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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Markov Chain in Haskell
module Chain where
import Data.Map.Strict(Map,insertWith,empty,member,(!))
import System.Random(randomRIO)
data Chain = Chain (Map String [String]) Int deriving (Show)
build :: [String] -> [String] -> Chain -> Chain
build [] _ chain = chain
build [_] _ chain = chain
build (w:ws) p (Chain c l) =
let prefix = if length p < l then p ++ [w] else (tail p) ++ [w]
m = (insertWith (++) (unwords prefix) [head ws] c)
chain = (Chain m l) in
build ws prefix chain
generate :: Int -> Chain -> [String] -> IO [String]
generate 0 _ _ = return []
generate n (Chain c l) ws =
let k = (unwords ws)
choice <- if member k c then pick (c ! k) else return []
let prefix = if length ws < l then ws ++ [choice] else (tail ws) ++ [choice]
next <- (generate (n - 1) (Chain c l) prefix)
return (choice:next)
pick :: [a] -> IO a
pick xs = randomRIO (0, length xs - 1) >>= return . (xs !!)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let c = (build ["", "a", "man", "a", "plan", "a", "canal", "panama"] [] (Chain empty 1))
out <- (generate 10 c [""])
print out
-- ["a","plan","a","plan","a","man","a","man","a","plan"]
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I made a fork of this to provide some algorithmic and stylistic feedback: see here (along with the accompanying comment).

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