg_catalog.english', coalesce(new.body,'')), 'B');
// Media Queries in Sass 3.2
// These mixins make media queries a breeze with Sass.
// The media queries from mobile up until desktop all
// trigger at different points along the way
// And important point to remember is that and width
// over the portrait width is considered to be part of the
// landscape width. This allows us to capture widths of devices
// that might not fit the dimensions exactly. This means the break