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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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A simple API exercise using the GitHub API

Intro to GitHub API Exercise

  1. In your DevLeague temp directory, create a directory called github_api_intro.

  2. In github_api_intro, create the following files and directories: js/app.js, css/styles.css (optional), index.html.

  3. Create the basic HTML structure and reference the JS and CSS files in your index.html. Be sure to reference jQuery before the js/app.js file:

<script src=""></script>

Run your app using the http-server command.

  1. Within the <body> tags, create a <div> containing a text <input> and a <button>.

  2. In js/app.js, write code that ensures the DOM is ready. The rest of your JS code should be written within this function.

  3. Create a GET request to the following URL to retrieve all the repos from the devleague organization:

Note: Visit the URL in your browser to see what data is returned or console.log the data.

  1. With the data retrieved from step 6, display the name of each repo returned as a list on the page.

  2. Create a click event listener for the <button> you implemented in step 4 so that it retrieves the value of the <input> (this will be a GitHub username).

  3. Then create a function listUserRepos that takes a GitHub username as a param and fires a GET request to the following URL. Then call this function whenever the button you implemented in step 4 is clicked.

Note: Replace :username above with the GitHub user's username.

  1. Inside the listUserRepos function, with the data retrieved from step 9, display the username as an <h2> and then list the names of the user's repos below it.

  2. Create a GET request to list all the commit messages for a single repo. Display this data to the page.

Note: Replace :owner with a GitHub user or organization of your choice and :repo with the name of a repo of your choice.

  1. Create a GET request to list all the commit messages authored by Jon theRemix. Display this data to the page.

Note: The repo above has multiple authors. If you do not specify an author param, you will receive commits by all authors of the repo.

  1. Refactor your GET requests into a single function (call listUserRepos something else) that fires any GET request to the GitHub API and then displays a list of items with the data retrieved.
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