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Created October 8, 2016 17:27
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Converts an array of structures returned by getCEData method within CommonSpot's ADF into a ColdFusion query
<cffunction name="CEDataArrayToQuery" returntype="query" description="convert array of structs from getCEData into a CF query">
<cfargument name="CEDataArray" type="array" required="yes">
<!--- begin by getting struct keys from Values first --->
<cfset valueKeys = StructKeyList(arguments.CEDataArray[1].Values)>
<!--- then create our query, using those keys --->
<cfset qData = QueryNew(valueKeys)>
<!--- iterate through array to add/populate query with data --->
<cfloop array="#CEDataArray#" index="curRecord">
<!--- adding a new row to our query --->
<cfset temp = QueryAddRow(qData)>
<!--- then iterate through list of columns to add each field of data --->
<cfloop list="#valueKeys#" index="curColumn">
<cfset temp = QuerySetCell(qData, curColumn, curRecord.Values[curColumn])>
<cfreturn qData>
<cfcatch type="any">
<!--- handle and/or log any errors that may occur --->
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To eliminate any potential confusion, this function will convert only an array of structures (the data stored within the VALUES key, to be precise) returned from the getCEData method. It will not convert a regular array of structures.

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