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Created March 23, 2014 00:53
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open Format
open Syntax
open Support.Error
open Support.Pervasive
(* ------------------------ EVALUATION ------------------------ *)
exception NoRuleApplies
let rec isnumericval ctx t = match t with
TmZero(_) -> true
| TmSucc(_,t1) -> isnumericval ctx t1
| _ -> false
let rec isval ctx t = match t with
TmTrue(_) -> true
| TmFalse(_) -> true
| t when isnumericval ctx t -> true
| TmAbs(_,_,_,_) -> true
| _ -> false
let rec eval1 ctx t = match t with
TmLet(fi,x,v1,t2) when isval ctx v1 ->
termSubstTop v1 t2
| TmLet(fi,x,t1,t2) ->
let t1' = eval1 ctx t1 in
TmLet(fi, x, t1', t2)
| TmIf(_,TmTrue(_),t2,t3) ->
| TmIf(_,TmFalse(_),t2,t3) ->
| TmIf(fi,t1,t2,t3) ->
let t1' = eval1 ctx t1 in
TmIf(fi, t1', t2, t3)
| TmSucc(fi,t1) ->
let t1' = eval1 ctx t1 in
TmSucc(fi, t1')
| TmPred(_,TmZero(_)) ->
| TmPred(_,TmSucc(_,nv1)) when (isnumericval ctx nv1) ->
| TmPred(fi,t1) ->
let t1' = eval1 ctx t1 in
TmPred(fi, t1')
| TmIsZero(_,TmZero(_)) ->
| TmIsZero(_,TmSucc(_,nv1)) when (isnumericval ctx nv1) ->
| TmIsZero(fi,t1) ->
let t1' = eval1 ctx t1 in
TmIsZero(fi, t1')
| TmApp(fi,TmAbs(_,x,tyT11,t12),v2) when isval ctx v2 ->
termSubstTop v2 t12
| TmApp(fi,v1,t2) when isval ctx v1 ->
let t2' = eval1 ctx t2 in
TmApp(fi, v1, t2')
| TmApp(fi,t1,t2) ->
let t1' = eval1 ctx t1 in
TmApp(fi, t1', t2)
| _ ->
raise NoRuleApplies
let rec eval ctx t =
try let t' = eval1 ctx t
in eval ctx t'
with NoRuleApplies -> t
(* ------------------------ TYPING ------------------------ *)
type constr = (ty * ty) list
let emptyconstr = []
let combineconstr = List.append
let prconstr constr =
let pc (tyS,tyT) =
printty_Type false tyS; pr "="; printty_Type false tyT in
let rec f l = match l with
[] -> ()
| [c] -> pc c
| c::rest -> (pc c; pr ", "; f rest)
pr "{"; f constr; pr "}"
type nextuvar = NextUVar of string * uvargenerator
and uvargenerator = unit -> nextuvar
let uvargen =
let rec f n () = NextUVar("?X" ^ string_of_int n, f (n+1))
in f 0
let rec recon ctx nextuvar t =
match t with
TmVar(fi,i,_) ->
let tyT = getTypeFromContext fi ctx i in
(tyT, nextuvar, [])
| TmAbs(fi, x, Some(tyT1), t2) ->
let ctx' = addbinding ctx x (VarBind(tyT1)) in
let (tyT2,nextuvar2,constr2) = recon ctx' nextuvar t2 in
(TyArr(tyT1, tyT2), nextuvar2, constr2)
| TmAbs(fi, x, None, t2) ->
let NextUVar(u,nextuvar0) = nextuvar() in
let tyX = TyId(u) in
let ctx' = addbinding ctx x (VarBind(tyX)) in
let (tyT2,nextuvar2,constr2) = recon ctx' nextuvar0 t2 in
(TyArr(tyX, tyT2), nextuvar2, constr2)
| TmApp(fi,t1,t2) ->
