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Last active October 22, 2022 10:46
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Benchmarking random float functions. Extended.
James William Fletcher (
October 2022
compile: gcc random_float_bench_2022.c -Ofast -lm -o main
Benchmarking random float functions, an update to the original in August 2021:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-result"
// #define interval 6000000
// #define AVGITER 30000000
#define interval 1000000
#define AVGITER 3000000
// secure random
float rand_float1()
static const float RECIP_FLOAT_UINT64_MAX = 1.f/(float)UINT64_MAX;
int f = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
uint64_t s = 0;
read(f, &s, sizeof(uint64_t));
return ((float)s) * RECIP_FLOAT_UINT64_MAX;
// classic random
float rand_float2()
static const float rmax = 1.f/(float)RAND_MAX;
return ((float)rand()) * rmax;
float rand_float3() // normal range 0-1
uint_least32_t r = (rand() & 0xffff) + ((rand() & 0x00ff) << 16);
return (float)r * 5.9604645E-8f;
float rand_float4() // normal range 0-1
uint32_t pattern = 0x3f800000;
uint32_t random23 = 0x7fffff & (rand() << 8 ^ rand());
pattern |= random23;
char buffer[sizeof(float)];
memcpy(buffer, &pattern, sizeof(float));
float f;
memcpy(&f, buffer, sizeof(float));
return f - 1.0f;
// adapted from ogre3d asm_math.h
float rand_float5()
static __int64_t q = 74235;
__m64 mm0 = _mm_cvtsi64_m64(q);
__m64 mm1 = _m_pshufw(mm0, 0x1E);
mm0 = _mm_add_pi32(mm0, mm1);
q = _m_to_int64(mm0);
return q * 1.084202172e-19F;
// moc.liamg@seir.kinimod
float rand_float6()
static int srandfq = 74235;
srandfq *= 16807;
return (float)(srandfq) * 4.6566129e-010f;
// Inigo Quilez (
float rand_float7()
static int seed = 74235;
float res;
seed *= 16807;
*((unsigned int *) &res) = ( ((unsigned int)seed)>>9 ) | 0x40000000;
return( res-3.0f );
uint64_t microtime()
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
memset(&tz, 0, sizeof(struct timezone));
gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
return 1000000 * tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec;
void secure_random_srand()
unsigned int s = 0;
int f = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
read(f, &s, sizeof(unsigned int));
int main()
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
float ret = 0;
unsigned long e = 0, ui = 0;
uint64_t st = 0, et = 0, avg = 0;
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += rand_float1();
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("rand_float1() AVG Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
printf("SAMPLE: %.3f\n", rand_float1());
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += rand_float1(-20, 20);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += rand_float2(-20, 20);
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("rand_float2() AVG Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
printf("SAMPLE: %.3f\n", rand_float2());
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += rand_float2(-20, 20);
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += rand_float3();
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("rand_float3() AVG Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
printf("SAMPLE: %.3f\n", rand_float3());
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += rand_float3();
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += rand_float4();
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("rand_float4() AVG Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
printf("SAMPLE: %.3f\n", rand_float4());
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += rand_float4();
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += rand_float5();
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("rand_float5() AVG Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
printf("SAMPLE: %.3f\n", rand_float5());
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += rand_float5();
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += rand_float6();
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("rand_float6() AVG Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
printf("SAMPLE: %.3f\n", rand_float6());
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += rand_float6();
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
avg = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < AVGITER; i++)
st = __rdtsc();
ret += rand_float7();
avg += __rdtsc()-st;
printf("rand_float7() AVG Cycles: %'lu\n", avg / AVGITER);
printf("SAMPLE: %.3f\n", rand_float7());
e = 0;
st = microtime();
while(microtime() - st <= interval)
ret += rand_float7();
ui = interval / 1000000;
printf("Executions in %'lu seconds: %'lu\n", ui, e);
printf("Executions per millisecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000*ui));
printf("Executions per microsecond: %'lu\n", e/(1000000*ui));
printf("~%'.8f executions every nanosecond\n\n", (float)e/(1000000000*ui));
// done
printf("%c\n", (char)ret); // forces the compiler to not disregard the functions we are testing
return 0;
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