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Last active November 30, 2021 16:15
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
del sys.argv[1:]
import srwl_bl
import srwlib
import srwlpy
import srwl_uti_smp
def set_optics(v=None):
el = []
pp = []
names = ['Aperture', 'Aperture_Watchpoint', 'Watchpoint']
for el_name in names:
if el_name == 'Aperture':
# Aperture: aperture 20.0m
elif el_name == 'Aperture_Watchpoint':
# Aperture_Watchpoint: drift 20.0m
elif el_name == 'Watchpoint':
# Watchpoint: watch 24.0m
return srwlib.SRWLOptC(el, pp)
varParam = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_ext_options([
['name', 's', 'basic', 'simulation name'],
#---Data Folder
['fdir', 's', '', 'folder (directory) name for reading-in input and saving output data files'],
['gbm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal coordinates of waist [m]'],
['gbm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'average vertical coordinates of waist [m]'],
['gbm_z', 'f', 0.0, 'average longitudinal coordinate of waist [m]'],
['gbm_xp', 'f', 0.0, 'average horizontal angle at waist [rad]'],
['gbm_yp', 'f', 0.0, 'average verical angle at waist [rad]'],
['gbm_ave', 'f', 9000.0, 'average photon energy [eV]'],
['gbm_pen', 'f', 0.001, 'energy per pulse [J]'],
['gbm_rep', 'f', 1, 'rep. rate [Hz]'],
['gbm_pol', 'f', 1, 'polarization 1- lin. hor., 2- lin. vert., 3- lin. 45 deg., 4- lin.135 deg., 5- circ. right, 6- circ. left'],
['gbm_sx', 'f', 0.0002, 'rms beam size vs horizontal position [m] at waist (for intensity)'],
['gbm_sy', 'f', 0.0002, 'rms beam size vs vertical position [m] at waist (for intensity)'],
['gbm_st', 'f', 1e-13, 'rms pulse duration [s] (for intensity)'],
['gbm_mx', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in horizontal direction'],
['gbm_my', 'f', 0, 'transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in vertical direction'],
['gbm_ca', 's', 'c', 'treat _sigX, _sigY as sizes in [m] in coordinate representation (_presCA="c") or as angular divergences in [rad] in angular representation (_presCA="a")'],
['gbm_ft', 's', 't', 'treat _sigT as pulse duration in [s] in time domain/representation (_presFT="t") or as bandwidth in [eV] in frequency domain/representation (_presFT="f")'],
#---Calculation Types
# Electron Trajectory
['tr', '', '', 'calculate electron trajectory', 'store_true'],
['tr_cti', 'f', 0.0, 'initial time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'],
['tr_ctf', 'f', 0.0, 'final time moment (c*t) for electron trajectory calculation [m]'],
['tr_np', 'f', 10000, 'number of points for trajectory calculation'],
['tr_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for trajectory calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'],
['tr_fn', 's', 'res_trj.dat', 'file name for saving calculated trajectory data'],
['tr_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting trajectiry in graph(s): ""- dont plot, otherwise the string should list the trajectory components to plot'],
#Single-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy
['ss', '', '', 'calculate single-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'],
['ss_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['ss_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['ss_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['ss_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['ss_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical position [m] for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['ss_meth', 'i', 1, 'method to use for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"'],
['ss_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation (nominal value is 0.01)'],
['ss_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'],
['ss_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for single-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'],
['ss_ft', 's', 'f', 'presentation/domain: "f"- frequency (photon energy), "t"- time'],
['ss_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'],
['ss_fn', 's', 'res_spec_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e spectrum vs photon energy'],
['ss_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting single-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'],
#Multi-Electron Spectrum vs Photon Energy (taking into account e-beam emittance, energy spread and collection aperture size)
['sm', '', '', 'calculate multi-e spectrum vs photon energy', 'store_true'],
['sm_ei', 'f', 100.0, 'initial photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_ef', 'f', 20000.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_ne', 'i', 10000, 'number of points vs photon energy for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontal center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_rx', 'f', 0.001, 'range of horizontal position / horizontal aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_nx', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs horizontal position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_y', 'f', 0.0, 'vertical center position [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_ry', 'f', 0.001, 'range of vertical position / vertical aperture size [m] for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_ny', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs vertical position for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of multi-e spectrum spectrum or intensity distribution: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'],
