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Created April 20, 2023 10:43
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import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart';
// POSIX threading primitives
/// Represents `pthread_mutex_t`
final class PthreadMutex extends Opaque {
/// Represents `pthread_cond_t`
final class PthreadCond extends Opaque {
@Native<Int Function(Pointer<PthreadMutex>, Pointer<Void>)>()
external int pthread_mutex_init(Pointer<PthreadMutex> mutex, Pointer<Void> attrs);
@Native<Int Function(Pointer<PthreadMutex>)>()
external int pthread_mutex_lock(Pointer<PthreadMutex> mutex);
@Native<Int Function(Pointer<PthreadMutex>)>()
external int pthread_mutex_unlock(Pointer<PthreadMutex> mutex);
@Native<Int Function(Pointer<PthreadCond>, Pointer<Void>)>()
external int pthread_cond_init(Pointer<PthreadCond> cond, Pointer<Void> attrs);
@Native<Int Function(Pointer<PthreadCond>, Pointer<PthreadMutex>)>()
external int pthread_cond_wait(Pointer<PthreadCond> cond, Pointer<PthreadMutex> mutex);
@Native<Int Function(Pointer<PthreadCond>)>()
external int pthread_cond_signal(Pointer<PthreadCond> cond);
/// Runs [body] with [mutex] locked.
R lock<R>(Pointer<PthreadMutex> mutex, R Function() body) {
try {
return body();
} finally {
void check(int retval) {
if (retval != 0) throw 'operaton failed';
// Single producer single consumer mailbox for synchronous communication
// between two isolates.
final class _MailboxRepr extends Struct {
external Pointer<Uint8> buffer;
external int bufferLength;
external int state;
extension on Pointer<_MailboxRepr> {
Pointer<PthreadMutex> get mutex => Pointer<PthreadMutex>.fromAddress(this.address + Mailbox.mutexOffs);
Pointer<PthreadCond> get condRequest => Pointer<PthreadCond>.fromAddress(this.address + Mailbox.condRequestOffs);
Pointer<PthreadCond> get condResponse => Pointer<PthreadCond>.fromAddress(this.address + Mailbox.condResponseOffs);
/// This class allows two isolates (a worker and a dispatcher isolate which
/// spawned it) to communicate synchronously. Dispatcher sends a request to the
/// worker and synchronously waits for response to arrive.
class Mailbox {
static final int mutexSize = 64;
static final int condSize = 64;
static final int headerSize = sizeOf<_MailboxRepr>();
static final int mutexOffs = headerSize;
static final int condRequestOffs = mutexOffs + mutexSize;
static final int condResponseOffs = condRequestOffs + condSize;
static final int totalSize = condResponseOffs + condSize;
final Pointer<_MailboxRepr> _mailbox;
bool isRunning = true;
static const stateNone = 0;
static const stateRequest = 1;
static const stateResponse = 2;
/// Create a new mailbox for communication between dispatcher and the worker.
Mailbox() : _mailbox = calloc.allocate(Mailbox.totalSize) {
check(pthread_mutex_init(_mailbox.mutex, nullptr));
check(pthread_cond_init(_mailbox.condRequest, nullptr));
check(pthread_cond_init(_mailbox.condResponse, nullptr));
/// Create a mailbox pointing to an already existing mailbox.
Mailbox.fromAddress(int address) : _mailbox = Pointer.fromAddress(address);
/// Send the given [message] to the worker isolate and wait for it to
/// produce a response.
/// Performance note: [message] is copied into native memory and response is
/// copied from native memory into the Dart heap.
Uint8List sendRequest(Uint8List message) {
final buffer = _toBuffer(message);
return _toList(lock(_mailbox.mutex, () {
if (_mailbox.state != stateNone) {
throw 'Illegal Mailbox state';
_mailbox.ref.state = stateRequest;
_mailbox.ref.buffer = buffer;
_mailbox.ref.bufferLength = message.length;
// Wake the worker.
// Wait for it to produce the result.
while (_mailbox.ref.state != stateResponse) {
pthread_cond_wait(_mailbox.condResponse, _mailbox.mutex);
// Handle the result.
_mailbox.ref.state = stateNone;
final response = (buffer: _mailbox.ref.buffer, length: _mailbox.ref.bufferLength);
_mailbox.ref.buffer = nullptr;
_mailbox.ref.bufferLength = 0;
return response;
/// Process messages which arrive to this mailbox.
/// Calls [handleMessage] for each incoming message and then sends the
/// response it produces back to the requestor. [msg] buffer is only valid
/// for the duration of the [handleMessage] callback.
/// Performance note: copies response to the native memory.
void messageLoop(Uint8List Function(Mailbox mailbox, Uint8List msg) handleMessage) {
lock(_mailbox.mutex, () {
while (isRunning) {
// Wait for request to arrive.
while (_mailbox.ref.state != stateRequest) {
pthread_cond_wait(_mailbox.condRequest, _mailbox.mutex);
final response = handleMessage(this, _mailbox.ref.buffer.asTypedList(_mailbox.ref.bufferLength));;
_mailbox.ref.state = stateResponse;
_mailbox.ref.buffer = _toBuffer(response);
_mailbox.ref.bufferLength = response.length;
static Uint8List _toList(({Pointer<Uint8> buffer, int length}) data) {
// Ideally we would like just to do `buffer.asTypedList(length)` and
// have finaliser take care of freeing, but we currently can't express
// this in pure Dart in a reliable way without some hacks - because
// [Finalizer] only runs callbacks at the top of the event loop and
// [NativeFinalizer] does not accept Dart functions as a finalizer.
final list = Uint8List(data.length);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) list[i] = data.buffer[i];;
return list;
static Pointer<Uint8> _toBuffer(Uint8List list) {
final buffer = malloc.allocate<Uint8>(list.length);
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) buffer[i] = list[i];
return buffer;
void main() async {
final mailbox = Mailbox();
void request(String msg) {
print('sending $msg');
final response = ascii.decode(mailbox.sendRequest(ascii.encode(msg)));
print('got back: $response');
final worker = await Isolate.spawn((mailboxAddr) {
print('Isolate is running');
Mailbox.fromAddress(mailboxAddr).messageLoop((mailbox, msg) {
final str = ascii.decode(msg);
if (str == 'exit') {
mailbox.isRunning = false;
print('got $str from mailbox, responding');
return ascii.encode('response($str)');
print('Isolate is done');
}, mailbox._mailbox.address);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
request('request #$i');
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