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Last active March 1, 2024 17:27
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A benchmark of different trigonometric sine functions.
James William Fletcher (
August 2021 - March 2024
Benchmarking sine wave functions.
compile: gcc sine_bench.c -Ofast -lm -o sine_bench
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
#define interval 1000000
#define AVGITER 3000000
int srandfq = 74235;
void srandf(const int seed)
srandfq = seed;
float randf()
// moc.liamg@seir.kinimod
srandfq *= 16807;
return (float)(srandfq & 0x7FFFFFFF) * 4.6566129e-010f;
// source; James William Fletcher; this should be accurate to three decimal places
#define PIf 3.141592741f
#define x2PIf 6.283185482f // PI*2
#define rx2PIf 0.1591549367f // 1/(PI*2)
#define wlerp(a, b, i) ((b - a) * i + a)
float lerp_sin(const float theta)
// data for the wavetable
static int init = 0;
static float sine_wtable[256] = {0};
// called once on first execution
// generates the wave table
if(init == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
sine_wtable[i] = sinf(i * 0.02454369329f); // 0.02454369329f = x2PIf / 256.f;
init = 1;
// normalise theta to a 0-1 range
float norm = theta * rx2PIf;
// preserve the fractional part that will be lopped off by the wrapping
const float a = norm * 256.f; // scales normal range to wave table range
const float fract = a-floor(a);
// wrap it
const unsigned char i = (unsigned char)(a); // this cast does the wrapping for us, it's fast.
// check for end of array case for wrap-around lerp.
if(i >= 255)
return wlerp(sine_wtable[255], sine_wtable[0], fract);
// do regular table lerp
return wlerp(sine_wtable[i], sine_wtable[i+1], fract);
float aliased_sin(const float theta)
// data for the wavetable
static int init = 0;
static float sine_wtable[65536] = {0};
// called once on first execution
if(init == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < 65536; i++)
sine_wtable[i] = sinf(i * 9.587380191e-05f); // 9.587380191e-05f = x2PIf / 65536.f;
init = 1;
// return result
const unsigned short i = (unsigned short)(10430.37793f * theta); // 10430.37793f = 65536.f / x2PIf
return sine_wtable[i];
// source; KVRAF;
// omega is passed as 2.0*PI*frequency/sampleRate
// Initialise as IIRSine(2, omega, 0); then call on tick as IIRSine(0, 0, 0);
float IIRSine(const int set, const float omega, const float phase)
static float m_a1, m_y1, m_y2;
if(set > 0)
m_a1 = omega;
if(set > 1)
m_a1 = 2.0f * cosf(m_a1);
if(set > 2)
m_y1 = sinf(phase - omega);
m_y2 = sinf(phase - 2.0f * omega);
const float y3 = m_a1 * m_y1 - m_y2;
m_y2 = m_y1;
m_y1 = y3;
return y3;
// source; (SHARC)
// short output;
// main(){
// int i; const short A=0x7e66; /* A=(1.975/2 * 32768) */
// short y[3]={0,0x1209,0}; /* (y0,y1,y2), y1=(0.1409*32768) */
// for (i=0; i<40; i++) { y[0] = (((A*y[1])>>15) + ((A*y[1])>>15)) – y[2]; y[2] = y[1]; /* y2 <–– y1 */ y[1] = y[0]; /* y1 <–– y0 */
// output = y[0];
// }}
float IIRSine2()
static float mv[3] = {0, 0.1409f, 0};
static const float A = 1.975f/2.f;
mv[0] = A * mv[1] - mv[2];
mv[2] = mv[1];
mv[1] = mv[0];
return mv[0];
// source;
float fast_sin1(float x)
x /= 2.f * PIf;
x -= (int)x;
if(x <= 0.5f)
float t = 2.f * x * (2.f * x - 1.f);
return (PIf * t) / ((PIf - 4.f) * t - 1.f);
float t = 2.f * (1.f - x) * (1.f - 2.f * x);
return -(PIf * t) / ((PIf - 4.f) * t - 1.f);
// source;
double fast_sin2(double x)
int k;
double y;
double z;
z = x;
z *= 0.3183098861837907;
z += 6755399441055744.0;
k = *((int *) &z);
z = k;
z *= 3.1415926535897932;
x -= z;
y = x;
y *= x;
z = 0.0073524681968701;
z *= y;
z -= 0.1652891139701474;
z *= y;
z += 0.9996919862959676;
x *= z;
k &= 1;
k += k;
z = k;
z *= x;
x -= z;
return x;
// source;
float fast_sin3(float fAngle)
float fASqr = fAngle*fAngle;
float fResult = 7.61e-03f;
fResult *= fASqr;
fResult -= 1.6605e-01f;
fResult *= fASqr;
fResult += 1.0f;
fResult *= fAngle;
return fResult;
float fast_sin4(float fAngle)
float fASqr = fAngle*fAngle;
float fResult = -2.39e-08f;
fResult *= fASqr;
fResult += 2.7526e-06f;
fResult *= fASqr;
fResult -= 1.98409e-04f;
fResult *= fASqr;
fResult += 8.3333315e-03f;
fResult *= fASqr;
fResult -= 1.666666664e-01f;
fResult *= fASqr;
fResult += 1.0f;
fResult *= fAngle;
return fResult;
// source;
float fast_sin5(float x)
return (16.f * x * (PIf - x)) / (5.f * PIf * PIf - (4.f * x * (PIf - x)));
//return ( 4 * x * (180 - x)) / (40500 - x * (180 - x));
// source; I don't know, I found these some ten years ago and failed to accredit the original authors.