['sm_hi', 'i', 1, 'initial UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_hf', 'i', 15, 'final UR spectral harmonic to be taken into account for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_prl', 'f', 1.0, 'longitudinal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_pra', 'f', 1.0, 'azimuthal integration precision parameter for multi-e spectrum vs photon energy calculation'],
['sm_meth', 'i', -1, 'method to use for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler", -1- dont use this accurate integration method (rather use approximate if possible)'],
['sm_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for spectrum vs photon energy calculation in case of arbitrary input magnetic field (nominal value is 0.01)'],
['sm_nm', 'i', 1, 'number of macro-electrons for calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'],
['sm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons to average on each node at parallel (MPI-based) calculation of spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'],
['sm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons) for intermediate intensity at calculation of multi-electron spectrum in case of arbitrary input magnetic field'],
['sm_type', 'i', 1, 'calculate flux (=1) or flux per unit surface (=2)'],
['sm_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of multi-e flux or intensity: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'],
['sm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'],
['sm_fn', 's', 'res_spec_me.dat', 'file name for saving calculated milti-e spectrum vs photon energy'],
['sm_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting spectrum-e spectrum in a graph: ""- dont plot, "e"- show plot vs photon energy'],
#to add options for the multi-e calculation from "accurate" magnetic field
#Power Density Distribution vs horizontal and vertical position
['pw', '', '', 'calculate SR power density distribution', 'store_true'],
['pw_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['pw_rx', 'f', 0.015, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['pw_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of power density distribution'],
['pw_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['pw_ry', 'f', 0.015, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of power density distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['pw_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of power density distribution'],
['pw_pr', 'f', 1.0, 'precision factor for calculation of power density distribution'],
['pw_meth', 'i', 1, 'power density computation method (1- "near field", 2- "far field")'],
['pw_zst', 'f', 0., 'initial longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'],
['pw_zfi', 'f', 0., 'final longitudinal position along electron trajectory of power density distribution (effective if pow_sst < pow_sfi)'],
['pw_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for power density calculation: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'],
['pw_fn', 's', 'res_pow.dat', 'file name for saving calculated power density distribution'],
['pw_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting power density distribution in a graph: ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'],
#Single-Electron Intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position
['si', '', '', 'calculate single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position', 'store_true'],
#Single-Electron Wavefront Propagation
['ws', '', '', 'calculate single-electron (/ fully coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'],
#Multi-Electron (partially-coherent) Wavefront Propagation
['wm', '', '', 'calculate multi-electron (/ partially coherent) wavefront propagation', 'store_true'],
['w_e', 'f', 9000.0, 'photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['w_ef', 'f', -1.0, 'final photon energy [eV] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['w_ne', 'i', 1, 'number of points vs photon energy for calculation of intensity distribution'],
['w_x', 'f', 0.0, 'central horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'],
['w_rx', 'f', 0.0004, 'range of horizontal position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution'],
['w_nx', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs horizontal position for calculation of intensity distribution'],
['w_y', 'f', 0.0, 'central vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['w_ry', 'f', 0.0006, 'range of vertical position [m] for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['w_ny', 'i', 100, 'number of points vs vertical position for calculation of intensity distribution'],
['w_smpf', 'f', 1.0, 'sampling factor for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['w_meth', 'i', 2, 'method to use for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler"'],
['w_prec', 'f', 0.01, 'relative precision for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['w_u', 'i', 1, 'electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time)'],
['si_pol', 'i', 6, 'polarization component to extract after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Linear Horizontal, 1- Linear Vertical, 2- Linear 45 degrees, 3- Linear 135 degrees, 4- Circular Right, 5- Circular Left, 6- Total'],
['si_type', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of intensity distribution: 0- Single-Electron Intensity, 1- Multi-Electron Intensity, 2- Single-Electron Flux, 3- Multi-Electron Flux, 4- Single-Electron Radiation Phase, 5- Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 6- Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field, 7- Single-Electron Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy'],
['w_mag', 'i', 1, 'magnetic field to be used for calculation of intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position: 1- approximate, 2- accurate'],
