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Last active February 26, 2021 18:15
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jq displaying filtered EC2 instances, only selected fields
# Loops through regions
# Gets all data for instances in the inner array
# Outputs instance id, AZ, Launch Time, and the Name tag
for REGION in us-east-1 us-west-1; do
aws --region $REGION ec2 describe-instances | \
jq '.Reservations[].Instances[] | select(.InstanceId as $id | ["id-1234", "id-56789"] | index($id)) | [.InstanceId, .Placement.AvailabilityZone, .LaunchTime, [.Tags[] | select(.Key == "Name") | .Value][] ]'
# I want to comment on and break down the last part of the jq command:
# [.InstanceId, .PlacementAvailabilityZone, .Launchtime, [.Tags[] | select(.Key == "Name) | .Value][] ]
# That makes it print out something like:
# [
# "id-1234",
# "us-west-1a",
# "2020-02-24T18:03:22.000Z",
# "ServerFoo"
# ]
# In particular I wanted to break down the odd construction of the last field:
# [.Tags[] | select(.Key == "Name") | .Value][]
# The data coming in to this is an array of tag maps, so the ".Tags[]" flattens that array. That's normal usage.
# We use "select()" to grab a specific tag, the "Name" tag, and print its value. That's normal usage too.
# All of that is in array brackets, which will output these as an array.
# But then it's followed by another set of empty brackets. The basic pattern is:
# [ something | filter | output ][]
# Why the extra set of brackets? It's the same reason we use ".Tags[]" earlier.
# That "output" is an array that looks like this:
# [
# "ServerFoo"
# ]
# Since I only want the string, not an array with a single string, I also flatten it with an extra set of "[]" at the end.
# The concept I want to stress is that I can flatten an array with "[]" that *I* am creating as part of the output.
# When I first tried to do it, I thought there was no way it would work, but it did, and made my life simple.
# I use it all the time now, just never documented it anywhere. fin
# jq is so so so cool
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jq is just a marvel at its power and capability.

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