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Last active January 7, 2023 12:16
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Autoshoot bot for Quake 3 & Quake Live.
James William Fletcher (
February 2020 - October 2021
This is a re-release with a crosshair and other
minimal changes.
This uses pre-computed weights designed to target
only the aqua blue bones model.
So enable force models to aqua blue bones!
I made a bit of a mistake, inputs are binary 0 or 1.
But I would need to re-train it if I fixed this,
and it seems to work fine with binary colour inputs.
This is basically detecting edge cases of white pixels
it's detecting if the scan area has detected an edge
collision with the target. That's why it's better than
a standard "colour clicker".
Network described here:
QuakeLive Settings:
/r_picmip 16
/cg_shadows 0
/com_maxfps 333
/cg_drawfps 1
/cg_fov 130
/cg_railTrailTime 0
/cg_drawCrosshair 0
/cg_oldrail 1
sudo apt install clang libx11-dev libxdo-dev libxdo3 libespeak1 libespeak-dev espeak
clang quakelive_bluebones_autoshoot.c -Ofast -mfma -lX11 -lxdo -lespeak -lm -o aim
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <xdo.h>
#include <espeak/speak_lib.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-result"
~~ Pre-computed weights /
These go in order from least trained weights to most trained weights.
float pw[7][20][10] = {{{-0.000678,0.122750,0.877928},
~~ Utils
int key_is_pressed(Display* dpy, KeySym ks)
char keys_return[32];
XQueryKeymap(dpy, keys_return);
KeyCode kc2 = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, ks);
int isPressed = !!(keys_return[kc2 >> 3] & (1 << (kc2 & 7)));
return isPressed;
unsigned int espeak_fail = 0;
void speakS(const char* text)
if(espeak_fail == 1)
char s[256];
sprintf(s, "/usr/bin/espeak \"%s\"", text);
espeak_Synth(text, strlen(text), 0, 0, 0, espeakCHARS_AUTO,NULL,NULL);
Window getWindow(Display* d, const int si) // gets child window mouse is over
XEvent event;
memset(&event, 0x00, sizeof(event));
XQueryPointer(d, RootWindow(d, si), &event.xbutton.root, &event.xbutton.window, &event.xbutton.x_root, &event.xbutton.y_root, &event.xbutton.x, &event.xbutton.y, &event.xbutton.state);
event.xbutton.subwindow = event.xbutton.window;
event.xbutton.window = event.xbutton.subwindow;
XQueryPointer(d, event.xbutton.window, &event.xbutton.root, &event.xbutton.subwindow, &event.xbutton.x_root, &event.xbutton.y_root, &event.xbutton.x, &event.xbutton.y, &event.xbutton.state);
return event.xbutton.window;
Window findWindow(Display *d, Window current, char const *needle)
Window ret = 0, root, parent, *children;
unsigned cc;
char *name = NULL;
if(current == 0)
current = XDefaultRootWindow(d);
if(XFetchName(d, current, &name) > 0)
const int r = strcmp(needle, name);
if(r == 0)
return current;
if(XQueryTree(d, current, &root, &parent, &children, &cc) != 0)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < cc; ++i)
const Window win = findWindow(d, children[i], needle);
if(win != 0)
ret = win;
return ret;
Window getNextChild(Display* d, Window current)
unsigned int cc = 0;
Window root, parent, *children;
if(XQueryTree(d, current, &root, &parent, &children, &cc) == 0)
return current;
const Window rw = children[0];
//printf("%lX\n", children[i]);
return rw;
int gre()
int r = 0;
while(r == 0 || r == 15 || r == 16 || r == 189)
r = (rand()%229)+1;
return r;
void random_printf(const char* text)
const unsigned int len = strlen(text);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("\e[38;5;%im", gre());