['si_fn', 's', 'res_int_se.dat', 'file name for saving calculated single-e intensity distribution (without wavefront propagation through a beamline) vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['si_pl', 's', '', 'plot the input intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['ws_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_se.dat', 'file name for saving propagated single-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['ws_pl', 's', '', 'plot the resulting intensity distributions in graph(s): ""- dont plot, "x"- vs horizontal position, "y"- vs vertical position, "xy"- vs horizontal and vertical position'],
['wm_nm', 'i', 100000, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) for calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'],
['wm_na', 'i', 5, 'number of macro-electrons (coherent wavefronts) to average on each node for parallel (MPI-based) calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation'],
['wm_ns', 'i', 5, 'saving periodicity (in terms of macro-electrons / coherent wavefronts) for intermediate intensity at multi-electron wavefront propagation calculation'],
['wm_ch', 'i', 0, 'type of a characteristic to be extracted after calculation of multi-electron wavefront propagation: #0- intensity (s0); 1- four Stokes components; 2- mutual intensity cut vs x; 3- mutual intensity cut vs y; 40- intensity(s0), mutual intensity cuts and degree of coherence vs X & Y'],
['wm_ap', 'i', 0, 'switch specifying representation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1)'],
['wm_x0', 'f', 0, 'horizontal center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'],
['wm_y0', 'f', 0, 'vertical center position for mutual intensity cut calculation'],
['wm_ei', 'i', 0, 'integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from w_e, w_ef'],
['wm_rm', 'i', 1, 'method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator, 2- Halton sequences, 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented)'],
['wm_am', 'i', 0, 'multi-electron integration approximation method: 0- no approximation (use the standard 5D integration method), 1- integrate numerically only over e-beam energy spread and use convolution to treat transverse emittance'],
['wm_fni', 's', 'res_int_pr_me.dat', 'file name for saving propagated multi-e intensity distribution vs horizontal and vertical position'],
#to add options
['op_r', 'f', 20.0, 'longitudinal position of the first optical element [m]'],
# Former appParam:
['rs_type', 's', 'g', 'source type, (u) idealized undulator, (t), tabulated undulator, (m) multipole, (g) gaussian beam'],
#---Beamline optics:
# Aperture: aperture
['op_Aperture_shape', 's', 'r', 'shape'],
['op_Aperture_Dx', 'f', 0.0001, 'horizontalSize'],
['op_Aperture_Dy', 'f', 0.0001, 'verticalSize'],
['op_Aperture_x', 'f', 0.0, 'horizontalOffset'],
['op_Aperture_y', 'f', 0.0, 'verticalOffset'],
# Aperture_Watchpoint: drift
['op_Aperture_Watchpoint_L', 'f', 4.0, 'length'],
#---Propagation parameters
['op_Aperture_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Aperture'],
['op_Aperture_Watchpoint_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'Aperture_Watchpoint'],
['op_fin_pp', 'f', [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'final post-propagation (resize) parameters'],
#[ 0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation
#[ 1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation
#[ 2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal)
#[ 3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation
#[ 4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0)
#[ 5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification)
#[ 6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing
#[ 7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing
#[ 8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing
#[ 9]: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented)
#[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented)
#[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented)
#[12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate
#[13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate
#[14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate
#[15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate
#[16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate
def main():
v = srwl_bl.srwl_uti_parse_options(varParam, use_sys_argv=True) = True
v.ws_pl = 'xy'
mag = None
if v.rs_type == 'm':
mag = srwlib.SRWLMagFldC()
mag.arMagFld.append(srwlib.SRWLMagFldM(v.mp_field, v.mp_order, v.mp_distribution, v.mp_len))
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from uti_plot_com import file_load
means = []
aperture_hor_sizes = np.linspace(0, 5.e-4, 201)
for aperture_hor_size in aperture_hor_sizes:
v.op_Aperture_Dx = aperture_hor_size
v.ws_fni = f"res_int_pr_se_{aperture_hor_size * 1e3:.03f}mm.dat"
op = set_optics(v)
srwl_bl.SRWLBeamline(, _mag_approx=mag).calc_all(v, op)
data, mode, ranges, labels, units = file_load(v.ws_fni)
data = np.array(data)
data = data.reshape((ranges[8], ranges[5]), order='C')
mean = np.mean(data)
print(f"\n{v.ws_fni}: {mean}\n")
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot()
aperture_hor_sizes_mm = aperture_hor_sizes * 1e3
ax.plot(aperture_hor_sizes_mm, means)
# ax.scatter(aperture_hor_sizes_mm, means)
ax.set_title("Intensity vs. aperture size for the 'basic' simulation")
ax.set_ylabel("Averaged intensity [SRW units]")
ax.set_xlabel("Horizontal aperture size [mm]")
plt.savefig("intensity_vs_aperture_size.png", )
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Here is the resulting plot:

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