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Rancher's access control requires 7 fields Display Name Field, User Name Field, UID Field, Groups Field, Private Key, Certificate and Metadata XML

The first 4 fields, Display Name Field, User Name Field, UID Field and Groups Field, map to the attributes released from the data store used by the Identity Provider. These released attributes are specified in the IdP's Attribute Contract.

Generate private key and certificate for the Rancher server, and paste/upload them to the Private Key and Certificate fields respectively. Upload IdP metadata and click Save. This will save all the configuration in cattle db and generate the SP metadata.

UI has instructions for the steps up to register your rancher server domain and creating the OAuth credentials. These are the steps for generating the service account credential file:

  1. Be logged in to your gsuite domain as the admin
  2. Navigate to Service accounts page:
  3. Create a service account.
    Create Service account - page 1

Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 10 03 03 AM

Create Service account - page 2- no need to specify roles

1 exit
2 xhost local:root
3 sudo DISPLAY=$DISPLAY gedit /etc/profile
5 ls -l /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
6 ps
7 kill 8448
8 ps
9 xvfb-run --server-args='-screen 0, 1024x768x24' google-chrome -start-maximized &> /dev/null &

Load balancer

  • Layer 3 Load balancing takes routing decisions based on IP addresses alone
  • Layer 4 is TCP, does routing decisions only based on network packets' address, not on contents. IP address plus TCP ports etc
  • Layer 7 HTTP, can do routing based on contents of the packets, URL/cookie. Example, if user's requests contain requests frequently for certina media, Layer 7 lbs can direct the user requests to those servers that can bettwe serve these reqyests
# External ID value, should be the value of the attribute you want to provide for User ID in Rancher, so if is sAMAccountName
EXTERNAL_ID="value of sAMAccountName for admin"
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"", "value":"${RANCHER_URL}"}' http://${RANCHER_URL}/v2-beta/settings
# Define the admin user
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"externalId":"${EXTERNAL_ID}", "externalIdType":"shibboleth_user"}' http://${RANCHER_URL}/v2-beta/accounts/1a1
# Get API keys for Admin user

Pods: Unique IP address accessible within cluster. One or more containers, ususally one. Smallest concept Deployment: If pod goes down, we need something to monitor it and notify api-server to bring up another one.

mrajashree / DNF
Created September 15, 2017 21:16
dnf download <package>: downloads the binaries
create multiple AD groups
$csv = Import-Csv -Path ".\bulk_input2.csv"
ForEach ($item In $csv)
Write-Host "item: $($item)"
$create_group = New-ADGroup -Name $item.GroupName -GroupCategory $item.GroupCategory -groupScope $item.GroupScope -Path $item.OU
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Group $($item.GroupName) created!"
1. In case of errors, log the error only if you handle it, if it's going to bubble up, then only return the error
2. If the error might expose too many details to the user, log the error, and return a human readable message
3. Follow import patterns specific to the programming language you use
4. It is a bad practice to use data structure names in your variable names.
5. The code should be self-documenting or self-explanatory. If that means adding comments, add comments.
But you should also strive to name and structure things so that the code is self-evident without comments.
6. Better commit messages
7. Close response, http, connections