printf("%c", text[i]);
void rainbow_printf(const char* text)
static unsigned char base_clr = 0;
if(base_clr == 0)
base_clr = (rand()%125)+55;
base_clr += 3;
unsigned int clr = base_clr;
const unsigned int len = strlen(text);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("\e[38;5;%im", clr);
printf("%c", text[i]);
void rainbow_line_printf(const char* text)
static unsigned char base_clr = 0;
if(base_clr == 0)
base_clr = (rand()%125)+55;
printf("\e[38;5;%im", base_clr);
if(base_clr >= 230)
base_clr = (rand()%125)+55;
const unsigned int len = strlen(text);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("%c", text[i]);
~~ Perceptron
float _probability = 0.7f; // minimum probability from neuron before attack
float doPerceptron(float* in, const uint32_t n, float* w)
float ro = 0.f;
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
ro += in[i] * w[i];
if(ro < 0.f){ro = 0.f;} // ReLU
return ro;
float doDeepResult(float* in, const unsigned int k)
//Output Array to Final Neuron
#define outputs 10
float h[outputs] = {0};
//Quaterize the 3x3 into 2x2x4
h[0] = doPerceptron((float[]){in[4], in[1], in[3], in[0]}, 4, pw[k][9]);
h[1] = doPerceptron((float[]){in[4], in[1], in[2], in[5]}, 4, pw[k][10]);
h[2] = doPerceptron((float[]){in[4], in[7], in[6], in[3]}, 4, pw[k][11]);
h[3] = doPerceptron((float[]){in[4], in[7], in[8], in[5]}, 4, pw[k][12]);
//3x3 to 1x3
h[4] = doPerceptron((float[]){in[0], in[1], in[2]}, 3, pw[k][13]);
h[5] = doPerceptron((float[]){in[3], in[4], in[5]}, 3, pw[k][14]);
h[6] = doPerceptron((float[]){in[6], in[7], in[8]}, 3, pw[k][15]);
//3x3 to 1x3
h[7] = doPerceptron((float[]){in[0], in[3], in[6]}, 3, pw[k][16]);
h[8] = doPerceptron((float[]){in[1], in[4], in[7]}, 3, pw[k][17]);
h[9] = doPerceptron((float[]){in[2], in[5], in[8]}, 3, pw[k][18]);
//Final neuron
return doPerceptron(h, outputs, pw[k][19]);
~~ Program Entry Point
int main()
if(espeak_Initialize(AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCH_PLAYBACK, 0, 0, 0) < 0)
espeak_fail = 1;
rainbow_printf("James William Fletcher (\n\n");
rainbow_printf("L-CTRL + L-ALT = Toggle BOT ON/OFF\n");
rainbow_printf("R-CTRL + R-ALT = Toggle HOTKEYS ON/OFF\n");
rainbow_printf("1/2 = How Desperate (1: Accurate / 2: Spray & Pray)\n");
rainbow_printf("P = Toggle crosshair\n");
rainbow_printf("\nDisable the game crosshair and use the one provided by this bot, or if your monitor provides a crosshair use that.\n\n");
xdo_t* xdo;
XColor c[9];
Display *d;
Window twin;
GC gc = 0;
int si;
unsigned int x=0, y=0;
unsigned int enable = 0;
unsigned int offset = 3;
unsigned int crosshair = 0;
unsigned int hotkeys = 1;
time_t ct = time(0);
// open display 0
d = XOpenDisplay(":0");
if(d == NULL)
printf("Failed to open display\n");
return 0;
// get default screen
si = XDefaultScreen(d);
xdo = xdo_new(":0.0");
// set console title
Window awin;
xdo_get_active_window(xdo, &awin);
xdo_set_window_property(xdo, awin, "WM_NAME", "QuakeLive Autoshoot");
// get graphics context
gc = DefaultGC(d, si);
// find bottom window
twin = findWindow(d, 0, "Quake Live");
if(twin != 0)
printf("QL Win: 0x%lX\n", twin);
twin = getNextChild(d, twin);
printf("QL Win Child: 0x%lX\n\n", twin);
// loop every 1 ms (1,000 microsecond = 1 millisecond)
// inputs
if(key_is_pressed(d, XK_Control_L) && key_is_pressed(d, XK_Alt_L))
if(enable == 0)
// get window
twin = findWindow(d, 0, "Quake Live");
if(twin != 0)
twin = getNextChild(d, twin);
