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mrb/erwig.idr Secret

Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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module Graph
%default total
Node : Type
Node = Nat
Adj : Type -> Type
Adj a = (List (a, Node))
Context : Type -> Type -> Type
Context a b = (Adj b, Node, a, Adj b)
data Graph a b = Empty |
(&) (Context a b) (Graph a b)
infixr 10 & -- So we can do `context & graph` to construct graphs
isEmpty : Graph a b -> Bool
isEmpty Empty = True
isEmpty _ = False
labNodes : Graph a b -> List Node
labNodes Empty = []
labNodes ((_,n,_,_) & gr) = n::(labNodes gr)
match : Node -> Graph a b -> (Maybe (Context a b), Graph a b)
match _ Empty = (Nothing, Empty)
match node ((p,v,l,s) & gr) = if node == v
then ((Just (p,v,l,s)), gr)
else match node gr
matchAny : Graph a b -> (Maybe (Context a b), Graph a b)
matchAny Empty = (Nothing, Empty)
matchAny (c & g) = (Just c, g)
suc : Context a b -> List Node
suc (_,_,_,s) = map snd s
gmap : (Context a b -> Context a b) -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
gmap fn Empty = Empty
gmap fn (co & gr) = (fn co) & (gmap fn gr)
grev : Graph a b -> Graph a b
grev = gmap swap where swap (p, v, l, s) = (s, v, l, p)
ufold : (Context a b -> c -> c) -> c -> Graph a b -> c
ufold f u Empty = u
ufold f u (c & g) = f c (ufold f u g)
nodes : Graph a b -> List Node
nodes = ufold (\(p,v,l,s) => (v ::)) []
undir : Eq b => Graph a b -> Graph a b
undir = gmap (\(p,v,l,s) => let ps = nub (p++s) in (ps,v,l,ps))
gsuc : Node -> Graph a b -> List Node
gsuc v ((_,_,_,s) & g) = map snd s
gsuc _ Empty = []
del : Node -> Graph a b -> Graph a b
del v (_ & g) = g
del _ Empty = Empty
dfs : List Node -> Graph a b -> List Node
dfs [] _ = []
dfs _ Empty = []
dfs (v::vs) g' with (match v g')
| (Just c, g) = v::dfs (suc c ++ vs) g
| (Nothing, g) = dfs vs g
bfs : List Node -> Graph a b -> List Node
bfs [] _ = []
bfs _ Empty = []
bfs (v::vs) g' with (match v g')
| (Just c, g) = v::(bfs (vs ++ suc c) g)
| (Nothing, g) = bfs vs g
n1 : Node
n1 = 1
n2 : Node
n2 = 2
n3 : Node
n3 = 3
n4 : Node
n4 = 4
left : Adj String
left = [("left", 2)]
up : Adj String
up = [("up", 3)]
right : Adj String
right = [("right", 2)]
down : Adj String
down = [("down", 3)]
g : Graph String String
g = (left ++ up, n1, "a", right) &
([], n2, "b", down) &
([], n3, "c", []) & Empty
context : Context String String
context = ([], 3, "c", [])
data Tree a = Br a (List (Tree a))
postorder : Tree a -> List a
postorder (Br v ts) = concatMap postorder ts++[v]
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