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Last active August 12, 2023 06:31
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Get BTC addresses from ETH Transaction
const { Web3 } = require('web3');
const {TransactionFactory} = require('@ethereumjs/tx')
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
// Conéctate a un nodo local (puedes cambiar la URL si es necesario)
const web3 = new Web3('QUICKNODE API EP');
async function getRawTransaction(txHash) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: 'eth_getRawTransactionByHash',
params: [txHash],
id: new Date().getTime()
}, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
function compressPublicKey(uncompressedKey) {
if (uncompressedKey[0] !== 0x04) {
throw new Error("Not an uncompressed public key");
const y = uncompressedKey.slice(33);
const isOdd = y[y.length - 1] % 2 !== 0;
if (isOdd) {
return Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0x03]), uncompressedKey.slice(1, 33)]);
} else {
return Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0x02]), uncompressedKey.slice(1, 33)]);
function getP2PKHAddress(pubKeyBuffer) {
const { address } = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({ pubkey: pubKeyBuffer });
return address;
function getP2SHP2WPKHAddress(pubKeyBuffer) {
const { address } = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({
redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: pubKeyBuffer })
return address;
function getBech32P2WPKHAddress(pubKeyBuffer) {
const { address } = bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: pubKeyBuffer });
return address;
function getBitcoinAddresses(pubKeyHex) {
let pubKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(pubKeyHex, 'hex');
let P2PKH_uncompressed = getP2PKHAddress(pubKeyBuffer);
// Comprimir la clave pública si es no comprimida
if (pubKeyBuffer.length === 65 && pubKeyBuffer[0] === 0x04) {
pubKeyBuffer = compressPublicKey(pubKeyBuffer);
if (pubKeyBuffer.length !== 33) {
throw new Error('Invalid public key format.');
return {
P2PKH: getP2PKHAddress(pubKeyBuffer),
P2SHP2WPKH: getP2SHP2WPKHAddress(pubKeyBuffer),
Bech32P2WPKH: getBech32P2WPKHAddress(pubKeyBuffer)
async function main() {
let rawTransaction = await getRawTransaction("ETHEREUM TXID");
const tx = TransactionFactory.fromSerializedData((0, web3.utils.hexToBytes)(rawTransaction));
const recoveredPubKey = Buffer.from(tx.getSenderPublicKey()).toString('hex');//its uncompressed
const btcPubKey = "04" + recoveredPubKey; //04 is for uncompressed pubkeys
// Imprime la transacción decodificada
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mrbianchi commented Aug 12, 2023

Of course, derivation schemes like BIP32/BIP39 protect user privacy by preventing this. So, it could only work if the wallet isn't using these standards.

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