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Forked from everruler12/roam-templates.js
Last active October 26, 2020 18:21
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* Roam template PoC by @ViktorTabori
* 0.1alpha
* forked by @everruler12
* v1 2020-08-07
* include moment.js and replace ::current_time:: and ::today:: variables in template
* forked by @mrap
* 2020-10-26
* add ::tomorrow:: variable
* How to install it:
* - go to `roam/js` page`
* - make a new node: {{[[roam/js]]}}
* - indent below this
* - put this code under that node
* - set type to javascript and allow the js to run
* - create a template page with some content: [[template]]/test
* - write :test: to you daily page and see what happens
* known issues:
* - looks hacky
* - for longer templates it messes up some lines
function include_script(url) {
var script = document.createElement('script')
script.src = url
script.type = 'text/javascript'
// check if script is already included, and include if not
const scripts = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('script'))
if (scripts.filter(x => x.src == url).length == 0)
// Moment.js
function replace_variables(tmp) {
variables = [{
syntax: "::current_time::",
fn() {
return moment().format('HH:mm')
}, {
syntax: "::today::",
fn() {
return `[[${moment().format('MMMM Do, YYYY')}]]`
}, {
syntax: "::tomorrow::",
fn() {
return `[[${moment().add(1, 'days').format('MMMM Do, YYYY')}]]`
return variables.reduce((acc, transform) => {
var re = new RegExp(transform.syntax, "g")
return acc.replace(re, transform.fn())
}, tmp)
document.addEventListener('input', function(e) {
if ('_templateHook' in window) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
window._templateHook = async function(e) {
// logging
window._e = e;
// exit if not target
var elem =
if (elem.nodeName != 'TEXTAREA' || != ':') return;
console.log('ok', elem.value, elem);
// nativeValueSetter to bypass
var nativeSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype, "value").set;
// resolve templates
var tab = 0;
var text = elem.value;
elem.value.replace(/:([^:]+):/g, async function(_, v, position) {
// lookup template
var tmp = getTemplate(v);
// if no result
if (!tmp) {
return _;
tmp = replace_variables(tmp)
console.log('template:', v, tmp);
// remove first
tmp = tmp.replace(/^\s*- /, '').split("\n");
// process first line
var line = tmp.shift();
text = text.replace(_, line);
// handle heading
heading = (line.match(/^(#*) ?/) || ['', ''])[1].length;
if (heading > 0) {
console.log('heading:', heading, line.match(/^(#*) ?/));
line = line.replace(/^#* ?/, '');
if (line == '') line = ' ';
// set value, line); = position; = position; Event('input', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
// process lines
while (tmp.length) {
// get new line
elem.selectionStart = elem.value.length;
elem.selectionEnd = elem.value.length;
// get new line and row
await KeyboardLib.pressEnter();
elem = KeyboardLib.getActiveEditElement();
line = tmp.shift();
// handle tabs
console.log('line:', line)
tab = line.match(/^\s*/)[0].length / 2 - tab; // tab difference
console.log('tab:', tab);
if (tab > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < tab; i++) {
await KeyboardLib.pressTab()
} else if (tab < 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < -tab; i++) {
await KeyboardLib.pressShiftTab();
tab = line.match(/^\s*/)[0].length / 2; // save current tab length
// handle heading
heading = (line.match(/^\s*- (#*) ?/) || ['', ''])[1].length;
if (heading > 0) {
console.log('heading:', heading, line.match(/^\s*- (#*) ?/));
// set element value
elem = KeyboardLib.getActiveEditElement();
line = line.replace(/^\s*- #* ?/, '');
if (line == '') line = ' ';, line);
elem.selectionStart = elem.value.length;
elem.selectionEnd = elem.value.length;
console.log('dispatch event');
elem.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
await KeyboardLib.delay(150);
window.getTemplate = function(name) {
/* resolve node function by @ViktorTabori
* id: node id
* level: depth needed for indention
* trail: list of ids to avoid loops
* resolve: resolve block references and embeds starting with an exclamation mark: !{{embed:((blockid))}} and !((blockid))
* skipFirstPrefix: no prefix, needed for block embeds and references
* stop: doesn't resolve children, needed for block reference resolution
function resolveNode(id, level, trail, resolve, skipFirstPrefix, stop) {
var level = level || 0; // for indentation
var trail = Object.assign({}, trail); // to avoid loops
var prefix = skipFirstPrefix ? '' : ' '.repeat(2 * Math.max(level - 1, 0)) + '- '; // indention starting from level 2
var newLine = skipFirstPrefix && stop ? '' : "\n"; // no new line when we resolve simple block references
var ret = '';
// avoid loops: skip if trail already contains id
if (trail[id]) return;
