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Created June 29, 2014 19:09
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module Main
import Prelude.Algebra
record GCounter : Type where
MkGCounter : (value : Nat) -> GCounter
gcjoin : GCounter -> GCounter -> GCounter
gcjoin l r = (MkGCounter (maximum (value l) (value r)))
gcincrement : GCounter -> GCounter
gcincrement g = (MkGCounter (1 + (value g)))
counterIdempotent : (e : GCounter) ->
MkGCounter (maximum (value e) (value e)) = e
counterIdempotent (MkGCounter val) = cong (maximumIdempotent val)
counterCommutative : (l : GCounter) -> (r : GCounter) ->
MkGCounter (maximum (value l) (value r)) =
MkGCounter (maximum (value r) (value l))
counterCommutative l r = cong (maximumCommutative (value l) (value r))
counterAssociative : (l : GCounter) -> (c : GCounter) -> (r : GCounter) ->
MkGCounter (maximum (value l)
(maximum (value c) (value r))) =
MkGCounter (maximum (maximum (value l) (value c))
(value r))
counterAssociative l c r = cong (maximumAssociative (value l) (value c) (value r))
class VerifiedJoinSemilattice a => CRDTCounter a where
val : a -> Nat
incr : a -> a
total incrInflates : (l : a) -> (join l (incr l)) = (incr l)
instance JoinSemilattice GCounter where
join = gcjoin
instance VerifiedJoinSemilattice GCounter where
joinSemilatticeJoinIsAssociative = counterAssociative
joinSemilatticeJoinIsCommutative = counterCommutative
joinSemilatticeJoinIsIdempotent = counterIdempotent
total sucMaxR : (l : Nat) -> maximum l (S l) = (S l)
sucMaxR Z = refl
sucMaxR (S l) = cong (sucMaxR l)
gcIncrInflates : (l : GCounter) ->
MkGCounter (maximum (value l) (S (value l))) =
MkGCounter (S (value l))
gcIncrInflates l = cong (sucMaxR (value l))
instance CRDTCounter GCounter where
val = value
incr = gcincrement
incrInflates = gcIncrInflates
main : IO ()
main = do
putStrLn (show (value (join (MkGCounter 111) (incr (MkGCounter 8)))))
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