float fast_sin6(float x)
return 1.273239544f * x + -0.636619772f * x * fabsf(x);
float fast_sin7(float x)
float res = 0.f, pow = x, fact = 1.f;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
res += pow / fact;
pow *= x * x;
fact *= (2.f*(i+1.f))*(2.f*(i+1.f)+1.f);
return res;
// main
uint64_t microtime()
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
memset(&tz, 0, sizeof(struct timezone));
gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
return 1000000 * tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec;
int main()
// the big accuracy bench
const float test_max_increment = x2PIf/2;
const float test_max_max = x2PIf*2; // ssh, our secret.
for(float test_max = test_max_increment; test_max <= test_max_max; test_max += test_max_increment)
printf("\n-------------------------------------------------\nTesting accuracy of functions from 0 to %.1f ...\n-------------------------------------------------\n\n", test_max);
// test the lerp_sin() accuracy
printf("Testing lerp_sin() accuracy...\n");
float delta = 0.f;
float increment = 0.1f;
float samples = 0.f;
for(int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
for(float f = 0.f; f < test_max; f += increment)
delta += fabsf(lerp_sin(f) - sinf(f));
// printf("%.1f: %.7f - %.7f\n", f, lerp_sin(f), sinf(f));
// usleep(333333);
samples += 1.f;
printf("Average %f deviance over %.0f samples to %i decimal places (%.6f).\n", delta / samples, samples, d+1, increment);
increment /= 10.f;
// test the aliased_sin() accuracy
printf("\nTesting aliased_sin() accuracy...\n");
delta = 0.f;
increment = 0.1f;
samples = 0.f;
for(int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
for(float f = 0.f; f < test_max; f += increment)
delta += fabsf(aliased_sin(f) - sinf(f));
// printf("%.7f - %.7f\n", aliased_sin(f), sinf(f));
// usleep(333333);
samples += 1.f;
printf("Average %f deviance over %.0f samples to %i decimal places (%.6f).\n", delta / samples, samples, d+1, increment);
increment /= 10.f;
// test the fast_sin1() accuracy
printf("\nTesting fast_sin1() accuracy...\n");
delta = 0.f;
increment = 0.1f;
samples = 0.f;
for(int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
for(float f = 0.f; f < test_max; f += increment)
delta += fabsf(fast_sin1(f) - sinf(f));
// printf("%.7f - %.7f\n", fast_sin1(f), sinf(f));
// usleep(333333);
samples += 1.f;
printf("Average %f deviance over %.0f samples to %i decimal places (%.6f).\n", delta / samples, samples, d+1, increment);
increment /= 10.f;
// test the fast_sin2() accuracy
printf("\nTesting fast_sin2() accuracy...\n");
delta = 0.f;
increment = 0.1f;
samples = 0.f;
for(int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
for(float f = 0.f; f < test_max; f += increment)
delta += fabsf(fast_sin2(f) - sinf(f));
// printf("%.7f - %.7f\n", fast_sin2(f), sinf(f));
// usleep(333333);
samples += 1.f;
printf("Average %f deviance over %.0f samples to %i decimal places (%.6f).\n", delta / samples, samples, d+1, increment);
increment /= 10.f;
// test the fast_sin3() accuracy
printf("\nTesting fast_sin3() accuracy...\n");
delta = 0.f;
increment = 0.1f;
samples = 0.f;
for(int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
for(float f = 0.f; f < test_max; f += increment)
delta += fabsf(fast_sin3(f) - sinf(f));
// printf("%.7f - %.7f\n", fast_sin3(f), sinf(f));
// usleep(333333);
samples += 1.f;
printf("Average %f deviance over %.0f samples to %i decimal places (%.6f).\n", delta / samples, samples, d+1, increment);
increment /= 10.f;
// test the fast_sin4() accuracy
printf("\nTesting fast_sin4() accuracy...\n");
delta = 0.f;
increment = 0.1f;
samples = 0.f;
for(int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
for(float f = 0.f; f < test_max; f += increment)
delta += fabsf(fast_sin4(f) - sinf(f));
// printf("%.7f - %.7f\n", fast_sin4(f), sinf(f));
// usleep(333333);
samples += 1.f;
printf("Average %f deviance over %.0f samples to %i decimal places (%.6f).\n", delta / samples, samples, d+1, increment);
increment /= 10.f;
// test the fast_sin5() accuracy
printf("\nTesting fast_sin5() accuracy...\n");
delta = 0.f;
increment = 0.1f;
samples = 0.f;
for(int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
for(float f = 0.f; f < test_max; f += increment)
delta += fabsf(fast_sin5(f) - sinf(f));
// printf("%.7f - %.7f\n", fast_sin5(f), sinf(f));
// usleep(333333);
samples += 1.f;
printf("Average %f deviance over %.0f samples to %i decimal places (%.6f).\n", delta / samples, samples, d+1, increment);
increment /= 10.f;
// test the fast_sin6() accuracy
printf("\nTesting fast_sin6() accuracy...\n");
delta = 0.f;
increment = 0.1f;
samples = 0.f;
for(int d = 0.f; d < 6; d++)
for(float f = 0; f < test_max; f += increment)
delta += fabsf(fast_sin6(f) - sinf(f));
// printf("%.7f - %.7f\n", fast_sin6(f), sinf(f));
// usleep(333333);
samples += 1.f;
printf("Average %f deviance over %.0f samples to %i decimal places (%.6f).\n", delta / samples, samples, d+1, increment);
increment /= 10.f;
// test the fast_sin7() accuracy