trail[id] = true;
// get node info
var node = window.roamAlphaAPI.pull("[*]", id);
// node order
var order = node[':block/order'] || 0;
// add heading to prefix
if (node[':block/heading'] && node[':block/heading'] > 0) {
prefix += '#'.repeat(node[':block/heading']) + ' ';
// current node string
if (typeof node[':block/string'] != 'undefined') {
// resolve block EMBEDs
var regexEmbed = resolve ? /!?{{\[*embed\]*\s*:\s*\(\(([^\)]*)\)\)\s*}}/ig : /!{{\[*embed\]*\s*:\s*\(\(([^\)]*)\)\)\s*}}/ig;
node[':block/string'] = node[':block/string'].replace(regexEmbed, function(_, v) {
var uid = v.trim();
var id = window.roamAlphaAPI.q("[:find ?e :in $ ?a :where [?e :block/uid ?a]]", uid);
if (id.length == 0) {
return _;
var block = resolveNode(id[0][0], level, trail, true, true); // resolve node, no prefix
if (typeof block != 'undefined') { // for loops we got back undefined
return block;
} else {
return 'LOOP:' + _;
// resolve block REFERENCEs
var regexReference = resolve ? /!?\(\(([^\)]*)\)\)/ig : /!\(\(([^\)]*)\)\)/ig;
node[':block/string'] = node[':block/string'].replace(regexReference, function(_, v) {
var uid = v.trim();
var id = window.roamAlphaAPI.q("[:find ?e :in $ ?a :where [?e :block/uid ?a]]", uid);
if (id.length == 0) {
return _;
var block = resolveNode(id[0][0], level, trail, true, true, true); // resolve node, no prefix, don't resolve children
if (typeof block != 'undefined') { // for loops we got back undefined
return block;
} else {
return 'LOOP:' + _;
// add block text to return
ret += prefix + node[':block/string'] + newLine;
// handle children
if (node[':block/children'] && !stop) {
var children = [];
var tmp;
// get children data
for (var i in node[':block/children']) {
tmp = resolveNode(node[':block/children'][i][':db/id'], level + 1, trail);
if (typeof tmp != 'undefined') {
// sort children in order
children.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.order - b.order
// concat children text
ret += {
return i.txt
// return based on how deep we are in the graph
if (level == 0 || skipFirstPrefix) {
return ret;
} else {
return {
txt: ret,
order: order
// check API endpoint
if (!window.roamAlphaAPI || !window.roamAlphaAPI.q || !window.roamAlphaAPI.pull) return; // no api endpoint
// search node ID
var nodeId; // page we look for
var search = ['template', '[[template]]']; // search for template in template/name, [[template]]/name, ...
for (var i in search) {
nodeId = window.roamAlphaAPI.q("[:find ?e :in $ ?a :where [?e :node/title ?a]]", search[i] + '/' + name);
if (nodeId.length) {
nodeId = nodeId[0][0];
if (!nodeId || nodeId.length == 0) return; // no such template
return resolveNode(nodeId);
window.KeyboardLib = {
// thank you @VladyslavSitalo for the awesome Roam Toolkit, and the basis for this code
delay(millis) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, millis))
getKeyboardEvent: function(type, code, opts) {
return new KeyboardEvent(type, {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
keyCode: code,
getActiveEditElement: function() {
// stolen from Surfingkeys. Needs work.
var element = document.activeElement
// on some pages like chrome://history/, input is in shadowRoot of several other recursive shadowRoots.
while (element.shadowRoot) {
if (element.shadowRoot.activeElement) {
element = element.shadowRoot.activeElement
} else {
var subElement = element.shadowRoot.querySelector('input, textarea, select')
if (subElement) {
element = subElement
return element
async simulateSequence(events, delayOverride) {
events.forEach(function(e) {
return KeyboardLib.getActiveEditElement().dispatchEvent(KeyboardLib.getKeyboardEvent(, e.code, e.opt));
return this.delay(delayOverride || this.BASE_DELAY);
async simulateKey(code, delayOverride, opts) {
return this.simulateSequence([{
name: 'keydown',
code: code,
opt: opts
}, {
name: 'keyup',
code: code,
opt: opts
}], delayOverride);
async changeHeading(heading, delayOverride) {
return this.simulateSequence(
name: 'keydown',
code: 18,
opt: {
altKey: true
name: 'keydown',
code: 91,
opt: {
metaKey: true
name: 'keydown',
code: 48 + heading,
opt: {
altKey: true,
metaKey: true
name: 'keyup',
code: 91,
opt: {
altKey: true
name: 'keyup',
code: 18,
opt: {}
async pressEnter(delayOverride) {
return this.simulateKey(13, delayOverride)
async pressEsc(delayOverride) {
return this.simulateKey(27, delayOverride)
async pressBackspace(delayOverride) {
return this.simulateKey(8, delayOverride)
async pressTab(delayOverride) {
return this.simulateKey(9, delayOverride)
async pressShiftTab(delayOverride) {
return this.simulateKey(9, delayOverride, {
shiftKey: true
async pressCtrlV(delayOverride) {
return this.simulateKey(118, delayOverride, {
metaKey: true
getInputEvent() {
return new Event('input', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
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