let (tyT1,nextuvar1,constr1) = recon ctx nextuvar t1 in
let (tyT2,nextuvar2,constr2) = recon ctx nextuvar1 t2 in
let NextUVar(tyX,nextuvar') = nextuvar2() in
let newconstr = [(tyT1,TyArr(tyT2,TyId(tyX)))] in
((TyId(tyX)), nextuvar', List.concat [newconstr; constr1; constr2])
| TmLet(fi, x, t1, t2) ->
if not (isval ctx t1) then
let (tyT1,nextuvar1,constr1) = recon ctx nextuvar t1 in
let ctx1 = addbinding ctx x (VarBind(tyT1)) in
let (tyT2,nextuvar2,constr2) = recon ctx1 nextuvar1 t2 in
(tyT2, nextuvar2, constr1@constr2)
recon ctx nextuvar (termSubstTop t1 t2)
| TmZero(fi) -> (TyNat, nextuvar, [])
| TmSucc(fi,t1) ->
let (tyT1,nextuvar1,constr1) = recon ctx nextuvar t1 in
(TyNat, nextuvar1, (tyT1,TyNat)::constr1)
| TmPred(fi,t1) ->
let (tyT1,nextuvar1,constr1) = recon ctx nextuvar t1 in
(TyNat, nextuvar1, (tyT1,TyNat)::constr1)
| TmIsZero(fi,t1) ->
let (tyT1,nextuvar1,constr1) = recon ctx nextuvar t1 in
(TyBool, nextuvar1, (tyT1,TyNat)::constr1)
| TmTrue(fi) -> (TyBool, nextuvar, [])
| TmFalse(fi) -> (TyBool, nextuvar, [])
| TmIf(fi,t1,t2,t3) ->
let (tyT1,nextuvar1,constr1) = recon ctx nextuvar t1 in
let (tyT2,nextuvar2,constr2) = recon ctx nextuvar1 t2 in
let (tyT3,nextuvar3,constr3) = recon ctx nextuvar2 t3 in
let newconstr = [(tyT1,TyBool); (tyT2,tyT3)] in
(tyT3, nextuvar3, List.concat [newconstr; constr1; constr2; constr3])
let substinty tyX tyT tyS =
let rec f tyS = match tyS with
TyArr(tyS1,tyS2) -> TyArr(f tyS1, f tyS2)
| TyNat -> TyNat
| TyBool -> TyBool
| TyId(s) -> if s=tyX then tyT else TyId(s)
in f tyS
let applysubst constr tyT =
(fun tyS (TyId(tyX),tyC2) -> substinty tyX tyC2 tyS)
tyT (List.rev constr)
let substinconstr tyX tyT constr =
(fun (tyS1,tyS2) ->
(substinty tyX tyT tyS1, substinty tyX tyT tyS2))
let occursin tyX tyT =
let rec o tyT = match tyT with
TyArr(tyT1,tyT2) -> o tyT1 || o tyT2
| TyNat -> false
| TyBool -> false
| TyId(s) -> (s=tyX)
in o tyT
let unify fi ctx msg constr =
let rec u constr = match constr with
[] -> []
| (tyS,TyId(tyX)) :: rest ->
if tyS = TyId(tyX) then u rest
else if occursin tyX tyS then
error fi (msg ^ ": circular constraints")
List.append (u (substinconstr tyX tyS rest))
| (TyId(tyX),tyT) :: rest ->
if tyT = TyId(tyX) then u rest
else if occursin tyX tyT then
error fi (msg ^ ": circular constraints")
List.append (u (substinconstr tyX tyT rest))
| (TyNat,TyNat) :: rest -> u rest
| (TyBool,TyBool) :: rest -> u rest
| (TyArr(tyS1,tyS2),TyArr(tyT1,tyT2)) :: rest ->
u ((tyS1,tyT1) :: (tyS2,tyT2) :: rest)
| (tyS,tyT)::rest ->
error fi "Unsolvable constraints"
u constr
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