twin = getWindow(d, si);
// get center window point (x & y)
XWindowAttributes attr;
XGetWindowAttributes(d, twin, &attr);
x = attr.width/2;
y = attr.height/2;
// toggle
enable = 1;
rainbow_line_printf("BOT: ON\n");
enable = 0;
rainbow_line_printf("BOT: OFF\n");
// bot on/off
if(enable == 1)
// input toggle
if(key_is_pressed(d, XK_Control_R) && key_is_pressed(d, XK_Alt_R))
if(hotkeys == 0)
hotkeys = 1;
printf("HOTKEYS: ON [%ix%i]\n", x, y);
speakS("hk on");
hotkeys = 0;
rainbow_line_printf("HOTKEYS: OFF\n");
speakS("hk off");
if(hotkeys == 1)
// crosshair toggle
if(key_is_pressed(d, XK_P))
if(crosshair == 0)
crosshair = 1;
rainbow_line_printf("CROSSHAIR: ON\n");
speakS("cx on");
crosshair = 0;
rainbow_line_printf("CROSSHAIR: OFF\n");
speakS("cx off");
if(key_is_pressed(d, XK_1))
_probability = 0.7;
offset = 3;
rainbow_line_printf("DESPERATION: OFF\n");
if(key_is_pressed(d, XK_2))
_probability = 0;
offset = 0;
rainbow_line_printf("DESPERATION: ON\n");
//Get Image Block
XImage *i = XGetImage(d, twin, x-1, y-1, 3, 3, AllPlanes, XYPixmap);
if(i != NULL)
//Get Pixels
c[0].pixel = XGetPixel(i, 0, 0);
c[1].pixel = XGetPixel(i, 1, 0);
c[2].pixel = XGetPixel(i, 2, 0);
c[3].pixel = XGetPixel(i, 0, 1);
c[4].pixel = XGetPixel(i, 1, 1);
c[5].pixel = XGetPixel(i, 2, 1);
c[6].pixel = XGetPixel(i, 0, 2);
c[7].pixel = XGetPixel(i, 1, 2);
c[8].pixel = XGetPixel(i, 2, 2);
// colour map
const Colormap map = XDefaultColormap(d, si);
//Test all "kernels"
for(int k = offset; k < 7; ++k)
//Compute Per Pixel Neuron outputs
float p[9]={0};
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
XQueryColor(d, map, &c[i]);
const float r = c[i].red / 65535;
const float g = c[i].green / 65535;
const float b = c[i].blue / 65535;
p[i] = doPerceptron((float[]){r, g, b}, 3, pw[k][i]);
//Query Deep Result
const float deep_result = doDeepResult(p, k);
//If the neuron/perceptron says fire, fire !
if(deep_result > _probability)
xdo_mouse_down(xdo, CURRENTWINDOW, 1);
xdo_mouse_up(xdo, CURRENTWINDOW, 1);
// display ~1s recharge time
if(crosshair != 0)
crosshair = 2;
ct = time(0);
//Break the loop, we fired off a shot
if(crosshair == 1)
XSetForeground(d, gc, 65280);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x-2, y-1);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x-2, y);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x-2, y+1);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x+2, y-1);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x+2, y);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x+2, y+1);
if(crosshair == 2)
if(time(0) > ct+1)
crosshair = 1;
XSetForeground(d, gc, 16711680);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x-2, y-1);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x-2, y);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x-2, y+1);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x+2, y-1);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x+2, y);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x+2, y+1);
XSetForeground(d, gc, 65280);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x-3, y-1);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x-3, y);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x-3, y+1);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x+3, y-1);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x+3, y);
XDrawPoint(d, twin, gc, x+3, y+1);
// done, never gets here in regular execution flow
return 0;
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