printf("\nTesting fast_sin7() accuracy...\n");
delta = 0.f;
increment = 0.1f;
samples = 0.f;
for(int d = 0; d < 6; d++)
for(float f = 0.f; f < test_max; f += increment)
delta += fabsf(fast_sin7(f) - sinf(f));
// printf("%.7f - %.7f\n", fast_sin7(f), sinf(f));
// usleep(333333);
samples += 1.f;
printf("Average %f deviance over %.0f samples to %i decimal places (%.6f).\n", delta / samples, samples, d+1, increment);
increment /= 10.f;
printf("\n-------------------------------------------------\nTesting speed of functions using random inputs.\n-------------------------------------------------\n\n");
// prep benchmarks
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
float ret = 0.f;
unsigned long e = 0, ui = 0;
uint64_t st = 0, et = 0, avg = 0;
//////// __rdtsc()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("__rdtsc() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += __rdtsc();
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// sinf()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += sinf(st);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("sin() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += sinf(randf()*x2PIf);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// IIRSine()
IIRSine(2, 0, 0);
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += IIRSine(1, st, 0);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("IIRSine() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += IIRSine(1, 0, 0);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// IIRSine2()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += IIRSine2();
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("IIRSine2() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += IIRSine2();
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// lerp_sin()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += lerp_sin(randf()*x2PIf);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("lerp_sin() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += lerp_sin(randf()*x2PIf);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// aliased_sin()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += aliased_sin(randf()*x2PIf);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("aliased_sin() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += aliased_sin(randf()*x2PIf);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// fast_sin1()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += fast_sin1(st);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("fast_sin1() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += fast_sin1(randf()*x2PIf);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// fast_sin2()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += fast_sin2(st);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("fast_sin2() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += fast_sin2(randf()*x2PIf);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// fast_sin3()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += fast_sin3(st);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("fast_sin3() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += fast_sin3(randf()*x2PIf);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// fast_sin4()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += fast_sin4(st);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("fast_sin4() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += fast_sin4(randf()*x2PIf);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// fast_sin5()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += fast_sin5(st);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("fast_sin5() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += fast_sin5(randf()*x2PIf);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// fast_sin6()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += fast_sin6(st);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("fast_sin6() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += fast_sin6(randf()*x2PIf);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
//////// fast_sin7()
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += fast_sin7(st);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("fast_sin7() Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += fast_sin7(randf()*x2PIf);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
// done
printf("%c\n", (char)ret); // forces the compiler to not disregard the functions we are testing
return 0;
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I'm using this to push this project even a little bit further:


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mrbid commented Sep 25, 2021

I'm using this to push this project even a little bit further:


That's really cool. I am just starting work on my own CPU RayTracer in C and this project you are working on looks very exciting, I am just playing with it now and I am very impressed.

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